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Everything posted by crmamx

  1. I am trying to link to a file in the directory Videos. This code works. It opens the pdf file in a new window. http://southalabamarc.com/Videos/sarcm_app.pdf With this code I get a 404 file not found error: http://southalabamarc.com/Videos/video_f86.html After beating my brains out I called the host and he said the problem was the permissions on Videos was 744 and should be 755. I could not change it in cPanel File Manager so he changed it to 755. I still get the same error.
  2. I am getting advertising links that should not be there on most (but not all) of my browser pages. My brother had almost the same thing and the PC repairman said that AVG antivirus was causing it and deleted it. I had AVG and deleted it but it did not fix my problem. Any ideas I might try other than calling the PC repairman?
  3. Not sure why I did not get any replies on this one. I beat my brains out on it. Finally I found if I tried to access a .pdf document via the browser address line it worked. If I tried to access a .html file the same way and in the same directory it would not work. Yet if I double clicked on the .html file in my windows directory it also worked. To make a long story short I called the host and he determined that the permissions was set to 744 and should have been 755. Yet my FTP program showed it was already set to 755. He tested it and said everything was working just fine. I haven't had time to test it myself. This has scrambled my brain and I need a rest.
  4. This code works and plays a video in a new window: <a href="http://southalabamarc.com/Videos/video_smoker.html"> This code use to work on another site but now it just changes the current window to solid white: <div class="content"> <div id="supermenu"> <ul><!-- start ul 1 --> <li><a href="index.php?page=home">Home</a></li> <!-- ===================== Dropdown item # =========================== --> <li> <a href="#">About us</a> <ul> <li> <a href="index.php?page=club_info">Club info</a> </li> <li> <a href="index.php?page=club_members">Club members</a> </li> </ul> </li> <!-- ===================== Dropdown item #3 =========================== --> <li> <a href="#">Videos</a> <ul> <li> <a href="index.php?page=video_smoker">Smoker</a> </li> <li> <a href="index.php?page=video_turbine_helicopter">Turbine helicopter</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul><!-- end ul 1 --> </div> </div> This is an abbreviated menu and so if a ul or li is out of place that is not the problem. Everything in the menu works except the videos.
  5. I am trying to do a post and when I preview it my code does not show up in a box although I have it enclosed in my program code[code] It shows up just as you see it here. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Hi Pikachu, really nice to see you again. I am doing another model airplane site and guess what? I am using the code that you, giz and freakie spent so many hours with me on. This one just gets me. I am trying to call an image from a program with this statement and it works. <a href="http://southalabamarc.com/Pictures_Other/b1.png"> Pictures_Other and content are files in the root directory. pages Is a file in content I tried showing these in a diagram but couldn’t figure out how to do it in the post. There is an image b1.png located in all three files. Neither one of these statements will work: <a href="http://southalabamarc.com/content/b1.png"> <a href="http://southalabamarc.com/content/pages/b1.png"> What I am trying to say is in the statement that works I simply change Pictures_Other to content or content/pages and it will not work.
  7. Trying to link to an image, b1.png, has got me befuddled. Here is my directory.The image is in all 3 files. public_html 1. content a. pages 2. Pictures_Other This works: http://southalabamar...es_Other/b1.png These get a 404 not found error and I can't figure out why. http://southalabamar.../content/b1.png http://southalabamar...nt/pages/b1.png
  8. Thanks guys. I checked the CSS but I now see left-header is defined twice for some reason and I quit looking after the first entry. #footer also contains an image that I was looking for but I found that right off. Sorry for the wrong forum but since I could not find where it was coming from and could not find it in the CSS I chose this one.
  9. I am almost ashamed to ask this but I am developing a new site and have copied over the files from an old site. The programs seem to be working fine but I cannot find in the programs where an image is coming from. I am pretty sure that the program left-header.php should be creating it but it is not there. I know the image name is b3.png and of course can find it in my files. I have tried Firebug and that did not help. The temporary URL of the new site is: http://ecbiz129.inmo...x.php?page=home and the image in question is in the upper left corner. Don't know of any other information I could provide. Hope you can steer me in the right direction.
  10. As encouraged by Daniel0 I am an old (years wise and haven't been here in a while) member reporting back for help duty. No I don't know enough to give help, I always need it. Just started a new site. Just wondering if anyone knows what happened to an old friend cssfreakie? Don't seen any posts by him in the CSS forum this year. But I do see gizmola and pikachu who were paramount in getting my old site current from an 1990 design format. One more big THANKS for all the expert help in the past.
  11. crmamx


