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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2020 in all areas

  1. There's really only two conditions you need to be concerned with, thus you only need two rewrites. Both of these rewrites should send the user directly to the preferred URL so there's only one redirect. Someone requests the page via http:// Whether they used www or not here isn't relevant, you just redirect them straight to https://www. Someone requests the page via https:// (no-www) Redirect them to https://www. If you're just googling for code to drop in, you might find implementations that chain instead, ie: http://$domain -> https://$domain -> https://www.$domain. While that works, it's inefficient and unnecessary.
    1 point
  2. That's why I laid it out the way I did with the comments - so it would be easy for you get the separate feet/inches values if you still wanted to go that way. [edit] Look more closely at my code - you require two substring_index()s to extract the inches. The inner to get the string before the final " and the outer one to get the string after the ' SET feet = substring_index(@height, '\'', 1) * 12 , inches = substring_index(substring_index(@height, '"', 1), '\'', -1)
    1 point
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