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Beginner PHP trouble


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Hi Im having a problem with php, I create a test page using the




function and it comes up a blank page or "Unable to connect" page. http://localhost returns a it works page but when i refresh the page it comes up with a "Unable to connect" page.

"[warn] php module is already loaded skipping


[warn] php module is already loaded skipping"

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I did a fresh installof apche2.2 and php5, and didnt modify the default settings that http://16bytes.com/How_to_install_PHP5_Apache_2_2_and_MySQL_5_on_Windows.html said to do

and It works fine with http://localhost everytime but http://localhost/phptest.php comes up: 400 Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.


Im using the apache cgi install which is probably why i dont get the "[warn] php module is already loaded skipping


[warn] php module is already loaded skipping" anymore.





?> is the only code.

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Hmm, just curious, is it  just so you know for the future what's enabled, or is it to check something specific right now?


And maybe one of the other more advanced members here can help because I don't know. Sorry.

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When I use phpinfo(); I use it to test if certain libraries are enabled, and other settings, etc.. for my hosted server.

I know you're havng problems, but I'm curious why you need to test out phpinfo();?


If you haven't already, try testing some other code.

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I wasn't mocking him and if i came off that way im sorry, i just didnt understand what he was talking about.

I'm using the phpinfo script to check if php is working on my computer. I'm also using





  print ("this is a test");




and the same thing happens, a page with "400 Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand."



I didn't know phpinfo could be used like that, since I'm a new user I just want to get it installed and properly running.


sorry again for any misunderstandings.

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Another idea is if you're not quite familiar with setting up a server and installing apache/php/mysql/etc you could use xampp.  It's not recommended for running live servers (from what I've heard) but it works fine for developing environments.

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It's cool, I didn't take it as offensive in any manner  ;)



I'm surprised thorpe, or any of the admins haven't shown up yet. They've probably seen errors like this before.


If ultimately you can't get localhost to work, I suppose your only other options are to get some free/buy server space, and test it all out there.

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