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Everything posted by crmamx

  1. I am having a heck of a time with testing my site. I make a change, upload it, test it and it doesn't work. Then I fool around with the code for who knows how long and it still doesn't work. Finally I will clear the cache and many, many times that is the problem. How can I fix this? My cache is set at 50 mb. Also, when I clear it, it clears my search history too and I don't want to do that.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. Probably can do that since I have written (rather giz, pickachu and I) programs to access and update my db. In the member's area (which supposedly is password protected) I have the same thing, i.e., using mailto for all of them. Would the same thing apply there? I am cleaning up the css now and moving it all to the external file. No problem there except with my menu. It crashes when I move the internal css. Then I want to figure out how and where to apply some padding so my text and images have some separation. And I have a couple of boundary problems. So I still have some work to do.
  3. Damn! As many times as I've looked at it I never noticed the graphics going out of the boundaries. I do know that there are lots of places I need padding (or margin) so my text isn't jammed against the images. Went to backup and put the menu back to where it was. I have put so many hours in this since December I am going to take some time off. Maybe an hour or so a day instead of 6 or 7 hours, 7 days a week.
  4. Hey jj-dr: Welcome to phpfreakes. As you have described yourself, you will find this is the most helpful forum you could have joined. The guys here are experts in the code and go out of their way to help you. Me, I am just a beginner and this is just a hobby for me. As for my navigation menu, you caught it right in the middle of a screw up. I don't know what caused the harsh white color but will work on it today. It was a baby blue. I have just learned to use Firebug and will see if I can find the problem. Thanks for the critique, especially considering your area of expertise. I will come back to your post as soon as I can get the site back to where it was. Keep a check on me...
  5. Google will create one for you. http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/
  6. If I check source and then click on the line number it shows me the code in error. But how can I find what program it is in unless I just happen to recognize it.?
  7. Please don't talk about crashing airplanes...
  8. A couple of other things. Any tutorial that teaches the use of tables for anything except displaying data you need to skip. I strongly recommend that you read the link to the post that gizmola gave you. It is the perfect outline for creating an updated and decent (I won't say professional) site. And here is the best there is for css: http://cssfreakie.blogspot.com/ Personally, I think you owe him an apology. But even lacking one, he will help you all he can. Good luck.
  9. I am not qualified to critique a web site. But I am qualified to critique the people that have been trying to help you. And I will tell you that they are the best you will find anywhere. Most of them do it for a living and then come here and donate their time to help newbies like me. They are not only experts at what they do, they are good people. And it irritates the hell out of me when somebody like you comes along espousing some of the stuff you started out with. Even at that, you can see from gismola's reply that with a different approach, they are still willing to help you. Take advantage of it.
  10. Nightslyr Seems I've heard that before... Problem was it was dead on the money. The last time I had fooled with a web page was in the early nineties. So I scrapped my beloved web site which I busted my behind on and redesigned it. That is phpF and I did it. And the guys herein commenting on this post are the ones that made it happen. And who spent the most time helping me? You guessed it...cssfreakie
  11. I am trying to fix the errors generated via W3C validation. But most of them are generated by the code that I use for playing videos which I imported. I have no idea what they are. Nor have I seen a site which explains all the variables in video coding. Since the videos work fine and I don't get any errors, need I concern myself with them?
  12. Having been a member of this forum for a total of 2 days does not qualify you to judge who is knowledgeable and who isn't. You can see it for yourself if you would take the time to read some of his many helpful replies to others. You are a rude and crude ass. Too bad I am not a moderator or I would simply ban you from this site. You have no defense for your outdated and simply ugly web site so you take to a personal attack without knowing one thing about the person trying to help you. You surely defined yourself here...self righteous and arrogant. I would be glad to help you when you can learn to spell theor, twatter, amoutn, criticsim, askign, theres and woudl. As giz commented your code is as bad as your spelling.
  13. parameter that isn't a page, you can see the full document root path. I have fixed this but what is the harm if someone can see the full document root path?
  14. You may have just shot yourself in the foot. He happens to be one of the nicest and most helpful people on this forum. And may be the best at css. He just has this hangup about books.... :D
  15. That's illegal in our country except for Nevada...
  16. You are right. There is a another Bay Area club in San Francisco. There is also a BARCS (Baltimore Animal Rescue) in Md. We are located on Mobile Bay in Alabama. It is hard to find a unique name these days.
  17. Thought you didn't like zip files? :-\
  18. Halleluiah..... :D I got it to work!!!! video_b52.php is called from menu2.php with: <a href="index.php?page=video_b52">B 52</a> Then the path for Platinum.swf, swfobject.js, and avs4you_player.swf is: content/pages Howsomeever, the video is just: so.addVariable("file", "video_b52.flv"); I don't understand it. But it works. And I can't get it to work with the video in any other folder.
