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Can someone take a quick look through here and tell me if you see anything?


The script is supposed to take ten form imputs which were turned into variables on a previous page which then made the reload to go.php which is this script. It takes the variables from the get, then creates the email account using n1=n1 and p1=p1 then if it's successful it reloads the page with n1=n2 and p1=p2 but I keep getting errors.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Add Cpanel Email Accounts</title>


$n1 = $_GET['n1'];
$p1 = $_GET['p1'];
$n2 = $_GET['n2'];
$p2 = $_GET['p2'];
$n3 = $_GET['n3'];
$p3 = $_GET['p3'];
$n4 = $_GET['n4'];
$p4 = $_GET['p4'];
$n5 = $_GET['n5'];
$p5 = $_GET['p5'];
$n6 = $_GET['n6'];
$p6 = $_GET['p6'];
$n7 = $_GET['n7'];
$p7 = $_GET['p7'];
$n8 = $_GET['n8'];
$p8 = $_GET['p8'];
$n9 = $_GET['n9'];
$p9 = $_GET['p9'];
$n10 = $_GET['n10'];
$p10 = $_GET['p10'];

$task = "
// required cpanel data
define( 'CPEMAIL_DOMAIN', 'example.com'); // Cpanel domain
define( 'CPEMAIL_SSL', 0); // 0 = no SSL, 1 = Uses SSL
define( 'CPEMAIL_PORT', 2082); // usually the port is 2082 withought SSL and 2083 with SSL
define( 'CPEMAIL_THEME', 'bluelagoon'); // x is the default theme, others include: bluelagoon, x2, xmail, xcontroller, monsoon
define( 'CPEMAIL_QUOTA', 10); // email quota in Megabytes

// sensitive cpanel info
define( 'CPEMAIL_USER', 'username'); // Cpanel Username
define( 'CPEMAIL_PASS', 'password'); // Cpanel Password

if (isset($_GET['send'])) {

$username = $_GET['username'];
$password = $_GET['password1'];

$url = 'http'.(CPEMAIL_SSL ? 's' : '').'://'.CPEMAIL_USER.':'.CPEMAIL_PASS.'@'.CPEMAIL_DOMAIN.':'.CPEMAIL_PORT.'/frontend/'.CPEMAIL_THEME.'/mail/doaddpop.html';
$url .= '?email='.$username.'&domain='.CPEMAIL_DOMAIN.'&password='.$password.'&quota='.CPEMAIL_QUOTA;

// make the http request to cpanel, this is where the email is created
// this is just like the browser making the request, only php does it for the user
$txt = http_request( $url );

// in a live situation, you would parse the returned html, and see if the email was successfully created.
// because this is dependent on the Cpanel theme, I didnt put it in. 
// A simple test example would be:
// if (strpos($txt, 'Successful') !== false) { echo 'Your account was created, please log in.'; } 
// the above checks for the occurance of Successful in the returned html, which occurs when an email is created (english)
// note: different Cpanel themes give different html output, and may be in English or other language
echo '<hr />';


// makes an fopen request to the url and returns the content
function http_request($url) {
ini_set('user_agent','MSIE 4\.0b2;'); // set user agent as IE browser

$txt = '';
if ($fp = fopen($url, 'r')) {
while( !feof($fp) ) {
$txt .= fread( $fp, 2082 );
return $txt;

if ($task == success) {
print "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=http://"."$site"."go.php?n1=$n2&p1=$p2&n2=$n3&p2=$p3&n3=$n4&p3=$p4&n4=$n5&p4=$p5&n5=$n6&p5=$p6&n6=$n7&p6=$p7&n7=$n8&p7=$p8&n8=$n9&p8=$p9&n9=$n10&p9=$p10&n10=&p10=&send=GO"."'>";


what kind of errors are you getting?


I'd doublecheck this bit, because no doubt it's hard not to make an error there, like a misplaced semicolon, aphostrophe, or ampersand


print "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=http://"."$site"."go.php?n1=$n2&p1=$p2&n2=$n3&p2=$p3&n3=$n4&p3=$p4&n4=$n5&p4=$p5&n5=$n6&p5=$p6&n6=$n7&p6=$p7&n7=$n8&p7=$p8&n8=$n9&p8=$p9&n9=$n10&p9=$p10&n10=&p10=&send=GO"."'>";









This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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