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Everything posted by lastkarrde

  1. Are you running wamp with admin privilages?
  2. mysql_query("UPDATE login SET GUID = '$string' WHERE Username = 'indica'")or die(mysql_error());
  3. No. Bots can easily fake user agents. Best to use a CAPTCHA.
  4. You declared your class variables with var and some of your methods with public. I advise putting them all as public (or private/protected). var is PHP4-ish.
  5. Do you have email validation required?
  6. Move the instantiation of the settings class into the constructor and make it available for all methods to use. eg (in the class) public $settings; function __construct() { $this->settings = new settings(); } Then in your methods (isBanned, login, register) you can refer to the settings object as $this->settings, rather than repeating code to instantiate. This leaves your code cleaner, less lines and more maintainable.
  7. ReCaptcha will stop most bot registrations. I would be surprised if you receive any more.
  8. cannot emphasis this enough. The code looks fine. Try enabling logging and errors? EDIT: Is this line intentional? $username = $_POST['usernamex']; should it be $_POST['username'] ?
  9. Good luck man. Keep safe.
  10. ScaleDB and Amazon's RDS (linked above) are the only 2 I can think of.
  11. The cURL "client" (as such) is remembered by the server because of the COOKIEJAR/COOKIEFILE and the fact that a session is stored on the server. Submitting another form in a login protected area shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure to call your authentication function before your do-something-when-authed function.
  12. the extension ssh2 may be of some use to you. (docs).
  13. I don't understand. cURL can store cookies. Do a request to the login page, passing the appropriate login parameters via POST. Then do another request to the page you want to access.
  14. Writing your own own framework is alot harder than you first may think. Sure a bare bones MVC is simple, but then you need sessions, DB, auth, messages and caching before you have a usable framework. One little slip up in security means your screwed. tldr: Use an existing framework. Look around - Yii, Kohana, Zend Framework, Symfony, Lithium, CakePHP, DooPHP. They are mature, trusted and have a community(modules,support) around them.
  15. We can't help if you don't post any code.
  16. I'm looking forward to stable releases of next-gen PHP frameworks like ZF2, Symfony2.
  17. It's looking good. I have a couple of suggestions: The background of the banner needs to be the same colour as the rest of the site. You should add some styling to the forum headers (Platform,Threads,Posts,Latest Threads) similar to this
  18. Use Javascript's timing functions combined with window.location = 'index.php';
  19. Are you providing the full path to the file? (C:\\Users\\name\\file.doc sort of thing)
  20. Why don't you check and see if google translate supports it?
  21. Performance difference will be negligible. Your worrying over something far too small. Look how much code Drupal/IPB/whatever includes on every request. They are quick. Using a bytecode cache (such as APC) will reduce memory usage and increase performance.
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