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Good PHP Book

moon 111

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Yes I did try searching and yes I did try Google but I wanted something specific.


I'm looking for a PHP and MySQL book on the "next level". Basiclly now I have created some login, signup, forum, private messaging, comments etc. I do is use some includes to make it cleaner (not all correctly or enough I'm sure) and I'm not sure how to progress from here. So I'm looking for a book on the "next level". Sorry for not being so clear.

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dude, your request isn't that specific. for books, take a look here:




and for resources for advanced topics (OOP, design patterns, Application design, etc) see here:




hope that helps - but for the sake of keeping "please recommend books" topics to a bare minimum considering the question comes up a ridiculous amount of times, i'm locking this one.

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