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Everything posted by ZulfadlyAshBurn

  1. you are using jQuery right? jQuery Validation
  2. what language are you using to code this software/app? java? c#? .net?
  3. use htaccess rewrite rule. link
  4. Check This site. hope it helps
  5. you may also want to look at CloudFlare as they have free cdn. I have tried it yet. Trying it now.
  6. you would need to install FFmpeg on your dedicated server. be aware that video streaming sites use a massive bandwidth thus CDN would come in handy. CDN in a box would be very useful as it is hosted and manage by google if im not wrong. but definitely its using google engine to power your site. http://www.cdninabox.com/
  7. Firstly you would need to have a dedicated server and a CDN. Having a dedicated server is mandatory for video streaming site. Secondly, you would need to have a video player. There are a few free/commercial video players (e.g. JWPlayer, FlowPlayer). Google them. Thirdly, you would need to be able to code in PHP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, MYSQL, jQUERY(optional) & AJAX(optional). Lastly, you must have a good web designing skills
  8. thanks The Little Guy for the info. i was trying to find out how it was going to help me in coding.
  9. you may want to take a look at CMS(s) such as Joomla, Drupal and etc.
  10. javascript is a good choice. <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function updateClock ( ) { var currentTime = new Date ( ); var currentHours = currentTime.getHours ( ); var currentMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes ( ); var currentSeconds = currentTime.getSeconds ( ); // Pad the minutes and seconds with leading zeros, if required currentMinutes = ( currentMinutes < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + currentMinutes; currentSeconds = ( currentSeconds < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + currentSeconds; // Choose either "AM" or "PM" as appropriate var timeOfDay = ( currentHours < 12 ) ? "AM" : "PM"; // Convert the hours component to 12-hour format if needed currentHours = ( currentHours > 12 ) ? currentHours - 12 : currentHours; // Convert an hours component of "0" to "12" currentHours = ( currentHours == 0 ) ? 12 : currentHours; // Compose the string for display var currentTimeString = currentHours + ":" + currentMinutes + ":" + currentSeconds + " " + timeOfDay; // Update the time display document.getElementById("clock").firstChild.nodeValue = currentTimeString; } // --> </script> <body onload="updateClock(); setInterval('updateClock()', 1000 )"> <span id="clock"> </span> i just modified the code. take note.
  11. you have to edit this part Code: [select] /* Let's prepare the message for the e-mail */ $message = "Hello! Your contact form has been submitted by: Name: $yourname E-mail: $email URL: $website Like the website? $likeit How did he/she find it? $how_find Comments: $comments End of message "; to this Code: [select] /* Let's prepare the message for the e-mail */ $message = "Hello! Your contact form has been submitted by: Name: " . $yourname ." E-mail: " . $email ." URL:" . $website ." Like the website? $likeit How did he/she find it?" . $how_find ." Comments:" . $comments . " End of message
  12. didnt i post it on the previous topic?
  13. you would like to change the image or text field? you can use ajax to do this.
  14. use percentage instead of pixels. that way it will automatically resize to browser res.
  15. this should help <style> .left, .right { float:left; } .left { width:80%; } .right { width: 20%; } </style> <div class="left"> Left </div> <div class="right"> right </div>
  16. you have to edit this part /* Let's prepare the message for the e-mail */ $message = "Hello! Your contact form has been submitted by: Name: $yourname E-mail: $email URL: $website Like the website? $likeit How did he/she find it? $how_find Comments: $comments End of message "; to this /* Let's prepare the message for the e-mail */ $message = "Hello! Your contact form has been submitted by: Name: " . $yourname ." E-mail: " . $email ." URL:" . $website ." Like the website? $likeit How did he/she find it?" . $how_find ." Comments:" . $comments . " End of message ";
  17. does it error after the you send the form or when you open the page?
  18. please mark topic as sloved. it can be found at the bottom left of the page
  19. please mark as solved. the topic solved button can be found at the bottom left of the page
  20. this should work <?php if(!empty($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) && !empty($_SESSION['Username'])) { ?> Username:<input type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['Username'];?>" id="username"/><br/> Email: <input type="text" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['EmailAddress'];?>" id="email"/> <!-- the rest of the scripts -->
  21. @AyKay47 i do need that to tell him, which is which but nonetheless, i will upload the image i just created .
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