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Everything posted by QuickOldCar

  1. I used to wear contact lenses, they fused my eyelids shut and were swollen, after the optometrist (which made an emergency call for me from golfing on a Sunday) dumped acid in my eyes and bandaged me. 3 weeks later the bandages came off and I was totally blind and saw nothing but black for a week. (That's scary) For about 3 months after that it was like someone smeared vaseline into my eyes and slowly washing away, eventually I could see ok again, but to this day the bright lights hurt my eyes. The doctor never seen anything like this, I wore contacts for years prior, will no longer wear contacts. I used both extended wear and daily wear over the years I wore them, I even wore my glasses a lot to let my eyes breath, always uncontaminated solution and the utmost care. I even had my solution tested and was fine, I would have liked to test the contacts but the acid took care of those.
  2. I would also make this: if (isset($_GET['search'])) { To this: if (isset($_GET['search']) && $_GET['search'] !='') { is no reason to execute the search query if search terms are empty
  3. It does look like something that can now search and get results, did you try running this? be sure the use of mysql_real_escape_string comes after the mysql connection Your result is now an array, you should just add the actual values into the array and no html, add the html to each value on displaying it. Wondering why are making this an array when you can echo the values right there in the while loop This: $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)) { $results[] = "{$i}: {$row['stitle']}<br />{$row['sdescription']}<br />{$row['sbody']}<br /><br />"; $i++; } Could easily become this: This: while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)) { echo $row['stitle']."<br />".$row['sdescription']."<br />".$row['sbody']."<br />"; }
  4. There used to be a free version of this, not sure if is or not, but I assure you this will work well and limit the speeds on any computer on the network from gobbling up all your bandwidth. http://www.cfos.de/en/cfosspeed/cfosspeed.htm And this free one still works on Windows 7 even though is not listed. http://bandwidthcontroller.com/trafficShaperXp.html
  5. I just noticed you have no meta information the head of your page. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="Web graphics design and developer Usman Shakoor" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Multimedia Technology,Graphics,Design,Website,Developer,HTML,CSS,JavaScript,MySQL,PHP" /> Since you are desiging websites, you may want to check out the Open Graph meta as well. http://ogp.me/
  6. To me none of them are. Computers, Operating Systems, Applications, Websites and Browsers are just trying to keep up with one another to current and future technology while still making it work for older machines and technology. It has and most likely will always be a changing and unstable environment, having a few that work for the most is actually quite an impressive feat. I for one prefer Firefox, Chrome as a backup (never seem to need it), and Internet Explorer just to see how much it can break websites. I know I hate constant updates of browsers, but to me that means they are at least trying to make it better. So my answer to you is always get the latest versions.
  7. It's a clean and user friendly site with a hint of experience.
  8. There is no search whatsoever in the code you provided. If you have nothing, I suggest looking at some tutorials on how to make a search using LIKE or even mysql fulltext http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/simple-sql-search http://www.mysqltutorial.org/sql-like-mysql.aspx
  9. If did the single page for the rant, you could display just that users other rants below it. Some things you can add to the single pages could be those embed codes (which need to be shifted to the right more), views, ratings, text comments or even rant comments. Or when you get a lot more rants there, similar subject rants as suggestions.
  10. I'm in no way affiliated to them. http://www.limestonenetworks.com/ had to be my best host ever. Had a dedicated quad core with 8 gig memory and unlimited uploads. It never had down time in 3 years I used them and was extremely fast, the support was great and they will contact you within a short time if have any questions. Here's a for instance on my experience renting a dedicated server from them. You order the server, specify which operating system would like, which panel, and any other preferences, usually within the day they will give you an address for the server and credentials to log in. I usually install webmin for a panel, pretty sure they offer cpanel as an option, but i don't care for it. At this point everything should be good to go from them, they use snapshots. There still will be any configuration you may want. At their website when you log in, they have a panel to associate your domain to your server. My first choice I selected centos, and installed hypervm with kloxo on it, it's a free opensource hosting solution that can rent virtual dedicated servers, or vps's if you want to, or just nice for creating more sites yourself. Maybe can recoup some of your costs with friends or someone you know that needs a server space. Check out the demo of the panel. After 2 years using centos, I needed ubuntu, I wasn't hosting sites for others that server and had a need for ubuntu to install certain packages at that time for a project was involved in. I surely missed the hypervm, and then had just a plain old server lacking many of the great features the hosting package provided. And to set up a server with all the features is just way too time consuming, and also troublesome at times. I would surely still be using them if not for the fact I have a friend hosting that server in NYC on a fios line.
