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What did you think of "An Inconvenient Truth"?


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Global warming is a myth. Read State of Fear from Michael Crichton to get the other side of the story.


ha ha ha.  Only Crichton is presenting a story.


One 'side' of the story is largely a presentation of peer-reviewed science from which defensible conclusions may be drawn.  The other 'side' to the story is from a science fiction writer drawing heavily on 'science' which is not peer-reviewed.  The debate is not whether global warming is occurring; it's about to what extent human action/inaction is responsible and what can or cannot be done to reduce the impact on humanity.

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Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against recycling, going green, small cars and small houses in order to use less energy, etc.

Global warming is a different thing, though. 30 yrs ago we were told that we were facing a new Ice Age soon, and now it's a global warming??? This whole thing isn't all that simple.

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Don't get me wrong.  ... This whole thing isn't all that simple.


I'm not sure how I wouldn't get you wrong when your original comment appeared to propose equal weight be given to scientific evidence and science fiction (with a healthy dose of junk science thrown in).


You're right to say the whole thing isn't that simple. What the Al Gore presentation attempted to do was express scientific knowledge is terms that mere mortals would understand.  Given the current alarming state of science education - where some governments would suggest that Intelligent Design belonged in science education - only serves to reinforce the need to express complex ideas in lowest common denominator terms if it is to be widely understood (and acted upon).  But that's no excuse for equating science fiction with peer-reviewed science fact being the foundation for theory.


And no, I'm not some radical 'green' person.  I'm just an old engineer who's visited the high Arctic and seen it for myself.

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Even though Crichton a science fiction writer he does put a lot of reaserch into his books. You must read his books to undersatnd what I'm talking about. Watching Jurassic Park the movie should not give you an opinion about him. He's a terrific writer.


I'm also convinced that this whole melting ice thing has something to do with pole shifting. See link below.




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I'm also convinced that this whole melting ice thing has something to do with pole shifting. See link below.




That's the magnetic pole movement (well understood and documented) not an axial shift of the planet.  Magnetic forces don't melt ice (except in science fiction, perhaps).

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I cannot access youtube at work, but I think

is the video I had watched before.


No matter what you think is true, wouldn't you agree that our lifestyles have spiraled out of control? In my opinion we've become too narcissistic, sprawled, and greedy. The environment (amongst others things) isn't number one: profit is. I'm not a radical greenie either, but I am analyzing my life. At the moment I'm going through 4 books on car-free living and I plan to sell my car next year.


P.S. I heard about this on NPR this morning.

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