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  Hello all, I have been using a simple php script for the past 3 years to calculate points for a gaming guild i am in,it has worked perfectly for 3 years then 3 weeks ago it just quit working properly, then script had been untouched for 2 years and then only the database was purged of old information. here is a link to the script packaged in a rar  lnrguild.com/points/points.rar  and a link to the working site lnrguild.com/points  any help would be much appreciated

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You can look at your php.ini file to see if it's off and turn it on and see if it works.


An example would be something like, you have a URL that has www.mysite.com/index.php?page=news


Then you look at your code for index.php and notice


echo $page;


Notice how we didn't define $page and we didn't use $_GET['page'] to set the variable.

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that doesn't appear to be the case,im going to include the code for the main page,


require ('includes/mysql_connect.php');   

if($_GET['action'] == "Members"){
echo '<font size=4>Guild Member Points Listings</font><BR>';
echo '<font color="red">***Lifetime Points are not for Auctions, they are a total of all points ever earned.</font>';
echo '<table width="490" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#090090"><td width="200" height="20"><b>Name</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">Rank</td><td width="100">Activity</td><td width="70">Currently</td><td width="60">Lifetime</td></tr>' . "\n";

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where Rank != 'Ex-Member' ORDER BY `Name` asc LIMIT 0, 1000") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
while ($members = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
$total = $members[pts] + $members[usedpts];
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td width="200" class="names"><b>'.$members[Name].'</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">'.$members[Rank].'</td><td width="100">'.$members[Activity].'</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="70" bgcolor="#002253">'.$members[pts].'</td><td width="60">'.$total.'</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '</table><BR><BR><br>' . "\n";

$query = "SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where Rank = 'Ex-Member' ORDER BY `pts` DESC LIMIT 0, 100"; 
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {

echo '<table width="490" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#090090"><td width="200" height="20"><b>Name</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">Rank</td><td width="100">Activity</td><td width="70">Currently</td><td width="60">Lifetime</td></tr>' . "\n";

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where Rank = 'Ex-Member' ORDER BY `pts` DESC LIMIT 0, 100") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
while ($members = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
$total = $members[pts] + $members[usedpts];
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td width="200" class="names"><b>'.$members[Name].'</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">'.$members[Rank].'</td><td width="100">'.$members[Activity].'</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="70" bgcolor="#002253">'.$members[pts].'</td><td width="60">'.$total.'</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '</table><BR><BR><br>' . "\n";
} }

if($_GET['action'] == "Pts"){
if (!isset($_SESSION['Fname']) AND (substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -10) != 'logout.php')) { 
header ("Location: http://" . LINK . "adminlogin.php"); }

echo '<font size="4">Spawn Posting</font><BR>Please choose your spawn and check who was there.<BR>'; ?>

<form method="post" action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?action=Ptssub">

echo 'Spawn:<SELECT name="spawnname" value="">';
echo '<option value="">Choose Boss</option>';
echo '<option value="Barracoon">Barracoon</option>';
echo '<option value="Neira">Neira</option>';
echo '<option value="Rikktor">Rikktor</option>';
echo '<option value="Semidar">Semidar</option>';
echo '<option value="Mephisto">Mephisto</option>';
echo '<option value="Lord Oaks">Lord Oaks</option>';
echo '<option value="Harrower">Harrower</option></select>';

echo '<SELECT name="spawnlocation" value="">';
echo '<option value="">Choose Location</option>';
echo '<option value="Despise">Despise</option>';
echo '<option value="Destard">Destard</option>';
echo '<option value="Deceit">Deceit</option>';
echo '<option value="Shame">Shame</option>';
echo '<option value="Tera Keep">Tera Keep</option>';
echo '<option value="Oaks">Oaks</option>';
echo '<option value="COD">City of the Dead</option>';
echo '<option value="Damwin">Damwin</option>';
echo '<option value="Marble">Marble</option>';
echo '<option value="Tortise">Tortise</option>';
echo '<option value="Ice West">Ice West</option>';
echo '<option value="Ice East">Ice East</option>';
echo '<option value="Island">Sanc Island</option>';
echo '<option value="Hoppers Bog">Hoppers Bog</option>';
echo '<option value="Kaldun">Kaldun</option>';
echo '<option value="Desert">Desert</option>';
echo '<option value="Oasis">Oasis</option></select>';
echo '<input type="text" name="spawndesc" value="" size="30"> <font color="gray">'.$Rdate.'</font>' . "\n";

echo '<table width="400" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td colspan="5" width="400" height="20"><b>Points Given</b><BR></td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '<tr><td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="1">1 Pt</td>
<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="2">2 Pt</td>
<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="3">3 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="4">4 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="5">5 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="6">6 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="7">7 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="8">8 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="9">9 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="10">10 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '</table><BR><BR>' . "\n";

echo 'Scout:<SELECT name="Scout" value="" class="forms">';
echo '<option value="None">None</option>';

