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paypal IPN , PHPfreaks


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hey guys ,


i am gonna set up paypal ipn script  , this one :



i've got no problem with it , but the thing is i don't know how can i find out which user has been transfering to the site .


i want to save the amount a user transfer to the site paypal account, this ipn takes all the information about the person you transfer ... but do not give me which one of my site users have transfered that amount .


i see phpfreaks  (for donations)  asks "if you want to be recognize please first login" .   


how can i apply it ? so that i know which one of my site users have transfered ?

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The id is paypal is only paypal.  The IPN system is meant for paypal to send data BACk to you that you pass through the form. Basically this is the process.

* Force the user's to register

* When they register pass there user id into a session everytime they login. 

* When you do your paypal form add a hidden field into the ipn system (based on the specifications listed in there documentation).

* When they submit paypal processes the payment and does it's thing.  DURING that process it sends a post token BACK to a page you specify as the IPN pge where you can grab the id, do some programming to do whatever database work you need, and that's it.

That's the IPN system.

IF you aren't advanced there is another (not as secure way).  That is naturally use paypal, but set a session before they buy.  After paypal ssends the user physically back to the site then grab the id and do it when the user get's back by running the script in the browser.  This is not as secure because if they choose not to "Go back to vendor" from paypal then they never get to the processing scripts, and so you never know they paid.  Without physically checking.  However if you do it with IPN then it's almost full-proof.

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