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I got a job interview!


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I think I'll do good, just cause I think I can do the job really good, but I'm still a little nervous. It will be 30k a year plus benefits :) Though 30k is really the only benefit I'm interested in :)


And it's salary.


Big thing will be getting hired, but I got like 12 completed websites / projects in my portfolio - and it isn't just like some shit, there like awesome projects - and I get like 1k uniques a day to my sites.


If I get this, I'm going to get a trailor next to my gf! Then I'm going to get a car and pay off my student loans. I'm gonna be doing so god damn good. Its been over a year since I worked =O Can't wait to get that first check, I'm gonna buy my gf a steak, and me a steak, and if Thorpe showed up, I'd even buy him a steak. Then I'm going to get a $2,000 loan, put a $1000 on a credit card, and buy that place!!! And when anyone asks me how I'm doing, I'm gonna tell them "better than them".


"... When all we need, is something true, to believe... "


& I love her.

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Congrats, I would like to say: 30k isn't that bad if this is your fist job out of college, which it sounds like since you have some student loans to pay off.


my area, the average pay is 65k (non-starting) per year, and we have a lower web programmer need, so... what that means, is if you live in a good area... maybe you will make more!


salary's: http://www.iseek.org/sv/Salary?id=46001:151021


What company is this for?

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lol first job?

we're different the first thing that comes on my mind when i get my first job is that learning and improving my skills. and think of what are the ideas/knowledge that my co employee can share.

if your already hired congrats !


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I got the job! 35k after three months!


Guess I am making low for a computer programmer - just I'm making good for where I live and really like the people / job so I'm happy. Be happier once I get a couple paychecks in, get some bills paid off, get a house, ect. but still, happy :)

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