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C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>php "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\php\test.php"

PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes  exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\php\test.php on line 15



i'm geting this error



line 15 looks like this: $x= file ('C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\php\test.txt');


that file is 55.250 kb and has 764.839  lines



134217728 b = 16777216 KB  so as I see my file of 55.250 kb isn't iver the limit






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This is the code:










or die ("Nu ma pot conecta la baza de date");



or die ("Nu gasesc baza de date");



$x= file ('C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\php\tickers.txt');


$n = count ($x);


for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++)


echo $n;

echo " ";

echo $i;

$arr=explode(" ",$x[$i]);


echo " ";


$query="UPDATE test SET tra='$arr[0]', simbol='$arr[2]', piata='$arr[1]', bidvol='$arr[3]', bestbid='$arr[4]' , bestask='$arr[5]' , bidask='$arr[6]' , pret='$arr[8]' , volum='$arr[7]' , nrtra='$arr[9]' , data='$arr[10]' , var='$arr[11]' WHERE simbol='$arr[2]'";



if (mysql_query($query))


echo 'sa facut update;';

echo ' ';




echo 'nu sa facut update;';

echo ' ';



if (mysql_affected_rows()==0)


$query= "INSERT INTO `test` ( `id` , `tra` , `simbol` , `piata` , `bidvol` , `bestbid` , `bestask` , `bidask` , `pret` , `volum` , `nrtra` , `data` , `var` )

VALUES ('', '$arr[0]', '$arr[2]', '$arr[1]', '$arr[3]', '$arr[4]', '$arr[5]', '$arr[6]', '$arr[8]', '$arr[7]', '$arr[9]' ,  '$arr[10]', '$arr[11]')";


echo 'sau introdus date;';

echo ' ';




echo "rau tare";









i'm using php comand line interface,  i have a txt file, and want to insert it in a mysql database, with some selections

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Alright im gonna take a quick stab in the dark cause i notice your using a MS OS.. 1 did you change the CHMOD on the file to one thats read/write.. and 2.. try moving the file to something like C:\Test\Ticker.txt


could be the OS's default security settings are messing with the file as its on the desktop, and the Document and Settings is usually restricted via remote connections. So that Im thinking might be causing a conflict with what your tempting to do.. but let me look over this an see if i see anything else that may be wrong.. but this for now is just food for thought.. 

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The problem could be the sheer volume of queries you are making. If there are over 750 lines in that text file, then that's potentially over 1500 mysql queries - which is quite a few.


You could remove all of the unneeded update queries quite easily: run a query to select all the values of simbol from the database, and put them into an array. In your loop, see if $arr[2] is in the array. If its not, skip straight to the insert, rather than doing an update first. Also removes the need for the call to mysql_affected_rows();

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The problem could be the sheer volume of queries you are making. If there are over 750 lines in that text file, then that's potentially over 1500 mysql queries - which is quite a few.


You could remove all of the unneeded update queries quite easily: run a query to select all the values of simbol from the database, and put them into an array. In your loop, see if $arr[2] is in the array. If its not, skip straight to the insert, rather than doing an update first. Also removes the need for the call to mysql_affected_rows();


there are over 750000 line, so are quite a few, but with this changed from 128 to 500 seams to work



; Resource Limits ;



max_execution_time = 30    ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds

max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data

;max_input_nesting_level = 64 ; Maximum input variable nesting level

memory_limit = 500M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)

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there goes my idea. Sorry i can't be of help


that's ok, i think this will do it, in 1-2 hours


what this script does? :



function say($chars = array()) { $str = null; $alphabeth = range('a','z'); foreach($chars as $char) { $str .= $char==-1 ? ' ' : $alphabeth[$char]; } return $str; }

echo say(array(7,4,11,11,14,-1,22,14,17,11,3));


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what this script does? :



function say($chars = array()) { $str = null; $alphabeth = range('a','z'); foreach($chars as $char) { $str .= $char==-1 ? ' ' : $alphabeth[$char]; } return $str; }

echo say(array(7,4,11,11,14,-1,22,14,17,11,3));



Outputs: hello world

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