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Everything posted by ZulfadlyAshBurn
you should have this code try this. <script> /* jquery.scrollToFixed * code copyright 2010 David Vedder / changeMode design */ (function(a){a.fn.scrollToFixed=function(b){b=b||0;return this.each(function(){if(!(a.browser.msie&&parseInt(a.browser.version,10)<=6)){var e=5,f=window.innerHeight||a(window).height(),i=a(this),h=a(window),n=a(document),j=i.offset().top,l=i.offset().left,k=parseInt(i.css("margin-top"),10),d=parseInt(i.css("margin-left"),10),o=i.width(),m=j-k-b,c=l-d,g=0+b;if(isNaN(k)){k=e}if(isNaN(d)){d=e}if(i.height()<f){h.scroll(function(){var p=n.scrollTop();if(p>=m){if(i.css("position")!=="fixed"){i.css({position:"fixed",top:g,left:c,width:o})}}else{if(i.css("position")!=="relative"){i.css({left:"0",position:"relative",top:0})}}})}}})}}(jQuery)); jQuery( function(){ jQuery( '#image' ).scrollToFixed(); }); </script>
Pull user info from mysql DB in session
ZulfadlyAshBurn replied to ziggynerja's topic in PHP Coding Help
google this : php mysql -
LOL, why?
That's not called a bot, its called an web based application. And yes, its possible to create one. I have created on for my own school. I would say its a rather crazy project. I had to work with the vendor who created the sms server/gateway which is installed in my school server system. Coding the php & mysql side is not a problem. Remember, you have to secure the students data no matter what. you would need to some vb.net language as you would be dealing with the systems which send out the sms. emailing would be an easy way out.
I have a local server at home which i tried installing SSL on it, kept failing. I don't know the cause of it. But nonetheless, i purchased a server with goddady and installed SSL on it. After coding, my server will push the content to the server ever hour. Piece of cake that way for me
submit the form?
yes you can, you just did it?
create a new file called comments.php then create a link from the main page to the comments page with the new id. <? /* create query */ $query = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id DESC"; /* execute the query */ $result = mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $image = $row['image']; $title = $row['title']; $posted_by = $row['postedby']; $brief = shorten_string($row['text'], $N); ?><p> <table width="461" height="113" border=0"> <tr> <th width="123" scope="col"><a href="news.php?id=<?PHP echo $row['id']; ?>"><img src="<?PHP echo $image; ?>" width="111" height="103" /></a></th> <th width="322" scope="col"><b><font size="5"><?PHP echo $title; ?></font></b> <br> <font size="2">Posted By: <?PHP echo $posted_by; ?></font> <br><br> </p><p><?PHP echo $brief; ?></p><p><b> <a href="news.php?id=<?PHP echo $row['id']; ?>">Read More</a></b></p><p><b> <a href="comment.php?id=<?PHP echo $row['id']; ?>">comment</a></b></p><br></th> </tr> </table> <?PHP } ?>
firstly, get the id of the new post when the user clicks comment. then the rest should be simple enough.
using php and mysql. look into mysql where function. www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysqlwhere.php
Hey jend91 & mishal, Welcome to phpfreaks. The forum welcomes any kind of knowledge to find help and solve problems. Please do not forget to read the Rules & Tos. Happy coding
good idea. use PHP & MYSQL~ use cron jobs on your server to run a script which clears the db.
I'm looking for a PHP Referral system for my site
ZulfadlyAshBurn replied to wadboram's topic in Miscellaneous
replace this $referaladd = $referal +1; //I am not sure on this as ive not used math operators in php before, but basically your adding one onto whats in the db $add = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET users_referals = '$referaladd' WHERE user = '$user'"); //Update the db with the users referals with $add = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET users_referals = users_referals+1 WHERE user = '$user'"); //Update the db with the users referals -
Did your neighbour paid for it? EDIT: it might also means that if you have worked in a company which involves in website creation in php.
1) it means that you have successfully created a php website with people paying you for the functionality and design of the site. 2) Learn how to code in php. Find peoples who need help in making a website and create it for them with a small amounts. it could be your friends or family. that's how you earn it. usually they would ask for your portfolio, so you must not forget to create a portfolio for yourself.
Hopefully the books might help you but remember, Google is your best friend so is PhpFreaks
use visual basic and create a browser. its pretty simple
me too
there is a file in the zip file which have hell lot of weird codes which would need to use an extension to run them.
that hell lot of code to decode. i think that the code uses a php extension like ioncube to to run the encoded words.