There's two parts to this, so solve one then the other rather than doing both at the same time.
First problem is saving your data. Create a function that you can call with your data and it will save it to your database. Use parameters for the function rather than accessing $_POST directly. For example:
function bookmark_add($userId, $itemId){
//run INSERT statement
While getting that working, just use a normal form that will submit the data and refresh the page, eg:
//Call your function with the data
bookmark_add($_POST['userId'], $_POST['itemId']);
<form method="page.php" action="">
<p>ItemID: <input type="text" name="itemId"></p>
<p>UserID: <input type="text" name="userId"></p>
<p><button type="submit">Save</button></p>
Once you have your function working exactly how you want it, then move on to your "without reloading the page problem."
To do this without reloading the page, you need to use javascript to submit the values in the background using AJAX/XHR. Grab something like jQuery and use it's .post method to make this super simple. Now you create a javascript function which will gather your form data and submit it to a PHP page which then calls your PHP function to save it. For example:
function submitBookmark(){
var postData = {
userId: $('#userId').val()
, //....
$.post('page.php', postData)
.then(/* Success handler */)
.catch(/* Failure handler */)
Finally setup that function to be executed whenever the user clicks your + image.