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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Probably you should talk to the company hosting the API as it seems your request is going through fine so if there's a problem it's likely with the data you are sending not being what they expect. They are the only ones that can really tell you for sure if there is a problem with the data. If I had to take a guess, it would be that you seem to be trying to post multiple records when they probably only expect one. If you decide you're query string, you'll see you are posting data like this: 0[id]=6653&0[participacion]=6936&0[beneficio]=cine&0[fecha]=2018-04-16+14:41:59&0[promo]=33&1[id]=6654&1[participacion]=3318&1[beneficio]=payp That seems unusual to me. What would seem more likely is that you'd send one at a time with data such as this: id=6653&participacion=6936&beneficio=cine&fecha=2018-04-16+14:41:59&promo=33
    1 point
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