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Newbie...where do I start?


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I have definite concepts with what I want to do with my site, I just don't know how to implement my ideas.  I guess I'll start with the W3 suggestion.


Thanks for pointing me in a direction. Any other suggestions are very welcome!

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I've never even seen a PHP book in real life....  Tutorials all the way for me (and lots of hours messing around).  (Oh... also, I did learn HTML from a book... and tutorials ;p.)


Anyway, I would check out these along with the w3schools link:





There's an extremely indepth book-type thing that someone has in their signature, and I wish I could find it right now, but I can't....  It goes from the basics to basically the most advanced things.... grr.... Now I'm going to be looking through random sigs haha.

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this really might seem like a stupid question, but do you know html?

there is absolutly no point in learning php if you havnt learnt html first, i know alot of people who have tried, none of them have succeeded,


i personally learnt html from playing with the google source ( before they made it all messy)

just doing small things like changing the picture or the button ect,

i then went on and played with other sites untill i saw how they went together ect,

after that i got bored with just static pages and so went on to try and learn something more dynamic (hence i discovered php) my first step which is one that noone has mentioned was to Install a local php + mysql server it makes it so much easier to learn php as you dont need to upoad something to the internet everytime you want to test it or error checking, also it makes it cheaper when you get into the big projects

next i went to the most basic tutorials i could find the one everyone knows Hello world then after about two days of reading i got bored ( because i am impatient :P) and so started pulling other sites apart again by downloading the scripts of sites that i found to be cool or useful.


i then after i saw once again how the basics of php work i came to start developing simple things, but of course as a newbie i had problems, so i began searching for help and found this forum, so now i just think, hmm that would be cool try to make it and ask here + search it on the internet when i get impatient,


so after my life story :P heres my basic tips:

1) Install a local php server (wamp is a auto installer found here

2)read the basics

3) look for things you like and pull them apart

4) try to put simple things together and build on them, dont try to start off with big projects, start something small and build on it

5)your already using this one :P use this forum



cheers matt


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Stupid as it sounds.. good reference for starters is "PHP for dummies" gives you the crude basic's and a nice break down there of.. Another book I like is O'Relies (I think) PHP Pocket Reference, and I'm not sure what your doing with your site but I would also suggest any PHP & MySQL book.. as you'll most likely end up using some database sooner or later.


All else fails, google, and php.net are good places to find info to.

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