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Everything posted by QuickOldCar

  1. can use a double preg_match with an AND in your IF statement $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_feed_url(http://website.name/rss); $feed->init(); $feed->set_cache_duration (3600); $feed->set_timeout(30); $feed->handle_content_type(); $countItem = 0; foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item){ $checktitle = $item->get_permalink(); //Regex keyword filter $pattern_one = '/keyword1/'; $pattern_two = '/keyword2/'; //If the there is a keyword match, store in $matches array if (preg_match($pattern_one, $checktitle) && preg_match($pattern_two, $checktitle)) { $news[$countItem]= $item; $countItem++; } }
  2. I listen to documentaries or complete silence.
  3. If the site wasn't hard to manage they probably wouldn't need you. Once you are there a while you could suggest some changes or a redesign. Most likely the site was made a long time ago, the internet changed a lot in even just a few years. I wouldn't rock the boat too fast, but at the same time maybe they need to get pointed in the right direction. I would at least voice your opinion while also letting them know you are willing to do it how they want you to. Maybe if you tell them instead of just managing a site, you could always be improving it, might help.
  4. Here is an api http://words.bighugelabs.com/api.php
  5. You would need to use a dictionary that has synonyms or make such relationships. Can use wordnet http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ There are some online api's you can access, need to look around for one that suits your needs.
  6. You are correct, needs to make the action point to http://www.totalcluj.com/index.php/search/search It doesn't work right from when in another section of the site.
  7. I did a search for shoe, it took me to an error 404 page, you should handle the error and show a "no results" http://www.totalcluj.com/index.php/search/index.php/search/search?q=shoe
  8. Overall I think you did pretty good. Some suggestions: You have various shades of red used, use the same red. Use red for your pagination style. The search form is extremely large. It's harder to read red text on brown in the footer. Maybe a darker background to enhance showing your content areas. Your hyperlinks show as /index.php/listing/453?name=Sephora+Iulius+Mall Add http://www.totalcluj.com to the front of them, or better yet just remove those, your title hyperlinks go to the same place.
  9. Mahngiel gave you some solid advice the first time. I also agree. You are here asking for advice, did you expect 100% positive replies?
  10. I use 1280x1024 resolution. Here's a useful site to see how some browsers render it and some of the issues I saw. http://browsershots.org/http://demo.social-script.co.uk/ Some are still in que at the time i posted this reply.
  11. I like the idea and what you have done so far. It's a shame the address location does not reflect your actual location in the website. No links can be bookmarked. It's designed for widescreen display for your css, doesn't look pretty with chopped off items in content areas and scrollbars. Some additional work in the themes may be needed, for the most part it's functional. Because I am not using a widescreen, the theme changer gets moved down to a new line, which then shoves the navigation menu down, prevents me from seeing the above areas of the current page underneath the menu. (certain themes) In IE and also Chrome, the text runs over the images in the center content area, in Firefox it looks correct. I like your theme changer. For the chat, it is nice to be able to hit enter versus having to click send only. If I refresh to the main site or reload a page, it logs me out each time. The area to create new posts is way too big in my opinion, and need to scroll just to see the submit button. It seems a bit busy as for navigation. I mean as for being a user, what to do,where to go. Breaking them up into relevant panels or areas may be the way to go, like all user functions, or browsing the site with dropdown menus. I believe you have something pretty good here if can polish it up a bit. What type of license are you planning for this?
