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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2020 in all areas

  1. The issue I think requinix is trying to point to is that if the article doesn't even exist, you don't want to show a 'This is a premium article.' error, you want to display a proper 404/article not found error. If you just display 'This is a premium article' in both cases, that will lead to confusion and frustration for your users. If the article doesn't exist there's no need to do any extra work for determining if the user has a matching entitlement to go with that article so you can cut all that processing out and not waste time on it. Only if the article exists do you then need to worry about processing entitlements. Whether or not the article being free involves entitlement checks depends on what kind of solution you end up using for determining free. If it's just a flag on the article then you can skip the entitlements checks if that flag is true. If you do some free plan that everyone is a member of by default then you will need to do the checks. So your logic structure would essentially be best setup as Does article exist? No? Display 404 and quit Is the article free? Yes? Display article and quit Is the user entitled to the article? No? Display entitlement error and quit Display article. Unless you have a compelling reason to do otherwise, I'd probably just start out with requinix's is_free column suggestion to make things easy. If in the future you decide that's not good enough then you can refactor it into something else. I spent a few minutes trying to think of a reason not to do a simple is_free column and couldn't really come up with any scenario where more than that would be necessary. Don't nitpick your query count. One vs two queries will make absolutely zero noticible difference in the runtime of your code. If two queries make the program flow nicer, use two queries.
    1 point
  2. I would certainly have the likes/dislikes in a table as Barand suggested, along with an FK to the user who made the like/dislike rating. This allows you to do a number of important things, like for example, preventing a person from liking or disliking the same person repeatedly. There is a cost to summarizing data like that repeatedly in a sub-query so frequently people will implement a de-normalized summary, or better yet, put the summary in a caching system like Redis. The summarized(denormalized) totals could be in the person table if you really wanted them to be, but you should still have the detail person_rating table to store the individual like/dislike rows.
    1 point
  3. One table for likes , one for dislikes and and a third for views Perhaps combine like/dislikes with a flag column to distinguish
    1 point
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