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` ORDER BY `Name` ASC LIMIT 0, 1000") or die("Could not connect to database");
while ($guildlist = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
echo '<option value="'.$guildlist[iD].'">'.$guildlist[Name].'</option>';
echo '<table width="440" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#090090"><td width="200" height="20"><b>Name</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">Rank</td><td width="60">Activity</td><td width="40">Pts.</td><td width="40">Check</td></tr>' . "\n";

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` ORDER BY `Name` ASC LIMIT 0, 1000") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
for ($i=1;$members = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH);++$i) { 

echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td width="200" class="names"><b>'.$members['Name'].'</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">'.$members['Rank'].'</td><td width="60">'.$members['Activity'].'</td><td width="40">'.$members['pts'].'</td>';
print '<td width="40"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="'.$members['ID'].'"><input type="hidden" name="checkedmembers[]" value"'.$members['Name'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="ID" value"'.$members['ID'].'"></td></tr>' . "\n";


echo '</table><BR><BR>' . "\n";

echo '<input type="submit" value="Update" name="submits"><br /></form><br />';


if($_GET['action'] == "Ptssub"){
if (!isset($_SESSION['Fname']) AND (substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -10) != 'logout.php')) { 
header ("Location: http://" . LINK . "adminlogin.php"); }

if(empty($spawnvalue) || empty($spawndesc) || empty($spawnlocation)) die("Field left Blank");
if (isset($_POST['submits'])) {

if (isset($_POST['checkbox'])) {
$names = NULL;
      foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $key=>$val) { 
$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where ID = $val");
$result = mysql_query ($mani);
while($test = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {

$names .= "{$test['Name']}, ";
$blah = $test['pts'] + $_POST['spawnvalue'];     
$query = "UPDATE guild_members SET pts=$blah where ID = $val";   
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if ($result) { echo ''.$test['Name'].': +'.$_POST['spawnvalue'].'<Br>'; }    
$names = substr($names, 0, -2);
$checkbox = TRUE;

} else { $checkbox = NULL;  echo 'No checkboxes!<BR>'; exit (); }

$query = "SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where ID = '$Scout'";
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where ID = '$Scout'");
$result = mysql_query ($mani);
while($test = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
$numb = 3;
$point = $test['pts'] + $numb;  

$query = "UPDATE guild_members SET pts=$point where ID = '$Scout'";
$result = mysql_query ($query);  
if ($result) { echo "Scout: ".$test["Name"].""; }

$cmdstr = "insert into spawns(spawnname, spawnlocation, spawndesc, spawnvalue, Rdate, message, posted, Scout) values ('{$_POST['spawnname']}', '{$_POST['spawnlocation']}', '{$_POST['spawndesc']}', '{$_POST['spawnvalue']}', '$Rdate', '$names', '$_SESSION[Fname]', '{$test['Name']}')";
$result = mysql_query($cmdstr);
} } else {

$cmdstr = "insert into spawns(spawnname, spawnlocation, spawndesc, spawnvalue, Rdate, message, posted, Scout) values ('{$_POST['spawnname']}', '{$_POST['spawnlocation']}', '{$_POST['spawndesc']}', '{$_POST['spawnvalue']}', '$Rdate', '$names', '$_SESSION[Fname]', '{$_POST['Scout']}')";
$result = mysql_query($cmdstr);
if ($result) { echo "No Scout Was Rewarded!<BR><BR>"; } 

} }




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i realy dont know much about writing php scripts, just enough to install them and edit them a lil bit, the problem with the script is that there is a admin page that allows me to add points to multiple members by checking there name on a list, now when i sumbit it, the screen goes blank and doesnt update, i can also add members, manualy edit there info and this all still works fine

