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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2021 in all areas

  1. you CAN configure the web server to treat .html (or any other extension) as a php file. the default is for only the .php extension.
    1 point
  2. UPDATE / DELETE queries don't have a result set, as such mysqli_query will just return true/false to indicate whether the query was successful or not. There's nothing to fetch so no reason to use mysqli_fetch_array. By returning the result, I mean those methods could have just been: public function deleteCategory($id) { return mysqli_query($this->conn, "DELETE FROM top_categories WHERE top_cat_id=$id"); } mysqli_query will return true or false. Adding the variable and if branch to check if it's true, just to then return true if it is, is entirely unnecessary.
    1 point
  3. Your file should be named with a .php extension, not .html. You need to load the file via the web server, not by just double-clicking on it to open it in windows. Open your browser and load the url http://localhost/index.php
    1 point
  4. Your file name is index.html and not index.php. You need a php file for php code to be executed.
    1 point
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