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Posts posted by requinix

  1. The way they do it is they give the user something to connect to that supports only IPv4, and then another that supports only IPv6. Then they combine the information together to give you the full results.

    Because all you can ever get from the user is how they connected to your site. If they used IPv4 then you can't know what their (public) IPv6 address is.

  2. Given that the CSS you wrote is invalid and what you're trying to do isn't supported,

    Either restructure your HTML so that the input and your <p> are sibling elements, thus allowing you to use ~ or +, or use Javascript to apply a CSS class somewhere useful or to show/hide the paragraph element itself.

  3. That describes the "ListDevicesDB" API you can call.

    1. It uses the GET method.
    2. You need to include a "token" header that includes some value. If the value is what you included in your post then that needs to change because this was (probably) supposed to be a secret value and you've now shared it with the whole internet.
    3. The URL is as given there. It optionally supports a "deviceSerial" query string parameter, as the description indicates.
    4. It doesn't describe what the return value is.

    So you need to get a basic API calling thing in place. You can use libraries for it, or you can write the API calls yourself using cURL.

    Your first step should be to understand more about making API calls through PHP. It's all the same everywhere - only differences being exactly what the API wants, and that's the information they gave you.
    Once you understand a little more about API calls, then you can deal with the PHP code to try to make them. It's pretty simple but you do need to know more about what this is all about to be effective at it.

  4. RDP servers are notoriously risk-prone. It's almost always a bad idea to have them open to the internet for anyone to connect to.
    By "tunneling" through the VPN, the RDP server remains disconnected from the internet, but you can still access it by connecting to the VPN (which is going to be much more secure).

    Ditto for the remote server. In your case apparently you need two hops, presumably because it's not accessible over the VPN directly, but the point is the same.

    It's very common to have a database server not connected to the internet, to minimize risk, so to allow access you can VPN or SSH into the network and then tunnel to get a direct database connection.

  5. If we're still talking about the original issue, my reply

    On 6/21/2023 at 12:32 PM, requinix said:

    Your rules say that every single thing containing a slash needs to be rewritten to page.php. Are you sure you don't mean that every single thing containing a slash which does not exist should be rewritten?

    was trying to point out that you were rewriting everything when you should be rewriting only the things that don't exist.


    2 hours ago, Guldstrand said:

    Yes, I know how it works.

    followed by

    2 hours ago, Guldstrand said:

    As I said, I already have rules that sends:

    domain.com/article.php?id/slug=$variable --> domain.com/articles/$variable/
     --> domain.com/events/$variable/


    is funny.

  6. It's rather unlikely that GoDaddy is running a PHP that isn't using mysqlnd. And I'm not sure that existed in the time of PHP 5.2. So this situation you're describing seems backwards.

    First things first, though: PHP 5.2 is extremely out of date. You need an version of XAMPP that has PHP 7.4 - to match what your real website is running.
    Frankly, I'm amazed XAMPP even provides PHP 5.2...

  7. 4 hours ago, ChenXiu said:

    For a mySQL query on 4 tables that will be joined on the "sku_number varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY" column, does the ordering of the tables in the query affect performance (speed) ?

    Basically no. The query optimizer will rearrange the query as it sees fit according to heuristics that are probably better informed than you are. Generally, you want to write the query in the most logical way and let MySQL execute it however it wants.

    Post your query and an EXPLAIN for it.

  8. 3 hours ago, Penny_Rollo said:

    Anyway I now have five complete sets of the latest version of Webalizer :)

    Once again: the "latest version" of Webalizer, this 2.23-08 that you found, is ten years oldhttps://webalizer.net/news.html

    Webalizer is dead, and the longer you insist on using it the worse things will be for you. No updates. No features. You're going to fall further and further behind on the sorts of things everybody else is using because they're using modern tools.
    Changing software sucks, I know, but it's very much worth the temporary discomfort.

    • Great Answer 1
  9. 1 hour ago, MarkZA79 said:

    The problem we face is we have these PHP reports which when run can take up to 30 minutes to return or others just never return at all

    Has it always been slow/occasionally not returning, or did that change recently?

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