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this should be the section that sumbits the post

require ('includes/mysql_connect.php');   

if($_GET['action'] == "Members"){
echo '<font size=4>Guild Member Points Listings</font><BR>';
echo '<font color="red">***Lifetime Points are not for Auctions, they are a total of all points ever earned.</font>';
echo '<table width="490" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#090090"><td width="200" height="20"><b>Name</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">Rank</td><td width="100">Activity</td><td width="70">Currently</td><td width="60">Lifetime</td></tr>' . "\n";

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where Rank != 'Ex-Member' ORDER BY `Name` asc LIMIT 0, 1000") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
while ($members = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
$total = $members[pts] + $members[usedpts];
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td width="200" class="names"><b>'.$members[Name].'</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">'.$members[Rank].'</td><td width="100">'.$members[Activity].'</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="70" bgcolor="#002253">'.$members[pts].'</td><td width="60">'.$total.'</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '</table><BR><BR><br>' . "\n";

$query = "SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where Rank = 'Ex-Member' ORDER BY `pts` DESC LIMIT 0, 100"; 
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {

echo '<table width="490" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#090090"><td width="200" height="20"><b>Name</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">Rank</td><td width="100">Activity</td><td width="70">Currently</td><td width="60">Lifetime</td></tr>' . "\n";

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where Rank = 'Ex-Member' ORDER BY `pts` DESC LIMIT 0, 100") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
while ($members = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
$total = $members[pts] + $members[usedpts];
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td width="200" class="names"><b>'.$members[Name].'</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">'.$members[Rank].'</td><td width="100">'.$members[Activity].'</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="70" bgcolor="#002253">'.$members[pts].'</td><td width="60">'.$total.'</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '</table><BR><BR><br>' . "\n";
} }

if($_GET['action'] == "Pts"){
if (!isset($_SESSION['Fname']) AND (substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -10) != 'logout.php')) { 
header ("Location: http://" . LINK . "adminlogin.php"); }

echo '<font size="4">Spawn Posting</font><BR>Please choose your spawn and check who was there.<BR>'; ?>

<form method="post" action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?action=Ptssub">

echo 'Spawn:<SELECT name="spawnname" value="">';
echo '<option value="">Choose Boss</option>';
echo '<option value="Barracoon">Barracoon</option>';
echo '<option value="Neira">Neira</option>';
echo '<option value="Rikktor">Rikktor</option>';
echo '<option value="Semidar">Semidar</option>';
echo '<option value="Mephisto">Mephisto</option>';
echo '<option value="Lord Oaks">Lord Oaks</option>';
echo '<option value="Harrower">Harrower</option></select>';

echo '<SELECT name="spawnlocation" value="">';
echo '<option value="">Choose Location</option>';
echo '<option value="Despise">Despise</option>';
echo '<option value="Destard">Destard</option>';
echo '<option value="Deceit">Deceit</option>';
echo '<option value="Shame">Shame</option>';
echo '<option value="Tera Keep">Tera Keep</option>';
echo '<option value="Oaks">Oaks</option>';
echo '<option value="COD">City of the Dead</option>';
echo '<option value="Damwin">Damwin</option>';
echo '<option value="Marble">Marble</option>';
echo '<option value="Tortise">Tortise</option>';
echo '<option value="Ice West">Ice West</option>';
echo '<option value="Ice East">Ice East</option>';
echo '<option value="Island">Sanc Island</option>';
echo '<option value="Hoppers Bog">Hoppers Bog</option>';
echo '<option value="Kaldun">Kaldun</option>';
echo '<option value="Desert">Desert</option>';
echo '<option value="Oasis">Oasis</option></select>';
echo '<input type="text" name="spawndesc" value="" size="30"> <font color="gray">'.$Rdate.'</font>' . "\n";

echo '<table width="400" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td colspan="5" width="400" height="20"><b>Points Given</b><BR></td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '<tr><td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="1">1 Pt</td>
<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="2">2 Pt</td>
<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="3">3 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="4">4 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="5">5 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="6">6 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="7">7 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="8">8 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="9">9 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="80"><input type="checkbox" name="spawnvalue" value="10">10 Pt</td>' . "\n";
echo '</table><BR><BR>' . "\n";

echo 'Scout:<SELECT name="Scout" value="" class="forms">';
echo '<option value="None">None</option>';

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` ORDER BY `Name` ASC LIMIT 0, 1000") or die("Could not connect to database");
while ($guildlist = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
echo '<option value="'.$guildlist[iD].'">'.$guildlist[Name].'</option>';
echo '<table width="440" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#090090"><td width="200" height="20"><b>Name</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">Rank</td><td width="60">Activity</td><td width="40">Pts.</td><td width="40">Check</td></tr>' . "\n";