  11. I believe you are limiting yourself by using the word rant, something related to the words "audio comment" may work better. I noticed when my search crawler hit your page that the audio comments do not have their own permalinks, (a link leading to a page with just that audio file). I believe if you linked your titles to the audio's it can brink you more traffic and searchable. To make my point clearer, you can have links similar to these. Ellen: TickTubes kill 90% of ticks Ellen: US lyme disease numbers Ellen: Lyme disease awareness In your sidebar you show popular rants that are nice titles, but the links take you to the latest rants with that link now on top. Social Media Week 2012 This is yet another good reason to make each rant have a permanent location. I have no idea why people still use the www in their domains, it's better to redirect all www's to the non www domain. Having that www. was a thing of the past. http://fragments.turtlemeat.com/www-domain-name-configuration.php One more thing, you are using <meta property= and not the proper <meta name= to get the accurate information of what your website is about. Use <meta name= for your website data, and the open graph <meta property= for each of your pages data Look here for more what you should fix. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rantrally.com%2Fproject%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
  12. So you want to take their content, store it yourself to display. Most websites frown on this and consider it theft, while others may allow you to do this. It's best to ask their permission before starting this. But if you do have permission.... Need a way to connect to the site and obtain some data so look into: dom, simplhtmldom, curl, file_get_contents(), simplexml Some of the ways above can get specific data from tags on a page, others must find the content using regex, with preg_match(), preg_match_all() Once you have the desired content, is best to filter and escape bad characters, you may run into different character encoding Then you insert the data into mysql in whatever database design you came up with, then fetch/select the data you want to display. http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php
  13. Can try this, I commented and changed around a few items. Be sure $_GET['ttid'] is included in the address bar like &ttid=value <?php $monthname=$_POST['month']; if (isset($_GET['np'])){ $num_pages=$_GET['np']; } else { if($searchtype == 'yes') if ($monthname=="All" || $monthname=="") { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 order by event_datefrom desc"; }else { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 AND MONTHNAME(event_datefrom) = '$monthname' order by event_datefrom desc"; } else if ($monthname=="All" || $monthname=="") { $query = "Select count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 order by event_datefrom desc"; }else { $query = "Select count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 AND MONTHNAME(event_datefrom) = '$monthname' order by event_datefrom desc"; } $result=mysql_query($query); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM); $num_records=$row[0]; if ($num_records > $displayhome){ $num_pages=ceil($num_records/$displayhome); } else { $num_pages=1; } } if (isset($_GET['s'])){ $start=$_GET['s']; } else { $start=0; } if ($monthname=="All" || $monthname=="") { $query = "SELECT master_event.*,master_type.type_name, DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %b %y') as datefrom, DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %b %y') as dateto, event_venue, (event_name) as eventname FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 order by event_datefrom asc LIMIT $start, $displayhome"; }else { $query = "SELECT master_event.*,master_type.type_name, DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %b %y') as datefrom, DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %b %y') as dateto, event_venue, (event_name) as eventname FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 AND MONTHNAME(event_datefrom) = '$monthname' order by event_datefrom asc LIMIT $start, $displayhome"; } $result = mysql_query($query); $bg='#e5e5e5'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $eventid = $row['event_id']; $eventname = str_replace("", "", $row['eventname']); $eventdatefrom = $row['datefrom']; $eventdateto = $row['dateto']; $event_venue = $row['event_venue']; $event_desc = $row['event_desc']; $speakerlist = $row['speakerlist']; $showline1 = ""; $showpros =""; $showline2 = ""; $showreg =""; $showline3 = ""; $showps =""; $showline4 = ""; $showtestimonial =""; $showline5 = ""; $showsp =""; $showline6 = ""; $showsl =""; if ($eventdatefrom ==$eventdateto) { $eventdate = $eventdatefrom; } else { $eventdate = $eventdatefrom . " - " . $eventdateto; } $querypros="select count(*) as proscount from master_prospectus where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultpros = mysql_query($querypros); while($rowpros = mysql_fetch_array($resultpros)){ $proscount = $rowpros['proscount']; if ($proscount > 0) { $showline1 = "|"; $showpros ="Request Brochure"; } } $queryreg="select (CASE WHEN event_dateto >= NOW() THEN 'valid' ELSE 'invalid' END) AS validreg from master_event where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultreg = mysql_query($queryreg); while($rowreg = mysql_fetch_array($resultreg)){ $validreg = $rowreg['validreg']; if ($validreg == "valid") { $showline2 = "|"; $showreg ="Online Registration"; } } $queryps="select count(*) as pscount from master_psevent where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultps = mysql_query($queryps); while($rowps = mysql_fetch_array($resultps)){ $pscount = $rowps['pscount']; if ($pscount > 0) { $showline3 = "|"; $showps ="Partner & Sponsor"; } } $querytesm="select count(*) as tesmcount from master_testimonial where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resulttesm = mysql_query($querytesm); while($rowtesm = mysql_fetch_array($resulttesm)){ $tesmcount = $rowtesm['tesmcount']; if ($tesmcount > 0) { $showline4 = "|"; $showtestimonial ="Testimonial"; } } $querysp="select count(*) as spcount from master_speakernote where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultsp = mysql_query($querysp); while($rowsp = mysql_fetch_array($resultsp)){ $spcount = $rowsp['spcount']; if ($spcount > 0) { $showline5 = "|"; $showsp ="Speaker Notes"; } } if ($speakerlist <> '') { $showline6 = "|"; $showsl ="Speaker List"; } echo "<tr><p style=\"font-size:small;\"> <td width='' ><img src='images/search.png' alt='tooltips' ></img>&nbsp<a href='index.php?view=event&content=tips&ttid=$eventid' title ='$eventname' class=\"fancybox fancybox.iframe\" style=\"color:#104E8B;text-decoration: none; \" ><strong><font size='2' face='Segoe UI' >$eventname</font></strong></a><br> <font color='#000000' size='2' face='arial' >Date : $eventdate <br> Venue : $event_venue<br></font> <table style=\"text-align: left; width: 400px; height: 92px;\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> <td style=\"text-align: justify; color: #000000;\"> <font color='#000000' size='2' face='arial' > $event_desc</font></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"; ?> <?php //start of logo code if(isset($_GET['ttid']) && $_GET['ttid'] != '') {//code will only work if $_GET['ttid'] is set //assuming these are set above somewhere in code? $connection=mysql_connect("$server", "$username", "$password") or die("Could not establish connection"); mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection) or die ("Could not select database"); $ttid = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['ttid']);//escaping before mysql and after the connection $query = "select master_event.* , (DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %M %Y')) as datefrom, (DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %M %Y')) as dateto, ucase(event_name) as eventname from master_event where master_event.event_id = '$ttid '"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $eventname = $row['eventname']; $eventdesc = $row['event_desc']; //$companydescription = $row['company_description']; $eventvenue = $row['event_venue']; $eventfee = $row['event_fee']; $datefrom = $row['datefrom']; $dateto = $row['dateto']; echo "<font color='#000000' face='arial' ><b> $eventname </b> </font> <br>"; echo "<font color='#000000' face='arial' ><i>Date</i> : $datefrom - $dateto <br>"; echo "<i>Venue</i> : $eventvenue <br>"; $querypstype = "SELECT DISTINCT master_pstype.pstype_id, pstype_desc FROM master_pstype INNER JOIN master_psevent ON master_psevent.pstype_id= master_pstype.pstype_id where master_psevent.event_id = '$ttid' ORDER BY pstype_order"; $resultpstype=mysql_query($querypstype); while($rowpstype = mysql_fetch_array($resultpstype)){ $pstypeid = $rowpstype['pstype_id']; $pstypedesc = $rowpstype['pstype_desc']; echo "<br><font color='#8B3A3A' size='1' face='georgia' ><b><i>$pstypedesc</i></b></font> <br>"; $queryps = "SELECT master_psevent.