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I have created a simple LDAP phonebook (well when I say created, I mean I downloaded part of it, it didnt work, I hacked it to bits and then have uploaded it again for you good people), it was created for Active Directory, but should by rights work with any ldap server.


You may need to tinker with some of the settings to get it to work for your environment, but I have included a readme that should explain all.


Anyway if you wanna try it out, download: http://www.techmonkeys.co.uk/scripts/adphonebook.zip


Let me know if it works or not!





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would appreciate some feedback if anyone has tried it.


One small thing I have noticed is that in ldadp.config.php where I have the $base_dn variable you may need to change "OU" to "cn"


eg: $base_dn = "cn=Users, DC=slmhc, DC=net";


This is if you have all your users contained inside the "users" container and have not fluffed about with your ldap setup like I have :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey all,


I tried this it looks great... I am not able to search... Is there any way to get it to generate an error or maybe a pointer.


I am using the WAMPServer 2 I have turned on the LDAP extentions for both Apache and PHP the restared the services.


So any help would be great.





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HTTP TRACE method is enabled on this web server.

In the presence of other cross-domain vulnerabilities in web browsers, sensitive header information could be read from any domains that support the HTTP TRACE method. This vulnerability affects Web Server.

The impact of this vulnerability

Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as cookies and authentication data.

How to fix this vulnerability

Disable TRACE Method on the web server.\


PHPinfo page found

PHPinfo page has been found on this directory. The PHPinfo page outputs a large amount of information about the current state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP version, server information and environment (if compiled as a module), the PHP environment, OS version information, paths, master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the PHP License.

This vulnerability affects /phpinfo.php.

The impact of this vulnerability

This file may expose sensitive information that may help an malicious user to prepare more advanced attacks.

How to fix this vulnerability

Remove the file from production systems.


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  • 2 weeks later...


XSS Analysis BEGIN



Number of sinks: 57


XSS Analysis Output



Vulnerability detected!

- conditional on register_globals=on

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:27

- Graph: xss1


Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:122

- Graph: xss4


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:125

- Graph: xss7


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:126

- Graph: xss8


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:136

- Graph: xss18


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:137

- Graph: xss19


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:138

- Graph: xss20


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:139

- Graph: xss21


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:140

- Graph: xss22


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:141

- Graph: xss23


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:148

- Graph: xss27


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:157

- Graph: xss32


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:233

- Graph: xss36


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:235

- Graph: xss37


Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:248

- Graph: xss38


Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:249

- Graph: xss40


Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:250

- Graph: xss42


Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:251

- Graph: xss44


Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:252

- Graph: xss46


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:272

- Graph: xss49


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:273

- Graph: xss50


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:274

- Graph: xss51


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:275

- Graph: xss52


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:276

- Graph: xss53


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:277

- Graph: xss54


Unmodeled builtin function: ldap_get_entries

Vulnerability detected!

- unconditional

- pixy_1220128249DT0PAY:282

- Graph: xss56


Total Vuln Count: 26



XSS Analysis END



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  • 3 years later...

First i would like to say hello to everyone on this awesome forums!!!!

Im total noob when it comes to programing but you have to start sometime right?  :-[


Anyway i found this post and awesome script that pulls info from AD, im going to test it on win2008 server, i wonder if it will work.....

Any suggestions as far as win2008 server and this script? i noticed that there are comments for win2K and win2K3.



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