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I don't manage my own server. I pay for it to a company. called streemlinenet.co.uk.

I don't know where the error log is. all I see in the root is.








// login.php D O'Toole  21-12-2005
//require_once (functions_page);
if($_GET['counter'] == "0");  //  <------------- This is line 6 ------------
    $_SESSION['loging'] = "NO";


Browser displays


Notice: Undefined index: counter in /home/fhlinux190/d/des-otoole.co.uk/user/htdocs/musicalshop/login.php on line 6





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I have found a root folder called log and lots of files ending in.log, but they look like they are just a collection of the error messages that I get in the browser. I have supplied one in my last post. It dose not make sense.


It does not like $_GET['counter']

Notice: Undefined index: counter in /home/fhlinux190/d/des-otoole.co.uk/user/htdocs/musicalshop/login.php on line 6

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Those are notices, not errors. They are simply caused by poor coding practices. You fail to check that $_GET['counter'] actually exists before trying to use it. eg;



if (isset($_GET['counter'])) {
  if ($_GET['counter'] == "0") {
    $_SESSION['loging'] = "NO";



I would say what has happended is your servers configuration has been changed and is now set to display errors. You can either a) fix your code, or b) place the following in the top of all your scripts.


<?php ini_set('display_errors','0'); ?>


I recommend option a.

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Ok it would appear that the hosting company has changed the configuration to show warnings on oages.

This used to work but now I get an error.


Liine 9:  define (hostname10, 'mysql10.streamline.net');


Use of undefined constant hostname10 - assumed 'hostname10' in /home/fhlinux190/d/des-otoole.co.uk/user/htdocs/news/config.inc on line 9


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That is more incorrect coding. Read this for the proper syntax for a define() statement (the first parameter is a string and requires quotes) - http://php.net/define


FYI - most/all of these problems causing the notices and warnings were present in the code before the host changed the error reporting and/or display settings. Once you find and fix all the problems causing them, you code will run faster because php won't be doing so much churning through the error detection and error response code every time it encounters a problem in the code.

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Correct. Always define variables before there use. I wish PHP shipped standard with error_reporting(E^ALL) set.


This isn't a personal attack on you, because it accounts for a huge percentage of PHP developers who have had no experience with other languages. It is always good practice to initialize variables before use.


One technique I use for POST or GET variables is the following:



$_GET['var'] = isset($_GET['var']) ? $_GET['var'] : '';



This way, if the variable is not set on page load, it will have a default value of '' (empty string)

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