*, pstype_desc, company_name, company_link, company_description, logo_filename FROM master_psevent LEFT JOIN master_pstype ON master_psevent.pstype_id = master_pstype.pstype_id LEFT JOIN master_ps ON master_ps.ps_id = master_psevent.ps_id WHERE master_psevent.event_id = '$ttid' and master_pstype.pstype_id= '$pstypeid' ORDER BY pstype_desc,company_name "; echo $queryps; $resultps=mysql_query($queryps); while($rowps = mysql_fetch_array($resultps)){ $companyname = $rowps['company_name']; $companyid = $rowps['ps_id']; $companylinkori = $rowps['company_link']; $companydescription = $rowps['company_description']; $logopath = $rowps['logo_filename']; $describelink = "index.php?view=describe&ttid=$ttid&pstypeid=$pstypeid&psid=$companyid"; if(!empty($companydescription)){ echo "<a href=\"$describelink\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"$describelink\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } } } } }//end of logo code ?> <?php echo " <font color='#919191' size='1' face='arial' ><b> <a href='index.php?view=prospectus&regrq=$eventid' title ='Request Brochure...' >$showpros</a> <b>$showline1</b> <a href='index.php?view=registration&regrq=$eventid' title ='Online Registration...' > $showreg </a> <b>$showline2</b> <a href='index.php?view=event&content=psevent&ttid=$eventid' title ='Sponsor & Partner...' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe' >$showps</a> <b>$showline3</b> <a href='index.php?view=event&content=tesm&ttid=$eventid' title ='Testimonial...' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe' >$showtestimonial</a> <b>$showline4</b> <a href='index.php?view=spl&splid=$eventid' > $showsp</a><b>$showline5</b> <a href='index.php?view=event&content=speaker&ttid=$eventid' title ='$eventname' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe' > $showsl</a></font><br><br></td> </p></tr></b></font> "; } if ($eventid=="") { echo "No Records Found."; } echo "<td><p style=\"font-size:1;\">"; echo "<br>"; if ($num_pages > 1) { $current_page = ($start/$displayhome) + 1; if ($current_page != 1) { echo '<a href="index.php?view=home&content=list&s=' . ($start - $displayhome) . '&np=' . $num_pages . '#a" class="style1" style="color:#4F94CD;text-decoration: none;">Previous</a> ';} for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { if ($i != $current_page) { echo '<a href="index.php?view=home&content=list&s=' . (($displayhome * ($i - 1))) . '&np=' . $num_pages . '#a" class="style1" style="color:#4F94CD;text-decoration: none;">' . $i . '</a> '; } else { echo '<font face="arial" size="2">'; echo $i . '</font> ';} } if ($current_page != $num_pages) { echo '<a href="index.php?view=home&content=list&s=' . ($start + $displayhome) . '&np=' . $num_pages . '#a" class="style1" style="color:#4F94CD;text-decoration: none;">Next</a>';} } echo "</p></td>"; ?> </tr> </div> </form>
  14. Gonna guess it's after the table, so like this. You should break in and out of php probably. <?php $monthname=$_POST['month']; if (isset($_GET['np'])){ $num_pages=$_GET['np']; } else { if($searchtype == 'yes') if ($monthname=="All" || $monthname=="") { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 order by event_datefrom desc"; }else { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 AND MONTHNAME(event_datefrom) = '$monthname' order by event_datefrom desc"; } else if ($monthname=="All" || $monthname=="") { $query = "Select count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 order by event_datefrom desc"; }else { $query = "Select count(*) FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 AND MONTHNAME(event_datefrom) = '$monthname' order by event_datefrom desc"; } $result=mysql_query($query); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM); $num_records=$row[0]; if ($num_records > $displayhome){ $num_pages=ceil($num_records/$displayhome); } else { $num_pages=1; } } if (isset($_GET['s'])){ $start=$_GET['s']; } else { $start=0; } if ($monthname=="All" || $monthname=="") { $query = "SELECT master_event.*,master_type.type_name, DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %b %y') as datefrom, DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %b %y') as dateto, event_venue, (event_name) as eventname FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 order by event_datefrom asc LIMIT $start, $displayhome"; }else { $query = "SELECT master_event.