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` ORDER BY `Name` ASC LIMIT 0, 1000") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
for ($i=1;$members = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH);++$i) { 

echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle"><td width="200" class="names"><b>'.$members['Name'].'</b></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="100">'.$members['Rank'].'</td><td width="60">'.$members['Activity'].'</td><td width="40">'.$members['pts'].'</td>';
print '<td width="40"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="'.$members['ID'].'"><input type="hidden" name="checkedmembers[]" value"'.$members['Name'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="ID" value"'.$members['ID'].'"></td></tr>' . "\n";


echo '</table><BR><BR>' . "\n";

echo '<input type="submit" value="Update" name="submits"><br /></form><br />';


if($_GET['action'] == "Ptssub"){
if (!isset($_SESSION['Fname']) AND (substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -10) != 'logout.php')) { 
header ("Location: http://" . LINK . "adminlogin.php"); }

if(empty($spawnvalue) || empty($spawndesc) || empty($spawnlocation)) die("Field left Blank");
if (isset($_POST['submits'])) {

if (isset($_POST['checkbox'])) {
$names = NULL;
      foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $key=>$val) { 
$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where ID = $val");
$result = mysql_query ($mani);
while($test = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {

$names .= "{$test['Name']}, ";
$blah = $test['pts'] + $_POST['spawnvalue'];     
$query = "UPDATE guild_members SET pts=$blah where ID = $val";   
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if ($result) { echo ''.$test['Name'].': +'.$_POST['spawnvalue'].'<Br>'; }    
$names = substr($names, 0, -2);
$checkbox = TRUE;

} else { $checkbox = NULL;  echo 'No checkboxes!<BR>'; exit (); }

$query = "SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where ID = '$Scout'";
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `guild_members` where ID = '$Scout'");
$result = mysql_query ($mani);
while($test = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
$numb = 3;
$point = $test['pts'] + $numb;  

$query = "UPDATE guild_members SET pts=$point where ID = '$Scout'";
$result = mysql_query ($query);  
if ($result) { echo "Scout: ".$test["Name"].""; }

$cmdstr = "insert into spawns(spawnname, spawnlocation, spawndesc, spawnvalue, Rdate, message, posted, Scout) values ('{$_POST['spawnname']}', '{$_POST['spawnlocation']}', '{$_POST['spawndesc']}', '{$_POST['spawnvalue']}', '$Rdate', '$names', '$_SESSION[Fname]', '{$test['Name']}')";
$result = mysql_query($cmdstr);
} } else {

$cmdstr = "insert into spawns(spawnname, spawnlocation, spawndesc, spawnvalue, Rdate, message, posted, Scout) values ('{$_POST['spawnname']}', '{$_POST['spawnlocation']}', '{$_POST['spawndesc']}', '{$_POST['spawnvalue']}', '$Rdate', '$names', '$_SESSION[Fname]', '{$_POST['Scout']}')";
$result = mysql_query($cmdstr);
if ($result) { echo "No Scout Was Rewarded!<BR><BR>"; } 

} }


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actually i think this is it


require ('includes/mysql_connect.php');

if($action == "Viewspawns") {
echo '<font size=4>Recent Spawn Listings</font>';
if ( $page == NULL || $page < 1 )
	$page = 1;

echo '<table border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="left" valign="top"><td>';
$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `spawns` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT ".(($page-1)*30).", 30") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
while ($erm = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {

#Admin edit check
if($_SESSION[Level] > 1) { echo '<a href="?action=Editspawn&id='.$erm['ID'].'"><font color="red">Edit</font></a> - '; }

echo '<a href="spawns.php?action=Displayspawn&id='.$erm['ID'].'">' . "\n";
echo ''.$erm['spawnname'].' | '.$erm['spawnlocation'].': '.$erm['spawndesc'].'</a> - '.$erm['Rdate'].'  '.$erm['Rtime'].'<BR>' . "\n";

$query = "SELECT * FROM `spawns`" or die("Could not connect to database"); 
$result = mysql_query ($query);

