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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Inside the function, check it's display status. If hidden, show it. If not hidden, hide it.
    1 point
  2. It won't let you reuse placeholder names** so you need :StartDate1 and :StartDate2 then provide the same value for both when you execute. $stmt->execute(['StartDate1' => $StartDate, 'Startdate2' => $StartDate]); Alternatively you can use ? placeholders $sqlAllData = "SELECT * FROM Bank_Data WHERE EntryDate > ? AND EntryDate <= DATE_ADD(?, INTERVAL 6 WEEK) ORDER BY EntryDate ASC, Output"; ... $stmt->execute( [ $StartDate, $StartDate ] ); ** it will if if you use emulated prepares, but that is a bad idea.
    1 point
  3. Not just start the file with. Every PHP code block must use <?php (or <?= for the short echos). The Statement.php file you just uploaded contains blocks where you did not fix this issue. Line 101 <? $stmt = GetAllData($Date); echo $stmt; Line 156 <? } else { ?> Line 161 <? } ?> Line 174 <? } ?> You need to fix ALL of these tags. Do so in ALL of your files.
    1 point
  4. This is not a panacea, but you could change the all_setting function to this: public function all_setting() { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * from tbl_settings WHERE id=1 ORDER BY id"); if ($query) { return $query->first_row('array'); } else { return array(); } } Then your modification would work.
    1 point
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