*,master_type.type_name, DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %b %y') as datefrom, DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %b %y') as dateto, event_venue, (event_name) as eventname FROM master_event LEFT JOIN master_type ON master_type.type_id = master_event.type_id where isupcomingevent = 1 AND MONTHNAME(event_datefrom) = '$monthname' order by event_datefrom asc LIMIT $start, $displayhome"; } $result = mysql_query($query); $bg='#e5e5e5'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $eventid = $row['event_id']; $eventname = str_replace("", "", $row['eventname']); $eventdatefrom = $row['datefrom']; $eventdateto = $row['dateto']; $event_venue = $row['event_venue']; $event_desc = $row['event_desc']; $speakerlist = $row['speakerlist']; $showline1 = ""; $showpros =""; $showline2 = ""; $showreg =""; $showline3 = ""; $showps =""; $showline4 = ""; $showtestimonial =""; $showline5 = ""; $showsp =""; $showline6 = ""; $showsl =""; if ($eventdatefrom ==$eventdateto) { $eventdate = $eventdatefrom; } else { $eventdate = $eventdatefrom . " - " . $eventdateto; } $querypros="select count(*) as proscount from master_prospectus where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultpros = mysql_query($querypros); while($rowpros = mysql_fetch_array($resultpros)){ $proscount = $rowpros['proscount']; if ($proscount > 0) { $showline1 = "|"; $showpros ="Request Brochure"; } } $queryreg="select (CASE WHEN event_dateto >= NOW() THEN 'valid' ELSE 'invalid' END) AS validreg from master_event where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultreg = mysql_query($queryreg); while($rowreg = mysql_fetch_array($resultreg)){ $validreg = $rowreg['validreg']; if ($validreg == "valid") { $showline2 = "|"; $showreg ="Online Registration"; } } $queryps="select count(*) as pscount from master_psevent where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultps = mysql_query($queryps); while($rowps = mysql_fetch_array($resultps)){ $pscount = $rowps['pscount']; if ($pscount > 0) { $showline3 = "|"; $showps ="Partner & Sponsor"; } } $querytesm="select count(*) as tesmcount from master_testimonial where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resulttesm = mysql_query($querytesm); while($rowtesm = mysql_fetch_array($resulttesm)){ $tesmcount = $rowtesm['tesmcount']; if ($tesmcount > 0) { $showline4 = "|"; $showtestimonial ="Testimonial"; } } $querysp="select count(*) as spcount from master_speakernote where event_id ='$eventid' "; $resultsp = mysql_query($querysp); while($rowsp = mysql_fetch_array($resultsp)){ $spcount = $rowsp['spcount']; if ($spcount > 0) { $showline5 = "|"; $showsp ="Speaker Notes"; } } if ($speakerlist <> '') { $showline6 = "|"; $showsl ="Speaker List"; } echo "<tr><p style=\"font-size:small;\"> <td width='' ><img src='images/search.png' alt='tooltips' ></img>&nbsp<a href='index.php?view=event&content=tips&ttid=$eventid' title ='$eventname' class=\"fancybox fancybox.iframe\" style=\"color:#104E8B;text-decoration: none; \" ><strong><font size='2' face='Segoe UI' >$eventname</font></strong></a><br> <font color='#000000' size='2' face='arial' >Date : $eventdate <br> Venue : $event_venue<br></font> <table style=\"text-align: left; width: 400px; height: 92px;\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> <td style=\"text-align: justify; color: #000000;\"> <font color='#000000' size='2' face='arial' > $event_desc</font></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> if(isset($_GET[ttid])) { $ttid = $_GET[ttid]; } $connection=mysql_connect("$server", "$username", "$password") or die("Could not establish connection"); mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection) or die ("Could not select database"); $query = "select master_event.* , (DATE_FORMAT(event_datefrom, '%d %M %Y')) as datefrom, (DATE_FORMAT(event_dateto, '%d %M %Y')) as dateto, ucase(event_name) as eventname from master_event where master_event.event_id = '$ttid '"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $eventname = $row['eventname']; $eventdesc = $row['event_desc']; //$companydescription = $row['company_description']; $eventvenue = $row['event_venue']; $eventfee = $row['event_fee']; $datefrom = $row['datefrom']; $dateto = $row['dateto']; echo "<font color='#000000' face='arial' ><b> $eventname </b> </font> <br>"; echo "<font color='#000000' face='arial' ><i>Date</i> : $datefrom - $dateto <br>"; echo "<i>Venue</i> : $eventvenue <br>"; $querypstype = "SELECT DISTINCT master_pstype.pstype_id, pstype_desc FROM master_pstype INNER JOIN master_psevent ON master_psevent.pstype_id= master_pstype.pstype_id where master_psevent.event_id = '$ttid' ORDER BY pstype_order"; $resultpstype=mysql_query($querypstype); while($rowpstype = mysql_fetch_array($resultpstype)){ $pstypeid = $rowpstype['pstype_id']; $pstypedesc = $rowpstype['pstype_desc']; echo "<br><font color='#8B3A3A' size='1' face='georgia' ><b><i>$pstypedesc</i></b></font> <br>"; $queryps = "SELECT master_psevent.