    I am running Firefox 7.0.1 because I could not get the downloads to work on the latest releases. Now I want to add Firebug but it lists many versions like: firebug-1.9.0.xpi firebug-1.9.0a0.xpi firebug-1.9.0a1.xpi ect.,16 in all. Which one should I select.
  12. Good ideas. Thanks Kevin. I think I will start with a new hierachy, structure and flow and see what I come up with. Then for sure I will be back.
  13. I am a rank amateur and have only done 2 sites. What you are asking is really what I need help with. I primarily am going to do the programming. pikachu, gizmola and cssfreakie spent many hours helping me with both the design and the programming. I had never done mysql, php or css. I totally agree with you and think I can really help here explaining who she is, her story, her goals, ect. Thanks for the reply
  14. Hey guys: Remember me? Well I am at it again. If you remember the last time I was able to go from a 1980's design to what the gurus here said was an outstanding site. But all the credit goes to the really wonderful, helpful people on this site. Did any of you see the 60 minutes segment on the homeless people in South Florida? It was a real heart breaker. One of them, a 15 year old girl living in the back of a truck with her family is devoting her life to helping other people. A truly remarkable story. I am not in position to send them any money but I have offered to help her redesign her web site which I think is really bad. I do believe a better web site would help her attain her goals. So before I start anything your always good and professional critique would be appreciated. http://www.greenstreakads.info/index.htm Thanks, Curtis
  15. Many thanks!
  16. I am running Firefox 7.0.1. I use to be able to click the Google search and see all of my recent search history. Now it has disappeared and I can't find how to get it back.
  17. I finally found the problem. With a video playing, if you right click and then click settings if brings up Adobe Flash Player settings. The slider was set about 1/4 way and I moved it to unlimited disk storage. Works just like it use to. So aggravating that they make a change in something like this and don't tell you.
  18. Not positive what you mean. The output files from the downloader have always gone to the default setting which is desktop/my documents/my videos/realplayer downloads. Of course the program files are in C/program files.
  19. Also Web Page Files. Finally, this works: <object> <param name="autostart" value="true"> <param name="src" value="Orange_Blossom_Special.mp3"> <param name="autoplay" value="true"> <param name="controller" value="true"> <embed src="/sound/Orange_Blossom_Special.mp3" controller="true" autoplay="true" autostart="True" type="audio/wav" /> </object>
  20. Uninstalled RealPlayer, downloaded latest version, same results. Cannot download video. Tried it with IE and same thing.
  21. I did update RealPlayer which includes the downloader but that was after it stopped working. Did not solve the problem.
  22. I'm using Firefox and have downloaded zillions of videos using RealPlayer downloader. All of a sudden it quit working. When I click "Download this video" it brings up the box and says the file is downloading: "x.x of yy.y MB, zz.zz (time) remaining." But the file never shows up in the output file and I have searched the hard drive and cannot find any of them. Any ideas?
  23. I am late with a reply, but let me tell you son, gizmola hit the nail on the head. He always does. College doesn't always make the individual smart. But a degree will always open new doors for you. However, a degree from Stanford in the field of computer science would put you in a class by yourself. With where you are now, your obvious aptitude for this field, your willingness as was said "to bust your ass" for a couple of years....then you can name your own ticket. You will be at the top of the food chain. Take giz's advice, take the job, first choice Stanford but there are other universities with good computer science programs. You might end up with student loan debt but that will be peanuts compared to the salary you can command. Look what US companies are paying the people they recruit from India because they can't find them in this country. Good luck with everything.
  24. crmamx

    Firefox 6

    I updated immediately to FF6 because in IE 5, some addons didn't work like YSlow. That said when developing I use a mixture of browsers. I develop in FF than check in each version of IE (6,7,8,9), than run it through opera safari and last but not least Chrome. I just like editing css more in firebug (or Opera) than the tools IE and Chrome give (inspector). On the other hand I like the networking tool of Chrome more. Anyway in the end your website should just be valid and work properly across browsers, that is what the clients pays for. Although I must say I wont give an alternative for most css3 things like border-radius and box-shadow unless the client is happy paying for the extra time involved adding those good old sliding doors Yea, but you are different....whatever that means....
  25. Damn freakie, you are a genius. I just ran across this and have always wanted to do it. So thought I would give it a try knowing it would not work. Should have known better. freakie's stuff always works.
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