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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2023 in all areas

  1. the fun part in programming is learning new things and in succeeding in getting the computer to do what you want. copy/pasting things someone else has written isn't programming. i had never previously dynamically built a hyperlink using javascript. i began by researching (i.e. keep searching) until i found how to set the href attribute and how to set the innerText using javascript. since the method i used above uses jquery and is finding the class names within each row, i starting by giving an empty hyperlink markup a class name of 'file' - <a class='file' target="_blank"></a> then the code to dynamically build the hyperlink, using the javascript Directory and Document variables, became - $('#Aid_'+Aid).find('.file').attr("href", '/'+Directory+'/'+Document); $('#Aid_'+Aid).find('.file').text(Document); you would need to research what these would need to be when not using jquery (my previous post above names the two attributes) and using the composite ids being used in the code you copied.
    1 point
  2. The .style.* properties only provide values directly assigned to an element, either via JS or via a style="" attribute, they do not reflect CSS applied via selectors. For that, you need to use getComputedStyle. I do not see anything in your current code that is changing the left attribute of your elements, so it'd never change to be zero. Scrolling does not affect the left attribute of an element if that was your intent. If you want to check if something has been scrolled out of view, you need to find the scroll position and compare it to the position of the element.
    1 point
  3. Sorry everyone. I had a crash from a diabetic incident and was gone. @AKADRUMMIN nailed it. The fix was `mybandid` = '$mybandid. That resolved it. I'm in shock that I missed something so simple to fix and a little disappointed in myself for not catching that but, hey... this is how we learn right? Thank you so much everyone. Now I know how to make that work and why. I appreciate everyones input sooooo very much!
    1 point
  4. I use GitHub Copilot daily, in my opinion it's an advanced autocomplete. I have tried giving it prompts of what I want to achieve, but it doesn't understand your codebase, it just outputs a bunch of code it was trained on. Like trying to use it to write SQL queries you get tables and columns that don't exist in your project. When trying to use it to write a class or function, it uses functions, libraries, and classes that don't exist. Even though I try to stick to popular libraries and follow the PSR conventions, it still outputs abandoned libraries, non existing PHP functions etc.. Where it does shine is autocompletion, it understands the context surrounding it (array keys, arguments, variable names, ..), and your coding patterns. It's also a bit slow, so often times I am waiting for a suggestion, get impatient and start typing, and then use the autocompletion when it's finally ready. So, in conclusion, you still need to be a software developer to use it, and as long as you don't try to use it to write your entire project, it's okay. In the end, it saves you time writing or refactoring your code.
    1 point
  5. They likely pay various places for the data then consolidate it. I'd probably buy it. I've bought compiled lists of US zip codes with various other associated data (Timezone, Lat, Lng, etc) before. $35 and 5 minutes to buy and import the data was a lot cheaper than spending hours/days/weeks trying to compile it on my own.
    1 point
  6. The only place that the code has a chance of running is in your own environment. Are you expecting everyone to have a database with your tables and table structures, to name just one obstacle?
    0 points
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