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Everything posted by MrXHellboy

  1. Just give us your code and tell what you want.... We can check for you
  2. The function count() does not work like this as far as i know... explode..... You forgot the delimiter......
  3. Hi All, Currently we have a little wordpress network.... We want to get all the latest network comments. I have stored the db prefixes in an array $prefixx = array('delo_', 'dna_', 'lcp_', 'os_', 'wp_'); Now i have this loop: foreach ($prefixx as $prefix) { $comments = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT ". $prefix ."comments.comment_author AS author, ". $prefix ."posts.post_title AS title,".$prefix."posts.guid AS guid, ".$prefix."comments.comment_date AS date FROM ". $prefix ."comments, ". $prefix ."posts WHERE ". $prefix ."comments.comment_post_ID = ". $prefix ."posts.ID AND ". $prefix ."posts.post_status = 'publish' AND ". $prefix ."comments.comment_approved = 1 ORDER BY ". $prefix ."comments.comment_date DESC ", ARRAY_A); foreach ($comments as $c) { $arr[$c['date']] = $c; } } The goal to get the latest 10 comments (total) from all the tables. Like this, it works fine as i get all the comments, then sort them on key... But i get them ALL. Is there a more efficient way like: select ...... FROM table1, table2, table3 etc etc ?
  4. This is stored in an array ?
  5. Why would you want a human readable url query string with passwords and usernames? This is very vulnerable for malicious visitors! its not smart, especially with passwords. Dont do that! Use $_POST instead! IF you still want this.... Dont use http_build_query as this will return a encoded url query string. You have to build this manually like page.php?Type=myparam&Username=dazd&Password=nk98830&id=0&Cols_Returned=numfrom,sentdata replace the values with vairables so it will be dynamically
  6. I am not familiar with Javascript. Absolutely not You have to wait till someone else see this topic... I am sorry
  7. I think that how you try to call it is wrong as this works perfectly: <?php $x = serialize(array('value_eq')); $y = unserialize($x); echo $y[0]; ?> You used the PHP serialize function for this $fields ?
  8. This is NOT PHP concerned! Wrong place to post this. However, go for CSS and the how ? background-image: url naar img;
  9. preg_match_all('@<field name="dbnr" format="Long">(.*)<\/field>@', $a, $matches); echo '<pre>'. print_r($matches, true).'</pre>';
  10. Maybe this will offer some solution http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-search.html
  11. You used a parameter which is not a LINk id (Link id generated by mysql_connect()). For errors: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1);
  12. date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Amsterdam"); print_r(getdate()); It returns a nice array with your requests
  13. Help with what exactly ? date_default_timezone_set("Antarctica/Palmer"); Sets the timezone and all thedate/time function are depending on this in a script.
  14. And 1 thing more. Why doesn't need $new_array = array_merge($new_array, array_unpack($val, $str.$key.".")); brackets and $new_array[] = $val; does ? It seems like you are overwriting this variable each time, but it doesnt... So what the big deal there
  15. Unfortunately no. Your first snippet was Ok. Everything was cool! But now, the second index 'key' needs to become prefix_key because there was already an index called 'key'.
  16. So for my understanding ? Page 1 form.... Page 2 -> handler.... After handler has been done, you want to go to page 1 again ? In that case... You can put header('Location: http://www.example.com/'); @ the bottom
  17. Lets say, 'prefix' for example. Doesn't really matter, as long as they all will be in the new array.
  18. Thx! Any other possibility for this ? I want to use the keys as well, and add a prefix to the key accordingly.... Array_merge does not support key options in this way as far as i know. So: array(array('Key' => 1,2,3,array(4,5,6, array('Key' => 7,8,9)))) the second key 'Key' must get a prefix.... is not really possible with array_merge ?! Cheers
  19. Confirm that. The last result will be stored!
  20. Hi all, Ok, simple question... just imagine a multidimensional array, array(array(1,2,3,array(4,5,6, array(7,8,9)))); how to build a recursive function that will unpack all the arrays into 1 array. Somehow, none of my tries has worked out properly Cheers
  21. Which specific wordpress function do you use to retrieve all the pages ? For example http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/query_posts does have a special argument
  22. I guess concatenation will not work with instances. You can create 2 separate methods and use a if construct to call the methods.
  23. You declare the msg variable after a if construct, which means, they will only be set IF something is wrong. Do for instance for all: $signup_username_msg = ''; @ the top of your script somewhere. and they are gone. Or you can check isset();
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