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Global/Super Moderator

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What's the difference? ???


I don't understand why there are two groups. I always find them to be the same thing.


Super Moderators were created with the intent that if one of the three administrators was unavailable, too busy, etc., to handle the routine forum administration details, then there would be a group of people with the privileges necessary to take on those tasks. Note that this does not mean that Super Moderators have the same privileges as Administrators, but just some very commonly used ones.

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Admins can do everything.


Global Mods can edit posts, delete posts, warn users, etc..Normal mod stuff.


Super Mods can do all that a global mod can PLUS ban users, delete users, prune forums, add words to the ban word filter, etc.


Moderators, which I don't think we have any, are per board basis. Meaning I might be the moderator for the PHP Help board. That means that I can edit, delete, and do basic moderation in the PHP Help board ONLY.


Hope that helps.

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