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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2022 in all areas

  1. What do you suppose your instructor would say if you went to him/her with same thing you posted here in your first post? And would you tell him/her you don't want their criticism just solutions? If you have written any code to attempt this simply post it as you should have done to begin with or at least when someone asked you for it. You didn't want to do that yet still want solutions.
    1 point
  2. I would suggest you get a book called Php&MySql by Jon Duckett - most of the tasks you mentioned are readily available in the book. Hint: if you made an attempt to write the code and had problems and then posted those problems on here, you would get more replies and more help. If you want someone to code your assignment for you , go to fiverr.com and hire someone
    0 points
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