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ok thanks. so How can I get the date out and manipulate it? 

I didn't really set a variable for it in PHP, and I use this code and I can export everything out.


$sql = "SELECT * FROM tlb";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


This code even pulls the dates out, because it's pulling everything from the tlb array.


so how do I pull the date out and manipulate it, and if I didn't want to pull it out how do I set PHP to do that?



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function dateformat($from="",$format="M d, Y")
  return date($format,$ft);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tlb";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


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Don't use "SELECT * FROM ... ", specify the columns you need (unless you really do need all of them). e.g.


SELECT id, name, entrydate FROM ....


I changed the code to this:


$conn  = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "psswrd");
mysql_select_db("db", $conn);
$sql = "SELECT name FROM info";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {



This code gave me everything, not just the name as I wanted.

why is that? you know what I can do to change it?


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Using any computer based language, like the SQL query language, requires that you know the basics to be effective at using it.


On the third page at the link that Barand posted is how you select specific information from a database. If you did not get that far or did not understand what was on that page, then go back and reread all the pages that are part of that tutorial.


What you are asking, to only return the name you wanted, is a fundamental concept of using a database. If you are asking how to do that, then you need to spend more time getting up to speed on the overall concept of using databases before you attempt to actually write or use code. This is a little like getting into a car to drive it and knowing that there are gas and brake pedals and what each of them does before you start the engine.

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PFMaBiSmAd -

you're right, thanks.  I do have sql experience I work with it, I export datas out of it from database.  just a bit new to the intergation of PHP and Mysql



function dateformat($from="",$format="M d, Y")
  return date($format,$ft);


what is the $from"",  I put $from="entrydate"




what is 'dt"?  I put dt as entrydate not sure if that would be correct


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DATE_FORMAT( entry_date, <your desired format> )?


I tried this but it gaves me an error,


then I tried this and it gave me a date but not the date that was in the database, seems to be some date that was already set.


$datetime = strtotime('$entrydate');

echo date("l, jS F, Y h:i:s a", $datetime);

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this is why i gave u a function to use

function dateformat($from="",$format="M d, Y")
  return date($format,$ft);


it's a function, u call it from yer code, not change it (unless u know what u are doing).

in my original post i gave an example of how to use it

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tlb";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


for a more precise description of what it does: dateformat converts a date string to another date format.

the calling is simple


$var is the variable to hold the new date

$olddate, is the variable holding the old date

$newformat is how u want the new date to look like, use date function to help u try different formats. this parameter is optional as a default format is set in the function.

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DATE_FORMAT( entry_date, <your desired format> )?


I tried this but it gaves me an error,


then I tried this and it gave me a date but not the date that was in the database, seems to be some date that was already set.


$datetime = strtotime('$entrydate');

echo date("l, jS F, Y h:i:s a", $datetime);

This is a MYSQL function, not a php function.

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Look I got a Date_format code from the website:


   $query ="SELECT entrytitle, entrytext,";
   $query.=" DATE_FORMAT(entrydate, '%M %d, %Y') AS date";
   $query.=" FROM tbl ORDER BY entrydate DESC LIMIT 10";
   while (list($entrytitle,$entrytext,$entrydate) = 
    mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
       echo "<dt><b>$entrytitle ($entrydate)</b></dt>";
       echo "<dd>$entrytext</dd>";


and it looks like it is a php function, i mimic this and it didn't work.

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