*, pstype_desc, company_name, company_link, company_description, logo_filename FROM master_psevent LEFT JOIN master_pstype ON master_psevent.pstype_id = master_pstype.pstype_id LEFT JOIN master_ps ON master_ps.ps_id = master_psevent.ps_id WHERE master_psevent.event_id = '$ttid' and master_pstype.pstype_id= '$pstypeid' ORDER BY pstype_desc,company_name "; echo $queryps; $resultps=mysql_query($queryps); while($rowps = mysql_fetch_array($resultps)){ $companyname = $rowps['company_name']; $companyid = $rowps['ps_id']; $companylinkori = $rowps['company_link']; $companydescription = $rowps['company_description']; $logopath = $rowps['logo_filename']; $describelink = "index.php?view=describe&ttid=$ttid&pstypeid=$pstypeid&psid=$companyid"; if(!empty($companydescription)){ echo "<a href=\"$describelink\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"$describelink\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=".$logo_dir."/".$logopath." width=\"15%\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } } } } <font color='#919191' size='1' face='arial' ><b> <a href='index.php?view=prospectus&regrq=$eventid' title ='Request Brochure...' >$showpros</a> <b>$showline1</b> <a href='index.php?view=registration&regrq=$eventid' title ='Online Registration...' > $showreg </a> <b>$showline2</b> <a href='index.php?view=event&content=psevent&ttid=$eventid' title ='Sponsor & Partner...' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe' >$showps</a> <b>$showline3</b> <a href='index.php?view=event&content=tesm&ttid=$eventid' title ='Testimonial...' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe' >$showtestimonial</a> <b>$showline4</b> <a href='index.php?view=spl&splid=$eventid' > $showsp</a><b>$showline5</b> <a href='index.php?view=event&content=speaker&ttid=$eventid' title ='$eventname' class='fancybox fancybox.iframe' > $showsl</a></font><br><br></td> </p></tr></b></font> "; } if ($eventid=="") { echo "No Records Found."; } echo "<td><p style=\"font-size:1;\">"; echo "<br>"; if ($num_pages > 1) { $current_page = ($start/$displayhome) + 1; if ($current_page != 1) { echo '<a href="index.php?view=home&content=list&s=' . ($start - $displayhome) . '&np=' . $num_pages . '#a" class="style1" style="color:#4F94CD;text-decoration: none;">Previous</a> ';} for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { if ($i != $current_page) { echo '<a href="index.php?view=home&content=list&s=' . (($displayhome * ($i - 1))) . '&np=' . $num_pages . '#a" class="style1" style="color:#4F94CD;text-decoration: none;">' . $i . '</a> '; } else { echo '<font face="arial" size="2">'; echo $i . '</font> ';} } if ($current_page != $num_pages) { echo '<a href="index.php?view=home&content=list&s=' . ($start + $displayhome) . '&np=' . $num_pages . '#a" class="style1" style="color:#4F94CD;text-decoration: none;">Next</a>';} } echo "</p></td>"; ?> </tr> </div> </form> You should use the full php tag and not the short, use <?php versus <? When wanting to reuse the same code in many areas, you can create a php file for the chunk of code...and then inlude it into the page wherever you need it. Where I inserted that logo code, it could have just been something like this. </table> <?php include('logo.php');?> <font color='#919191' size='1' face='arial' ><b>
  15. The other guys are right, you need to set up virtual hosts, can bind names with your own dns server. Set up wildcard record to your main domain using a * An example of setting up your own dns server using bind in ubuntu. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093 Basically you are looking to make your own cms with a template engine system. Where files get shared , but the data is for each specific user acting as their own area. If you really want a site like this can install wordpress and enable multisites. Can even install the domain mapping plugin as well. This would take it even further and allow the websites to be assigned their own domain names. (subdomain or folder design) They would then assign their domain name with an a-record or cname pointing to your ip for server, or it's cname. Heres a good place to see many opensource cms and their demos. http://www.opensourcecms.com/scripts/show.php?catid=all&category=All+CMS+Demos Besides wordpress, take a look at xoops , bitweaver, nucleus . I've tried them and seem pretty good, also have the multisite ability built in. I personally use the wordpress multisite, they been around a long time, many contributers, themes and plugins. I just so happen to be setting my wordpress hosting back up and can see it live at http://dynainternet.com
