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Perl, lightloader & upload.cgi Premature end of script


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Im using a lightloader uploader and upload.cgi and just having mad errors for several days, i feel like ive tried everything, need help. I had this working on xilahosting's servers, now I have a dedicated one at 1and1, and this is the only serverside issue im really having right now.


Perl Version: 5.8.8 // PHP 5 // Fedora Core 6 Linux


All CHMOD is 755

All files were uploaded ASCII

Permissions and group for all public files, including CGI-BIN files and directory is smtv:psaserv


Running upload.cgi in shell:

perl -cw upload.cgi
Name "main::file_upload" used only once: possible typo at upload.cgi line 194.
Name "main::content_type" used only once: possible typo at upload.cgi line 84.
upload.cgi syntax OK


Server Error Log:

Name "main::file_upload" used only once: possible typo at upload.cgi line 194., referer: http://site/lightloader/uploadvid.php
Name "main::content_type" used only once: possible typo at upload.cgi line 84., referer: http://site/lightloader/uploadvid.php
Premature end of script headers: upload.cgi, referer: http://site/lightloader/uploadvid.php 


Suexec log repeats

cmd: upload.cgi


Entire upload.cgi script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# PHP File Uploader with progress bar Version 2.1
# Copyright (C) Raditha Dissanyake 2003
# http://www.raditha.com
# Changed for use with AJAX by Tomas Larsson
# http://tomas.epineer.se/
# Extensive modifications for use with JSON by
# Jeremy Nicoll
# http://www.SeeMySites.net

# Licence:
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under this License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Raditha Dissanayake.
# Portions created by Raditha are Copyright (C) 2003
# Raditha Dissanayake. All Rights Reserved.

# As of version 1.00 cookies were abolished!
# as of version 1.02 stdin is no longer set to non blocking.
# 1.40 - POST is no longer required and processing is more efficient.
#	Please refer online docs  for details.
# 1.42 - The temporary locations were changed, to make it easier to
#	clean up afterwards.	
# 1.45.
#   Changed the way in which the file list is passed to the php handler
# 2.0  (2006-03-12) (Tomas Larsson)
#   Changed to work better with AJAX. This meant improved error handling
#	and no forwarding to php page after successful upload. Also moved settings
#	in to this file.
# 2.1  (2006-05-03) (Jeremy Nicoll)
#   Modified file even for better error handling, and to remove files if they are already
# present.  This prevents problems with corrupted uploads.  Code removed that would output 
# JavaScript straight to the browser, as this is done via the PHP upload listener anyway
# and only caused problems.  
# 2.1.1 (2006-12-5) (Jeremy Nicoll
#   Add binary mode for the Windows users

$max_upload = 104857600; # Set this to whatever you feel suitable for you.
$tmp_dir ="../lightloader/tempfiles"; # If you change this you need to change it in filestatus.php too.
                      # Also, on *nix systems you may have to set the folder permissions
                      # to 777 in order to get this script to work properly.  

use CGI;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
#use Carp;

@p1 = split(/=/,$qstring[0]);
$sessionid = $p1[1];
$sessionid =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;  # sanitized as suggested by Terrence Johnson.

# don't change the next few lines unless you have a very good reason to.

$post_data_file = "$tmp_dir/$sessionid"."_postdata";
$monitor_file = "$tmp_dir/$sessionid"."_flength";
$error_file = "$tmp_dir/$sessionid"."_err";
$signal_file = "$tmp_dir/$sessionid"."_signal";
$qstring_file = "$tmp_dir/$sessionid"."_qstring";


#carp "$post_data_file and $monitor_file";

$content_type = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'};

sub bye_bye {
$mes = shift;

# Try to open error file to output message too
$err_ok = open (ERRFILE,">", $error_file);
if($err_ok) {
	print ERRFILE $mes; #write message to file, so can be read from fileprogress.php
	close (ERRFILE);

# see if we are within the allowed limit.

if($len > $max_upload)
close (STDIN);
bye_bye("The maximum upload size has been exceeded");

# The thing to watch out for is file locking. Only
# one thread may open a file for writing at any given time.

if (-e "$post_data_file") {

if (-e "$monitor_file") {

if (-e "$error_file") {

sysopen(FH, $monitor_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)
or &bye_bye ("cannot open numfile: $!");

# autoflush FH
$ofh = select(FH); $| = 1; select ($ofh);
flock(FH, LOCK_EX)
or  &bye_bye ("Cannot write-lock numfile: $!");
seek(FH, 0, 0)
or &bye_bye ("cannot rewind numfile : $!");
print FH $len;	


open(TMP,">","$post_data_file") or &bye_bye ("cannot open temp file");
binmode TMP, ':raw'; 

# read and store the raw post data on a temporary file so that we can
# pass it though to a CGI instance later on.

my $i=0;

$ofh = select(TMP); $| = 1; select ($ofh);

while (read (STDIN ,$LINE, 4096) && $bRead < $len )
$bRead += length $LINE;

#select(undef, undef, undef,0.35);	# sleep for 0.35 of a second.

# Many thanx to Patrick Knoell who came up with the optimized value for
# the duration of the sleep

print TMP $LINE;

close (TMP);

# We don't want to decode the post data ourselves. That's like
# reinventing the wheel. If we handle the post data with the perl
# CGI module that means the PHP script does not get access to the
# files, but there is a way around this.
# We can ask the CGI module to save the files, then we can pass
# these filenames to the PHP script. In other words instead of
# giving the raw post data (which contains the 'bodies' of the
# files), we just send a list of file names.

open(STDIN,"$post_data_file") or &bye_bye("cannot open temp file");

my $cg = new CGI();
my $qstring="";
my %vars = $cg->Vars;
my $j=0;

while(($key,$value) = each %vars)

$file_upload = $cg->param($key);

if(defined $value && $value ne '')

	my $fh = $cg->upload($key);
	if(defined $fh)
		#carp $fh;
		($tmp_fh, $tmp_filename) = tempfile();

		while(<$fh>) {
			print $tmp_fh $_;


		$fsize =(-s $fh);

		$fh =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
		$tmp_filename =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
		$qstring .= "file[name][$j]=$fh&file[size][$j]=$fsize&";
		$qstring .= "file[tmp_name][$j]=$tmp_filename&";
		$value =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
		$qstring .= "$key=$value&" ;

open (SIGNAL,">", $signal_file) or &bye_bye ("cannot open signal file");
print SIGNAL "\n";
close (SIGNAL);

open (QSTR,">", "$qstring_file") or &bye_bye ("cannot open output file");
print QSTR $qstring;
close (QSTR);

print "<html></html>";

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