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I'm new to writing my own regex statement (I've always relied on the kindness of strangers) but today I needed to find a way to validate international Amateur radio callsigns. exciting huh?


This is basically what I have ( i tried to explain the criteria a bit in the code itself)


/* a callsign basically has three parts:
    1) alpha-numeric prefix which could be one of these combinations...
   A-Z{1,3}               // between one and three letters
   [A-Z][0-9]             // one letter followed by one number
   [A-Z][0-9][A-Z]     // one letter, one number, one letter
   [0-9]([A-Z]{1,3})   // one number followed by between one and three letters

    2) a single number: [0-9]

    3) followed by between one and three letters: [A-Z]{1,3}

function validate_callsign($callsign){
$regex = "[0-9]?"; // first character of prefix MAY be a number (but usually isn't)
$regex.= "[A-Z]{1,2}"; // Must start with 1 or 2 Letters
$regex.= "[0-9]"; //followed by 1 number
$regex.= "[A-Z][0-9]?"; //there MAY be a char and number here IF the 2nd charecter of the prefix was a number
$regex.= "[A-Z]{1,3}"; //and 1 to 3 more letters

  if(preg_match("/".$regex."/i",$callsign) ){
   return true;


valid callsigns could include:








It seems to be working as it should however i'm a little concerned about that 2nd to last line of the $regex statement: $regex.= "[A-Z][0-9]?";


Any thoughts from an expert?

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As it is, you seem to have the basic logic down, but you're not anchoring your string, so if one were to start with "***" and then a valid call sign, your pattern would match. Remember that when you need an exact match, you should start your match with "^" and end it with "$":

$pattern = '/^(\d?[a-z]{1,3}|[a-z]\d[a-z]?)\d[a-z]{1,3}$/';


Hope that helps some.

As it is, you seem to have the basic logic down, but you're not anchoring your string, so if one were to start with "***" and then a valid call sign, your pattern would match. Remember that when you need an exact match, you should start your match with "^" and end it with "$":

$pattern = '/^(\d?[a-z]{1,3}|[a-z]\d[a-z]?)\d[a-z]{1,3}$/';


Hope that helps some.


that actually totally helped! I never understood the point of the anchors before ('cause I didn't know what anchors were).  Thanks!


like i said, i've been putting off learning this stuff for way to long. I can't rely on google+cut+paste forever.  Thanks for your help.


$tests = array (

function validate_callsign($callsign){
	$regex = '/
		\A ### BOL
			\d? ### Optional digit
			[A-Z]{1,3} ### 1-3 letters
			| ### OR
			[A-Z] ### 1 letter
			\d ### 1 digit
			[A-Z]? ### Optional letter
		\d ### Digit
		[A-Z]{1,3} ### 1-3 letters
		\z ### EOL
	if (preg_match($regex, $callsign)) {
		return true;

foreach ($tests as $test) {
	echo $test, ' -- ', (validate_callsign($test) ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'), '<br/>';

thanks Effigy. thats very awesome.


I'm assuming the colon after the question mark means mean that one of the cases must match?


Also, what is the reason for excaping the A at the begining?


Thanks again for your help, I'm so glad I'm finally beginning to wrap my head around regular expression.  (now if i could just learn spanish)



I'm assuming the colon after the question mark means mean that one of the cases must match?

(?:regex) -- Non-capturing parentheses group the regex so you can apply regex operators, but do not capture anything and do not create backreferences.



Also, what is the reason for excaping the A at the begining?

\A -- Matches at the start of the string the regex pattern is applied to. Matches a position rather than a character. Never matches after line breaks.



I love that image :) Thanks for sharing.

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