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Was hoping for a recommendation..


I am a junior/med level programmer.. Do a bunch of small web-development projects mainly in php with codeigniter framework.


I've got a web app idea which I've decided to develop myself and trying to decide on a cms to use (if to use one at all).


Basically I am trying to make a site like pricegrabber.com, which parses a number of websites for items and their prices and lists them.


I dont like wordpress, it's slow, really boring to learn, and overkill for what I am trying to do. Speed (for the frontend) is of quite importance.


so basically, should I use a cms? if so, should I go for a codeigniter based cms (like egypt cms) or some other more popular one (like drupal? or joomla?). I guess codeigniter cms would be better for me since I am already skilled in codeigniter, but other major cms would have greater support and many other advantages? I think?


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Keep in mind that a CMS will (probably) never be as fast as something custom coded. This is because most CMS's (like frameworks) are made to be useful for a lot of different applications. When you have cut and dry specifications, you can often optimize it to a greater degree.


With that said, Drupal is a good platform because of its massive amount of community plugins and modules. You can pretty much make any kind of application with Drupal just by using existing plugins.

It's better to build your own. This is because they are:



- Highly Customisable to the clients needs

- No real learning of the CMS functionality (you built it - you should know your way around)

- You can make it as simple as you please.

- It's FREE (if you deduct the cost of the programming software used such as dreamweaver or other editors).

- If you make a template all you have to do is copy the files to all the websites that need a cms, and just change settings so that it works properly.



Buying a Pre-Built CMS:



- Complete waste of time as most have functions you'll probably never use!

- Can cost a lot of money (again you may be paying most of it for things you won't use)

- Some don't allow you to control what functions your CMS has.

- Most are sometimes difficult to implement on websites.


Buying a Pre-Built CMS:



- Complete waste of time as most have functions you'll probably never use!

- Can cost a lot of money (again you may be paying most of it for things you won't use)

- Some don't allow you to control what functions your CMS has.

- Most are sometimes difficult to implement on websites.


While pre-made CMS software can be overkill, and many need to be fiddled with in order to work just so, the most popular options (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal) are free and allow you to modify them, through both plugins and direct code modification.


It's better to build your own. This is because they are:



- Highly Customisable to the clients needs

- No real learning of the CMS functionality (you built it - you should know your way around)

- You can make it as simple as you please.

- It's FREE (if you deduct the cost of the programming software used such as dreamweaver or other editors).

- If you make a template all you have to do is copy the files to all the websites that need a cms, and just change settings so that it works properly.


The time it takes to build a CMS is not free, if you're a freelancer. I've actually got a bit of a background project I keep coming back to that's building my own CMS; it's no simple task, if it's done properly.

Thanks for the info...


Also, I dont get where the discussion of paid CMS came in from? I dont get why people would by a CMS when there are so many that are free.


I wouldve up voted some answers but I dont think such a feature is present in the forum?


In any case, I've decided to go with drupal right now... Primarily because:

  • I believe that the front end can be quite fast
  • Apparently it is built with developers in mind and note designers (unlike wordpress)
  • A lot of modules, etc
  • I realize that I want to add a feature for reviews, comments, etc and thus having a cms would be quite helpful
  • As a programmer and a freelancer, it would prove to be useful to learn a CMS


What I basically mean by front-end being fast is that my target audince will likely not have very fast internet connections, so I need the web page to be light and open quickly...


In any case, I am learning drupal right now. Should have quite an understanding of it in about a week and then if it proves to be unsuitable for me, will go for codegniter, but most likely will be using drupal..

I dont get why people would by a CMS when there are so many that are free.


Because it's like anything: you get what you pay for. You can expect a non-free CMS to be of higher quality. This isn't necessarily the case, but it often is.


A paid CMS probably has full time, dedicated developers, rather than random commits from the community like with an open source CMS. This is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes not.

i use codeigniter and implementing my own cms is very easy


my controllers are in an admin folder, and have an index and edit methd , one that lists the table, the other to edit an entry (add goes to edit and uses same form) and each method in the controller has a simple login check to only allow the right users to that section.



Thanks guys,


but another great inclination for me to use drupal is that I only know 1 frame work (codeigniter) and no CMS... A programmer (specially a freelancer) should know ATLEAST one cms...


So now this will help me expand my expertise as well as get a website done :)...


Plus from what I've learned so far, it is much more durable for me to learn than wordpress. Wordpress just seemed to have a million simple features which made it extremely boring to learn....

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