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About Beeeeney

  • Birthday 02/13/1992

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  1. If it is dropdowns: Day, month & year, then catch it in an array and implode it: $day = $_POST['day']; $month = $_POST['month']; $year = $_POST['year']; $date = array($day, $month, $year); $date = implode('-', $date); Then you can just use the $date variable in your MySQL query to insert it into the database. This is the best way I know how. Maybe someone else knows a better solution?
  2. Sure, if you take some time and allocate it to reading the last 3 very short posts in this thread, you'll see.
  3. Use something like: SELECT * FROM 'tablename' ORDER BY 'dateadded' DESC LIMIT 3; Also, your query won't be executed there. You need to use your variable "$sql" as the mysql query. $sql = "Your Query"; $result = mysql_query($sql); Then use your "$result" variable to echo the data.
  4. But the internet said it would.. Someone else suggested this: Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L]
  5. I found this on Stackoverflow, apparently it works. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php
  6. Sure mate! Here you go http://forums.phpfreaks.com/forum/20-php-freelancing/
  7. Have you even attempted to do this on your own?
  8. But $organiserid IS 0. You told your code that it is 0. I hope you find the help you need!
  9. Stab in the dark, but try this: <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM eventjobs WHERE organiserid = " . intval($_SESSION['userID']) . " LIMIT 10"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (empty($result)) { echo 'You have no events. Create an event.'; } else { ?> <div class="eventjoblistings"> <div class="boardeventfield"> <div class="boardeventfieldintro"> <div class="boardeventdatatitle"> <?php echo (!empty($row['eventname'])) ? $row['eventname'] : ''; ?> </div> <div class="boardeventdata"> <?php echo (!empty($row['eventdetails'])) ? $row['eventdetails'] : ''; ?> </div> <div class="boardeventdatahalf"> <?php echo (!empty($row['eventlocation'])) ? $row['eventlocation'] : ''; ?>, </div> <div class="boardeventdatahalf"> <?php echo (!empty($row['eventcountry'])) ? $row['eventcountry'] : ''; ?> </div> </div> <div class="boardeventfielddetails"> <div class="boardeventdatasupplier"> <?php echo (!empty($row['supplier1'])) ? $row['supplier1'] : ''; ?> </div> <div class="boardeventdata"> <?php echo (!empty($row['supplierdetails1'])) ? $row['supplierdetails1'] : ''; ?> </div> <div class="boardeventdata"> <?php echo (!empty($row['budget1'])) ? $row['budget1'] : ''; ?> </div> </div> <div class="boardeventfielddetails"> <div class="boardeventdata"> <?php echo (!empty($row['supplier2'])) ? $row['supplier1'] : ''; ?> </div> <?php echo (!empty($row['details2'])) ? $row['details2'] : ''; ?> <div class="boardeventdata"> <?php echo (!empty($row['budget2'])) ? $row['budget2'] : ''; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?>
  10. if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { Will always return false, seeing as you haven't assigned anything to $result.
  11. You've told your code to echo something if a variable is empty, on a variable you haven't declared. Then you're asking why it's echoing.
  12. Where do you define $organiserid?
  13. Don't really see what you're trying to do but if you want to use one of the strings in that array for something then just use [0], [1], [2], etc.
  14. It's a table in your database. I don't know where you should be putting that.
  15. Well according to that error, you've passed a boolean into your mysql_fetch_array() function. More specifically, $result. Show me the code where you declared $result.
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