$totalfields = mysql_num_rows($result);
$totalpages = $totalfields / 30;
if ( $totalfields % 30 > 0 )

echo '<BR><BR>Page: ';

for( $i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++) {
	if ( $page != $i )
		echo '<a href="?action=Viewspawns&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>';
		echo $i;

	if ( $i < $totalpages )
		echo ' | ';
} exit();

echo '</td></tr></table>';
if($action == "Displayspawn"){
if ( $id == NULL || !is_numeric($id) || $id < 1 )
	$id = 1;

echo '<font size=4>Spawn Listings</font>';

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `spawns` where `ID` = $id") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
$result = mysql_query($mani);
while ($erm = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {

echo '<table width="500" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td width="500" height="20"  colspan="2"><b>Spawn:</b>'.$erm['spawnname'].' | '.$erm['spawnlocation'].': '.$erm['spawndesc'].'<BR></td>' . "\n";
echo '</tr><tr><td width="500" align="right"  colspan="2">'.$erm['Rdate'].'  '.$erm['Rtime'].'</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '<tr><td width="250" align="left" valign="top">Scout: '.$erm['Scout'].' +1</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="250" align="right" valign="top">+'.$erm['spawnvalue'].' Spawn Pts</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '<tr><td width="500" height="100" align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Attended:</b> '.$erm['message'].'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width="500" align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Posted by:</b> '.$erm['posted'].'</td></tr>';
echo '</table><BR><BR>' . "\n";

if($action == "Editspawn"){
if (!isset($_SESSION['Fname']) AND (substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -10) != 'logout.php')) { 
header ("Location: http://" . LINK . "adminlogin.php"); }

if ( $id == NULL || !is_numeric($id) || $id < 1 )
	$id = 1;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `spawns` where `ID` = $id") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
$result = mysql_query($mani);
while ($erm = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {

$query = "UPDATE spawns SET spawnname='{$_POST['editname']}', spawndesc='{$_POST['editdesc']}', spawnvalue='{$_POST['editvalue']}', message='{$_POST['editmembers']}',  Scout='{$_POST['editscout']}', posted='{$_POST['editposted']}' where ID = '$id'";
$result = mysql_query ($query); 
echo '<BR><BR>-= Spawn edited and saved =-<BR>';
$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `spawns` where `ID` = $id") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
$result = mysql_query($mani);
while ($erm = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
echo '<table width="400" border="1" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td width="400" height="20"  colspan="2"><b>Spawn:</b>'.$erm['spawnname'].' - '.$erm['spawndesc'].'<BR></td>' . "\n";
echo '</tr><tr><td width="400" align="right"  colspan="2">'.$erm['Rdate'].'  '.$erm['Rtime'].'</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '<tr><td width="200" align="left" valign="top">Scout: '.$erm['Scout'].' +1</td>' . "\n";
echo '<td width="200" align="right" valign="top">+'.$erm['spawnvalue'].' Spawn Pts</td></tr>' . "\n";
echo '<tr><td width="400" height="100" align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Attended:</b> '.$erm['message'].'</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width="400" align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Posted by:</b> '.$erm['posted'].'</td></tr>';
echo '</table><BR><BR>' . "\n";
$mani = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `spawns` where `ID` = $id") or die("Could not connect to database"); 
$result = mysql_query($mani);
while ($erm = mysql_fetch_array($mani, MYSQL_BOTH)) {

echo '<font size=4>Spawn Listings</font>';
echo '<form action="spawns.php?action=Editspawn&id='.$id.'" method="post">';
echo '<table width="450" border="0" bordercolor="000652" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tablebg">' . "\n";
echo '<tr align="right" valign="middle"><td width="450">';
echo 'Name:<input type="text" name="editname" value="'.$erm['spawnname'].'" size="20"><BR>' . "\n";
echo 'Description:<input type="text" name="editdesc" value="'.$erm['spawndesc'].'" size="20"><BR>' . "\n";
echo 'Points:<input type="text" name="editvalue" value="'.$erm['spawnvalue'].'" size="2"> ' . "\n";
echo 'Scout:<input type="text" name="editscout" value="'.$erm['Scout'].'" size="20"><BR>' . "\n";
echo 'Attended:<textarea name="editmembers" value="" cols="40" rows="6">'.$erm['message'].'</textarea><BR>' . "\n";
echo 'Posted by:<input type="text" name="editposted" value="'.$erm['posted'].'" size="20"><BR>' . "\n";

echo '<input type="submit" value="Edit" name="submit"><BR>';
echo '</td></tr></table>' . "\n";



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