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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Sorry about that, the IDs need to be enclosed in PHP tags. Here's an updated example: <td><input type='checkbox' name='check_list[<?= $prod_id ?>]' value='<?= $prod_id ?>' ></td> <input type='text' name='prod_id[<?= $prod_id ?>]' value='<?= $prod_id ?>' hidden> <input type='text' name='cost_price[<?= $prod_id ?>]' value='<?= $cost_price ?>' hidden> ...
    1 point
  2. Remember that only check checkboxes are posted, so the kth checkbox isn't necessarily the kth other items I'd use the id as index for the post array, for example... <input type='text' name='prod_qty[$prod_id]' value='<?= $prod_qty ?>' hidden>
    1 point
  3. Tell us what you don't know how to do in a few words. I don't get this. Sure, it looks crowded with a lot of fields, but I don't get it. Is this one input page supposed to update multiple records? How would you like to proceed? It will be easier for someone here to understand and help you if you keep it simple.
    1 point
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