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About blueman378

  • Birthday 03/15/1991

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    new zealand

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  1. Not bad for a first attempt. Thought #1 add some more colour. even if it is just a solid black background that spans 100% wide and contains this info(in white text): DAVID'S PHOTOGRAPHY Sydney Australia ***@***.com Thought #2 The font is fine for your contact info, and maybe even the footer. But i would not suggest using it for your menu. Thought #3 Shrink the size of the text on your footer. a footer is meant to be noticeable, but not dominant
  2. Thankyou for your vote ProjectFear. The map was actually just a test of floats in the right column, It will not be in the final design.
  3. Hi there. Please vote on the design you like the most: 1: http://haloarchives.webspirited.com 2: http://webspirited.com/ha2/ Please use the following syntax [Vote]: 1 [Reason]: Shiny Stuff!
  4. cheers, both answers are very close to what i need, except, the previous reply will do an estimate of the days as it simply divides the number of days between two dates by 7 and rounds it to 0 decimal places, so if the date given starts on a tuesday it will consider a monday exists. i need the literal count.
  5. Hi there, Is it possible to count the number of times a monday appears in a date range, so eg you pass in 2009-01-01 and 2010-12-31 it should spit out a number which is the number of times monday appears in that range. also, is it possible to have the return value of one column be accessible via a simple variable, i ask because i have something like: SELECT SUM( IF(e.eatin_monday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_monday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_monday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_tuesday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_tuesday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_tuesday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_wednesday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_wednesday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_wednesday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_thursday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_thursday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_thursday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_friday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_friday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_friday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_saturday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_saturday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_saturday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_sunday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_sunday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_sunday_status,1,0)))) as openweekly FROM location_hours_eatin e LEFT JOIN location_hours_pickup p ON e.eatin_locationid = p.pickup_locationid LEFT JOIN location_hours_delivery d ON e.eatin_locationid = d.delivery_locationid WHERE e.eatin_locationid = 6; and dont want to have to repeat that every time i want to use the value, i want to be able to go eg SELECT SET @days_open = SUM( IF(e.eatin_monday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_monday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_monday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_tuesday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_tuesday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_tuesday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_wednesday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_wednesday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_wednesday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_thursday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_thursday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_thursday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_friday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_friday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_friday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_saturday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_saturday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_saturday_status,1,0)))+ IF(e.eatin_sunday_status,1, IF(p.pickup_sunday_status,1, IF(d.delivery_sunday_status,1,0)))) as openweekly, e.eatin_thursday_total/@days_open as thursday_total FROM location_hours_eatin e LEFT JOIN location_hours_pickup p ON e.eatin_locationid = p.pickup_locationid LEFT JOIN location_hours_delivery d ON e.eatin_locationid = d.delivery_locationid WHERE e.eatin_locationid = 6; is this possible?
  6. ok, im not sure if i should get this topic moved to the sql section or not now, but im almost there, my query is SELECT Week(order_date), Min(order_date), Max(order_date), Sum(order_amount), count(order_amount) FROM order_main WHERE location_id='6' AND order_date BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-26' GROUP BY week(order_date); now the only thing i have left to do is, where is has "Min(order_date), Max(order_date)" i need to wrap them in something like Monday(Min(order_date)), Sunday(Max(order_date)) ie, i need to get the date of the monday of the week of the date contained in Min(order_date) and the sunday for Max(order_date) are there functions to do this or will i have to do this php side?
  7. Hi PFMaBiSmAd, Thanks for your reply, i've been looking into this but im not to quite to sure how i would go about it. Am i a) creating the date ranges and grabbing all the data that is between those two dates and summing those, then running it on the next seven day period? eg function groupByWeek($date,$date2) { $dates = Array(); $date1 = new DateTime($date); //isBetween is defined somewhere else //Start date, End date, Date to check while(isBetween($date,$date2,$date) { $dateTemp = $date->modify('+6 days'); $range = "$date1."-".$dateTemp"; $query = "SELECT order_amount, SUM(order_amount) FROM order_mian order_date WHERE order_date BETWEEN '$date' AND '$date2'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $dates[$range]['sum'] = $row['SUM(order_amount)']; $date1 = $date->modify('+7 days'); } return $dates; } i dont even know if that will work, but am i doing that, or can i do something like $query = "SELECT order_amount, FROM order_main GROUP BY[ order_date WHERE order_date BETWEEN '$date' AND '$date2']"; the latter would be the best i believe.
  8. Hi there guys, Well, I am givin an array in a format something like below, my issue is i must sort it in two differnt formats, one is monday-sunday groupings the other is simply 7 day groupings eg from 2009-12-01 till 2009-12-07 and end up with an array like $sales[2009-12-01 2009-12-07][quantity] = 15 $sales[2009-12-01 2009-12-07][sales] = 2500 $sales[2009-12-01 2009-12-07][quantity] = 15 $sales[2009-12-01 2009-12-07][sales] = 2500 so for each sales that fits in each group, i must increment quantity by 1, and also add the order_amount to sales. please set me on the right track and i will work the rest. regards, Matt ( [order_date] => 2009-12-01 14:49:49 [order_amount] => 19.50 ) [1] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-08 15:20:51 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [2] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-08 15:00:48 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [3] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-08 15:32:25 [order_amount] => 25.75 ) [4] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-08 15:38:05 [order_amount] => 23.00 ) ......................continued....................... [149] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-21 17:57:37 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [150] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-21 18:00:41 [order_amount] => 8.00 ) [151] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-21 18:13:01 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [152] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-21 18:20:49 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [153] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-21 18:43:43 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [154] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-21 19:45:38 [order_amount] => 53.50 ) [155] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-22 05:02:53 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [156] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-22 17:51:41 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [157] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-22 18:09:15 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) [158] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-22 18:13:03 [order_amount] => 8.00 ) [159] => Array ( [order_date] => 2009-12-28 12:12:40 [order_amount] => 16.00 ) )
  9. Hi guys, I'm looking to loop over a date range, eg $date = '15/03/1991'; $date2 = '21/07/2009'; $array = array(); while($date <= $date2) { $array[$date]['value'] = 'somedata'; $date.adddays(1); } obviously i know this is not going to work, but other than nested loops and constant date checking for days in month/ leap year ect is there any way to do this? regards, Matt
  10. http://www.nanoimg.com/help.html Will my submissions ever get delete? should be Will my submissions ever get deleted?
  11. Hi guys, Is there a simple way to eg if(18:30 > 07:30) echo "correct"; obviously i know this wont work. but is there a function to do it or will i have to explode it on : and then compare the hours, if they are equal then compare the minutes?
  12. You could do it a slightly more persistent way, allow poeple to tag photos with only one tag, kindof like a username style thing except it doesnt require signup, nor a password
  13. Right, well you are on the right track... sortof Now you need to look into ajax, as you will need to run that query every time a user wants to check if the username is avaliable.
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