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How Would I Create Something Like This....


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Yeah, it is written in a combination of flash (front-end) and some server-side tech (php,asp.net,jsp).


And yeah, flash can be pricey, it retails here in aus for around $899. I should know (but I dont), I work for the company that distributes it (in aus).

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Flash is its own technology, with it's own file format. It uses it's own scripting language, actionscript, which is based on EMCA script (same as javascript). To make that you'll need Flash, HTML and some kind of backend language. You'll probably need a database language too, though if you were feeling particularly masochistic you could store all the games data in files.

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Flash isn't that expensive anymore.  I can get most flash work accomplished for pretty decent prices. Just look around GAF or the "Freelance" forums for someone to build it for you.


It would take a long time to develop if you didn't know any of the stuff really.  You can probably hire someone to replicate someting like that link you showed for around 2,500 and if they knew what they were doing it would probably take them about 3-5 weeks.  (just estimations).

As far as learning.

You would need to learn flash/actionscript. Xhtml, css (for layout design).  Minor graphic design to get the graphics down (or use a template).  

If you are wanting to know what orders to learn things, I recommend.

* Xml

* Flash (design aspect)

* Action Script (Programming aspect)

* The PHP


That way with the xml you have a better understanding of how to load data into flash (one method)  Then the flash/actionscript once learned php will help you to communicate between the 2 using xml.

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What languages would you recommend to learn before even attempting action-script/flash


Actionscript itself is quite an easy language. I'ts based on the same specification (ECMA) as javascript. Syntax wise its also pretty similar to php.


The part that would take the time is learning all the objects provided. Its not quite as difficult as it might sound. Flash comes with a complete IDE and alot of stuff can be built without knowing any actionscript at all.


its different to php though as it is a client side technoligy.

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You don't learn XML.  You use it.  I tried learning what xml was by tutorials and it was futile.  I had to actual use it for it to make sense.  XML is a database of sorts, but not really a database.  It's a way to "Store" data so other languages can easily get access to it.  They are well formed tags, that the user creates.


If you are wanting some good tutorials on it study "Basic xml tutorials" or google "What is xml" to get some of the basics before you move forward.  After that head over to www.w3schools.com to reinforce that knowledge, then jump into a personal project to grab some necessary field experience.

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