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Database class functionality

Liquid Fire

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I have been building a framework for the pass 3-4 months and it is coming along pretty well.  I have a database class and this the functionality i currently have for it:


get_row() : return first row from passed query

get_one() : return first variable from passed query

get_column() : return first variable from all return as an array

get_all() : returns all data from all rows from passed query

insert() : field=>values array

delete() : delete records with the pass where statement

update() : field=>value array and where statement

table_exists() : searches for passed table name

row_exists() : searches for number of rows on a table with a where statement

table_information() : resturn DESCRIBE STATEMENT(MySQL) information

primary_key() : return field name of primary key

transaction() : query to run with transactions

commit_transactions() : commits transactions

rollback_transactions() : rollback transactions

get_indexes() : return all indexes for a table of database

get_relationships() : returns all foreign/primary key relationship for a table or database

get_tables() : return all table name for a database

truncate() : delete all record for passed table name

process query() : runs the query passed

add_index() : adds an index to a field

add_relationship() : add a relation to a table


is there any other functionality that i have not done that you think would be useful?

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I like how you can do

$select = $db->select()
            ->from(array('u' => 'users'))
            ->join(array('m' => 'messages'), 'u.user_id = m.user_id')
            ->where('u.user_id = ?', $userId)
            ->order('m.message_created_at DESC');

if (!$ignoreDeleted) {
$select->where('is_deleted = 0');

$messages = $db->fetchAll($select);

with Zend_Db.


The above example could be for fetching the latest 5 messages of a user in whatever system you might have.


You could do something like that.

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to cunoodle:


What are you looking for exactly? Are you just wanting to see some barebones code that helps demonstrate the MVC design pattern? Something that is not as bloated as Cake/CI, etc and that you would be able to tinker with yourself?

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I would like to see something like that dbo! I am trying to implement MVC but I just don't really know how to start. I have read in a few places that say that frameworks like cake and symphony break the mvc pattern. (don't ask me exactly how the break it, I just read they did)

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The code is coming together pretty well. I haven't added in all the bells and whistles yet, but its basically functioning. Let me get some documentation together and then I'll throw the code up.


Known requirements



PDO Support



Right now it basically includes this:


MVC Design Pattern

URL Segments/Smart URLS/SEO Friendly URLS... whatever you want to call them


Generic DB Abstraction


I'm planning on adding in some input validation, session management, and CRUD generation capability next.

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