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Everything posted by lastkarrde

  1. http://code.google.com/p/gtranslate-api-php/ PHP wrapper for Google Translate API.
  2. Not easily. You would either need to maintain your plugin (hopefully both are in version control so you can do a relatively simple merge every so often) or get your changes put back into the original plugin.
  3. I highly doubt the creators made a back door. It is open source code and is used/trusted by many PHP frameworks such as Kohana. The risk that you miss cleaning/filtering something in your own code far outweighs the risk/possibility that HTMLPurifier has a backdoor.
  4. You could do it in PHP or Javascript. In PHP (as mjdamato said) there is the $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . You could use substr to match the names of browsers (MSIE, Firefox). Then redirect using header(). In Javascript you could use Quirksmode's browser detection and change window.location accordingly.
  5. Theres no way to bypass CAPTCHAs. You have to either solve them yourself or set up a system (image recognition) to solve them.
  6. You could also use SPL types or your own implementation (class with __toString() method).
  7. <? $subject="from ".$_GET['fName']; $headers= "From: ".$_GET['fEmail']."\n"; $headers.='Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n"; mail("mymail@example.com", $subject, " <html> <head> <title> My Title </title> </head> <body> <br> ".$_GET['fName']. " <br> ".$_GET['fPhone']." <br> ".$_GET['fEmail']." <br><br> ".$_GET['pBody']." </body> </html>" , $headers); header("Location: http://avrikim123.co.cc/sent.html"); ?>
  8. You can use PHP with Appcelerator's Titanium Desktop. You can create a native OS window with native menus. Everything inside the window is drawn with HTML and CSS. An API is provided that lets you interact with the OS (files, processes, database, network, notification etc).
  9. (Javascript) when the progress bar reaches 100% you can window.location = 'http://www.example.com'; [code] and it will redirect.
  10. Either that, or it can't find the file your trying to open.
  11. Should it be Documents[0] ? Isn't there only one item in the array?
  12. A content management system like Drupal or Joomla would probably be more appropriate for what your trying to achieve than Wordpress. They are built to manage (create, update, delete) content.
  13. One solution (probably not the most efficient as I have no experience in the field) would be to.. Record what pages containing content the user visits. Tag/tokenize the pages to give you a list of 10-15 keywords about the page. You could either do this manually or with a simple word search (ignoring words such as a,and,then,the etc..) Record the tags of pages the user visits Serve up recommendations based on the tags of pages the user has visited in the past
  14. There is a progress bar extension in PECL which you could find useful. It requires PHP 5.2, but allows you to easily "check" with the server how much of the file has been uploaded with uploadprogress_get_info function.
  15. Twig is the best example of a proper PHP templating engine, you would learn alot from it's source code. It has it's own lexer and parser that goes through the template and extracts all information. It then compiles and caches the template into straight PHP (so it doesn't need to lex and parser every request). Leaving you with super fast templates :-)
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