  12. Implode the array http://php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php
  13. You have some dead url's in this area. http://phplive.org/docs/
  14. The site extends over to the right if the users monitor is not a widescreen. I myself am not crazy about the layout and style. There are many sample stylesheets can find on the net to improve the look of your site. Here is just one example of a fluid layout the will do 800x600 to 1920x1080 resolution http://www.devwebpro.com/css-fluid-layout-tutorial/ No doctype stated http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_doctype.asp There are no <body></body> tags. Use of meta tags should be used. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_meta.asp There are also other methods to get nicer urls http://www.mildrum.net/index.php?page=About%20Me Could very well be http://www.mildrum.net/About-Me You could just make folders and drop an index.php file in each to get them that way, or use rewrite rules. http://www.addedbytes.com/for-beginners/url-rewriting-for-beginners/
  15. Changed it a little, you should get the idea. <?php function FindInstances($inputString) { $chr_array = range('a','z'); $enter = 0; $data = strtolower(trim($inputString)); foreach (count_chars ($data, 1) as $i => $val) { if ($enter == 1) { $enter = 0; continue; } if (chr ($i) == "\n") { //echo "There are $val instance(s) of \" Enter \" in the string.\n"; $enter = 1; } else { //echo " There are $val instance(s) of \"" , chr ($i) , "\" in the string.\n"; $cletter =''.chr($i).''; if (in_array($cletter,$chr_array) AND $val >= 5){ $chr_check = TRUE; } } } if($chr_check == TRUE){ echo "You can't have 5+ the same letter's in your member title..."; } else { return $inputString; } } //examples $text = "writing this sample cccc"; $text2 = "writing this sample ffffffffff"; $text3 = "membername"; $text4 = "a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; echo FindInstances($text)."<br />"; echo FindInstances($text2)."<br />"; echo FindInstances($text3)."<br />"; echo FindInstances($text4)."<br />"; ?>
  16. I store around 3 million images so far in a single folder on a Windows server and see no ill effect from it. Definitely you do not want to open that folder. I write scripts using glob and pagination to cycle through them. Linux has limitations, for example ext3 has a 32,000 subdirectory limit, while ext4 has 64,000 Windows is just limited by it's storage size. As others said above, if have a choice not to store in a single folder , is best to do that. If you have no way to logically separate the files into folders, you could also disable the 8.3 file name generation. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/121007 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.3_filename
  17. Exactly what Psycho said, there was a good pagination tutorial at phpfreaks, unfortunately it seems the link is gone now. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination/ I have 2 pagination scripts you can check out and the code for them to get a better idea. http://get.blogdns.com/paginate/ This one is hard set to 10 per page and jumping ahead and back pages in groups http://get.blogdns.com/dynaindex/paginate/
  18. Do you have a session_start(); at the beginning of your other pages?
  19. You can use mysql fulltext search http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/fulltext-search.html Here was a post I did for an example, same post also leads to another post I did with some multiple query examples. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=358927.0
  20. Can use robots.txt some for instances, * will do pattern matching, the $ at end will be specific endings User-agent: * Disallow: /users/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow /print*/ Disallow: /*.pdf$ To not follow links on a page add this <meta name="robots" content="nofollow" /> To not follow a specific page, add similar to this <a href="links.html" rel="nofollow" /> May also use this in your http headers X-Robots-Tag: noindex
  21. It's hard to answer that question, individuals thought patterns and what they need to do within their code varies. For me i have an idea, make it do the basics or accomplish the main goal, then improve upon it by extra functions, rules, error checking, any filtering. A lot of that I am planning out in my head, or writing it down as an outline for what I need it to do. Try starting off with making some of your own functions. http://php.net/manual/en/language.functions.php Following along many of the tutorials that can find on the internet may help, can see their process for making something from scratch.
  22. 1 Your initial impression when the Home page first comes up. It's a bit bland and gloomy looking, people who like to read articles want it easy on the eyes 2 Does the information on the Home page interest you enough to want to know more and explore the site further? No, to many it's old news and is thousands of sites about it with piles of information. Yes it was a sad time, but I'm all 9/11'ed out. 3 Is navigating through the website easy and understandable? Seems simple enough. 4 Do you find any links that are not working? They appear to be working. 5 Is each "category" (i.e. Speaker, Author and Playwright) explained fully? Not even sure why you have these sections/categories, the subject is the same, it's about you...Artie Van Why Minimalize this all and speak less about yourself in 3rd person. 6 Which of the above mentioned categories would you, yourself, be interested in? Seems like a similar answer to your question number 2 7 Your opinion on the overall design. It's not spectacular, brighten it up, dump the blue block areas, place your content into content areas with borders, make the site similar all the sections. 8 Do you like the color scheme used and the font and font sizes? Same answer for your question 7 9 Do you find the website tasteful; given the subject matter? To me it's all about you, if you want people to write their own stories there, make it more convenient for them, and let them know. It appears to be your own accounts of the incident and only about you. 10 And, lastly, any grammar or punctuation errors? Honestly am not going to read it to check, my eyes were going buggy, and didn't feel like reading all the content.
  23. http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-exists.php
  24. Well you are talking about making a complete cms? Is too much for someone to show how to do it all. Consider installing wordpress, and use this arcade plugin. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/myarcadeblog/ Or use some sort of cms and integrate your games into it, save the data into a database in whichever way you want and need.
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