  19. You are right as per usual. But it is there now and same result. I can't figure it out. If you do I am going to start a campaign to promote you to "Super Guru."..
  20. I have not been moving the files but I have been changing the paths in the programs. Can't get any combination to load the movie although it is loading the player. There appear to be 5 files involved: video_b52.flv video_b52.php swfobject.js avs4you_player.swf Platinum.swf They are all in the same folder: public.html/content/pages
  21. I've made some progress after hours of work. I got the video player to load in the window but the video program won't load. So I think that rules out the javascript. I have used basically the same code with my slideshows and they work fine. Rather than pasting tons of code I think it would be easier to look at what's happening and use view/source and/or firebug. If one of you can't spot it I guess I will just have to give up on videos. http://bayarearcsociety.com Also, if you go here you can see it work with my old code: http://bayarearcsociety.com/index.html
  22. When I said error I was referring to this part of the html code was being displayed: The contents of the page could not be displayed This can be caused by the following reason Microsoft Internet Explorer blocks the flash content on your page. ect., ect. But now the message is not being displayed because I changed the path. It just displays a blank screen, no errors, no messages. I deleted the old programs from the server but locally it still works. I have: video_f86.html video_f86.swf swfobject.js File structure: web page files - html videos - swf and js In the new system I have: index.php menu2.php video_f86.php - I just removed DOCTYPE from the html code video_f86.swf swfobject.js File structure public_html - index.php content - menu2.php pages - other 3 programs part of index.php <div id="leftmenu" class="grid_3"><?php include('content/menu2.php'); ?></div> part of menu2.php <li> <a href="#">Videos</a> <ul> <li> <!-- <a href="http://www.bayarearcsociety.com/content/pages/video_f86.flv">F 86</a> --> <a href="index.php?page=video_f86">F 86</a> </li> ect., ect. As a sidenote I was able to get all my slideshows to work by changing the paths and inserting the code in menu2.php Hope this explains it.
  23. Update: I changed the path and now I don't get the error message, just a blank screen. <script type="text/javascript" src="content/pages/swfobject.js"></script>
  24. I have just rewritten my site from strictly html to a php system. All the programs are called from index.php. With the old code the html program calls a .flv program and it works perfect. With the new code the html program extension is changed to .php and I can't get it to do anything except display the error code written in the program. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>AVS FLV Player</title> <!-- SWFObject embed by Geoff Stearns geoff@deconcept.com http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/ --> <script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script> </head> <div id="flashcontent"> <strong style="font-size: large;">The contents of the page could not be displayed.</strong> <br> <br> This can be caused by the following reasons: <ul> <li>Microsoft Internet Explorer blocks the flash content on your page. <br> Click the warning in the upper part of the browser and select the <strong>Allow Blocked Content... </strong> option to continue opening the page. <br> <br> </li> <li><strong>You need to install or upgrade your Flash Player.</strong> <br> Please visit the <a href="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">Adobe site</a> to download and install the latest version of the Flash Player necessary to be able to display the contents of this page </li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject('avs4you_player.swf', 'player', '450', '370', '7', "#ffffff"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess","always"); so.addParam("allowFullScreen","true"); so.addParam("wmode", "window"); so.addParam("scale", "noscale"); // this is the name of the converted file that will be played by the player so.addVariable("file", "content/pages/video_f86.flv"); // here the size of the player itself is set in pixels - width and height so.addVariable("width", "450"); so.addVariable("height", "370"); // the name of the player skin so.addVariable("theme", "Platinum.swf"); // the movie loop parameter - can be set to 0 (the video will stop after the playback is over) or 1 (playback is looped) so.addVariable("repeat", "0"); // the movie automatic startup parameter - can be set to 0 (the playback will not start automatically once the page with the video is loaded) or 1 (autostart) so.addVariable("autostart", "0"); // the name and path of the image that will be displayed when the page is loaded, provided that the autostart value is set to 0 (i.e. no autostart is enabled) so.addVariable("image", ""); // the volume that will be used to playback your movie so.addVariable("volume", "50"); so.addVariable("scaleonresize", "none"); // the top and the bottom captions displayed when you roll your mouse cursor over the player window so.addVariable("top_caption", " "); so.addVariable("bottom_caption", " "); so.addVariable("showlogo", "0"); so.addVariable("v", getQueryParamValue("v")); so.write("flashcontent"); </script> </body> </html> [code]
  25. Solved. cssfreakie to the rescue. He not only excels in css but knows other sh** too...
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