  16. Loads instantly for me in the US, no delay whatsoever.
  17. Site looks and works ok, Loaded fine for me.
  18. If this isn't what want need to explain better. <li><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="<?php echo $item['title'];?>" href="<?php echo "http://p30af.com/".$item['link'];?>"><?php echo $item['title'];?></a></li>
  19. If don't want go.php there, don't add it. If remove go.php from the url it most certainly will not find the go.php script. one thing you can do is make a folder called go, then inside make an index.php file, place the contents of go.php into there and then use a link similar to this: <li><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="<?php echo $item['title'];?>" href="<?php echo "http://p30af.com/go/?url=".$item['link'];?>"><?php echo $item['title'];?></a></li>
  20. <?php include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); $rss = fetch_rss('http://siteshoma.com/feed/'); $maxitems = 5; //Number for show $items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $maxitems); ?> <ul> <?php if (empty($items)) echo '<li>there is no content</li>'; else foreach ( $items as $item ) : ?> <li><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="<?php echo $item['title'];?>" href="<?php echo "http://p30af.com/go.php?url=".$item['link'];?>"><?php echo $item['title'];?></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> forgot to add your title back in
  21. Personally I think it's wrong to run this type of code. RED FLAG! This tool should be completely legal but in any case you may not sue or seek compensation from the original Author for any damages or legal issues the use may cause. Just look what they write about scraping googles results. Hints for scraping Google and avoiding detection First you need a reliable proxy source to be able to change your IP-Address. Of course the proxies have to be high anonymous, they should be fast and there should have been no previous abuse against Google. I can personally recommend the built in private proxy solution at www.seo-proxies.com but you can try another proxy solution as long as it delivers quality IPs that without abusive history. For continued scraping activity you should use between 50 and 150 proxies depending on the average resultset of each search query. Some projects might require even more. If you wish to start with a lower number of IPs during development you should still at least get 5 IPs, better 10 or 20. You will need them! Never continue scraping when Google did detect you! You need automated detection and abort routines like in the free Google Rank Checker. Make sure you clear Cookies after each IP change or disable them completely, with libCURL cookies are ignored by default Do not change the number of search results from 10 to a higher number if you wish to receive accurate ranks from Google Do not use threads (multiple scraping processes at the same time) if it is not really required. That just makes things more complicate. In the case you receive a virus/captcha warning, it's time to stop immediately. Captcha means : Your scraping has been detected ! Add more proxies, if you already use 100 or more you might have to use another source of IPs (see my recommendation for private proxies above, it is unlikely you can find a better source). If you do your job right you can scrape Google 24 hours a day without being detected. For reliable scraping you need to avoid any sort of black and graylisting, do not scrape more than 20 requests per hour per IP address.
  22. Use wordwrap() example: <?php $text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. And the lazy dog didn't move."; $newtext = wordwrap($text, 14, "<br />\n"); echo $newtext; ?>
  23. yes by adding them in the query itself, but then all results will be an exact match to what they type. $sql = "SELECT * FROM rapatterns WHERE MATCH (Pattern,Color,Fabric_Use) AGAINST ('\"$keyword\"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY Pattern DESC Limit $offset, $rowsperpage";
  24. <?php if (isset($_GET['vid'])){ $video=$_GET['vid']; } else{ $video="video1";//<- was missing semicolon, was not parse error? } echo $video;//echo this to see if changes or not ?> This is as about basic as it gets, as long as your video1.php and video2.php actually contain different embed codes, I don't see why it wouldn't work.
  25. Like I said.. this video embed class does all those. http://webcodingeasy.com/PHP-classes/Get-information-about-video-and-images-from-link Viewing the site doesn't help much, it only renders html and can't see your php code. If really want help with this...post the complete index page minus any sensitive data. And also provide the code for video1.php,video2.php But I could see you doing this within your index page. //checking if is set, not empty values and also numeric if(isset($_GET['vid']) && $_GET['vid'] !='' && is_numeric($_GET['vid'])){ $video = $_GET['vid']; } else { $video = 1; } //creating dynamic file location $video_file = "includes/video".$video.".php"; //made links for them echo "<a href='index.php?vid=1'>Video 1</a><br />"; echo "<a href='index.php?vid=2'>Video 2</a><br />"; //place this code in your divider //first we see if exists then include the file, if not show a message if(file_exists($video_file)){ include($video_file); } else { echo "No video available"; }
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