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vhost to another ip address


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ok .. i have a relatively firm grasp of the basics of virtual hosts.


however, this one is outside my realm of knowledge.


I would like to have a domain name .. goingcrazy.myplace.net


when requests come in on that address .. i would like the apacher server to send them to a completely different machine in the building.


for example lets say my main server is (demonstration only)


and the second server address is



what, if anything, can I do with apache to send requests from goinginsane.myplace.net to the server instead of the server?


does that make sense??


I've read apache manual and all i can see is how to have multiple incoming ip addresses .. but how do i direct to multiple internal ip address??




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Surely this is better done in your router/firewall?


I completely agree. However, I am unable to route a specific port, in this case port 80, to multiple internal IP addresses.


I have been dodging the need to do so, but perhaps it is time to setup a proxy server.


:-[ :-[


Man .. I already have too much to do



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I guessed as much hehe :D


If you have a firm grasp of vhosts you're more than likely to understand port-forwarding.

Maybe a better fw/router might be a cheaper solution in terms of time and effort??

Or perhaps something like freesco or whatever??? Just a thought.

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