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Philip last won the day on May 7 2015

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About Philip

  • Birthday September 25

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  1. Welcome back
  2. Philip

    IRC is back.

    *cough* http://irc.phpfreaks.com/
  3. Philip

    Back online.

    Badgers, right? It's always dem pesky badgers.
  4. Extra pointless server calls ftw!
  5. Matt is still there actually. And with v4 coming out soon (currently on beta 3), I imagine it has been rewritten. But I dunno if the phpf team will upgrade ;-) I'm just a lurker again
  6. I had this happen before, reproduced it several times... had a couple of reports to IPB but I don't think it ever completely got solved
  7. THAT DESK IS SO CLUTTERED. I wouldn't be able to stand in there for more than a few seconds
  8. It should be outputting all 3. <pre> <?php $a = ['q1' => 'no', 'q3' => 'yes', 'q2' => 'yes']; $b = ['q1' => 'no', 'q3' => 'yes', 'q2' => 'yes']; print_r(array_intersect($a, $b)); Returns: Array ( [q1] => no [q3] => yes [q2] => yes ) Can you post your actual code?
  9. Don't, it was a joke (hence the /s). PHP6 books were written before anything was finalized in the language, so assumptions were made.
  10. You should totally go for a PHP6 book /s
  11. Welcome to IPB, where its all or nothing!
  12. 10 posts, thanks to spam bots. Should probably lower that
  13. Your profile timezone shows GMT instead of what I imagine you want... EST? I've changed it to EST. Should be closer/correct
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