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  1. Thank you!!! I was on the right track at some point but my double quotes betrayed me! It is working now and I understand my errors Thank you again! Crazycabling
    1 point
  2. Keep track of whether or not you've sent the count request, and only send it if you haven't. $('audio').on("play", function(){ let requestSent = false return function(){ if (requestSent){ return; } requestSent = true; let a_id = $(this).attr("id"); $.ajax({ url: "count-play.php?id=" + a_id , success: function(result){ $("."+ a_id + "count").html(result); } }); }; }()); The first time the event fires, requestSent will be false so the ajax call will run and record the play event and requestSent will be set to true. Later events will see that requestSent is true and immediately return thus doing nothing.
    1 point
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