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Urgent Help Required


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Hi Guys


Please bare with me as im not an expert when it comes to stuff like this but here it goes


I have a website that is currently not running i keep getting the 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request


I have a php forum as well as a html website that i use to sell bits from my shop and one of the moderators to the forum tried uploading a christmas theme to our forum and since that i keep getting the internal error warning and this about 500 times when i check my error log in cpanel


public_html/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_flag', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


All i can tell you is that it is on phpb and apache 1.3.39 unix and its a linux operating system i can try and provide more info if needed.


Please help as i am desperate to get my site back up and running




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hi there, right im jacko1066's mate who helps him with the website.


i have renamed the .htaccess to .htaccessOLD as guided and this has let the website load up so there for what do i have to do next to combat this problem, my .htaccess file is shown below.


php_flag register_globals on

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right after going onto the shop side of things which is a php online shoping system the following warning appears at the top of my screen


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/wwwperf/public_html/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


what can cause this ? please need help asap thankyou

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Its telling you that the file permissions on the configure.php file are too lax. Try chmod'ing it to 655.


Also, it is a security risk as well as simply bad practice to enabled register_globals. If that is all your .htaccess file contains I would remove it and fix the code problems that may arise.

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ok the hosting company bloke said this


it looks like some permissions have been changed somewhere, I cannot even CHMOD a config file at root level


i dont understand php well enough tbh im only a noobie at it. any help is much appreciated thanks

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OK. Via your ftp client can you right click on the file and chmod it? You need user to have read/write and execute, group to have read/execute and other to have read/execute.


Im not sure this is at all related to the original problem though.

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it looks like some permissions have been changed somewhere, I cannot even CHMOD a config file at root level


If your web hosting guy said exactly that, and he really cannot change a file's permissions while logged in as root, then his entire server is hosed. I've never even heard of that... ever.


Most FTP clients have the ability to CHMOD a file, unless your webhost has disabled that FTP command. What client are you using? What type of web control panel are you using? It can usually be done through there as well...



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