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Everything posted by crmamx
Well as a developer, the problem isn't just about having the latest browser/patch, but the addons actually working for it. And as a web developer, you aren't just working in a single browser (or browser version), so you don't get the option to pick the "always up-to-date" Chrome option and give everybody else the finger. I need to make sure stuff works in FF, even if Chrome is my browser of choice, you know? And therefore I heavily depend on a handful of Addons to work with it, as it makes my job 1000 times easier, arguably possible at all. As a developer making a living at it I completely understand your point. I wish I had come around during your generation because the PC is something else. I spent my career with Cobol and mainframes. But as a novice with only one hobby web site that has 32 members, and after I have busted my ass for hundreds of hours developing the site, if they are too lazy to update from IE6 after I have told them, then I have the luxury of just giving them the finger.
Never looked at it but I will take your advice. I was using IE when I first started. One of the admin's here was answering one of my first questions and found that out and I got an earful... :'( He mentioned Firefox and cssfreakie, who is a good friend, agreed so I could use Firebug. At that point I did not even know what CSS was. I have been using it every since.
Just ran across this. Damn, guess I had better change my mind and at least go to 5.
I'm just going to upgrade to the numbers that are only divisible by themselves. So.. none of them? Dumb ass me as usual. I left out the word evenly...evenly divisible by themselves....1,3,5,7,11...ect. Are they called prime numbers? No, you used the word correctly. You forgot to say "..and 1" , all natural numbers have a divisor of 1. Prime numbers have only themselves and 1 as divisors. Can I use 58 years since I graduated from high school as an excuse?...
I'm just going to upgrade to the numbers that are only divisible by themselves. So.. none of them? Dumb ass me as usual. I left out the word evenly...evenly divisible by themselves....1,3,5,7,11...ect. Are they called prime numbers?
I'm just going to upgrade to the numbers that are only divisible by themselves.
I know. I was using W3Schools when I started but found out about it because Nightslyr has it in his signature.
Thanks. I will try 5 again but am not going to mess with 6 for a while.
I am not sure but I believe it was Lightshot and Firebug that would not work with 5.0. Seems like they would have made sure those two important developer tools worked before they released a new version. I am certainly not a developer or close to it but I do maintain our Club site and use both frequently.
I would suggest starting with the tutorial at W3Schools simply because it provides a "Try It Yourself Editor." A lot more learning takes place when you "DO" something after you read about it. And you can play with the code in real time to see what will happen. It is the only editor of this type on line that I know about. http://www.w3schools.com/ However, once you get your feet on the ground, abandon W3Schools and use Tizag as suggested previously or one of the other good tutorials. W3Schools has some deficiencies but I think the value of the Editor outweighs them for a beginner.
Firefox 6 is being promoted as But I downloaded Firefox 5 and the add ons I was using with 4 (don't remember which ones)would not work. So I had to go back to 4.
Here is what works on the PC. <object> <param name="autostart" value="true"> <param name="src" value="Orange_Blossom_Special.mp3"> <param name="autoplay" value="true"> <param name="controller" value="true"> <embed src="Orange_Blossom_Special.mp3" controller="true" autoplay="true" autostart="True" type="audio/wav" /> </object> This works on the PC where the html and audio are in the same file. Note that type=audio/wav. If I change that to mp3 it will not work. Here is the code I have uploaded to the server and it will not work. <object> <param name="autostart" value="true"> <param name="src" value="Orange_Blossom_Special.mp3"> <param name="autoplay" value="true"> <param name="controller" value="true"> <embed src="public_html/Web_Page_Files/Sound/Orange_Blossom_Special.mp3" controller="true" autoplay="true" autostart="True" type="audio/wav" /> </object> I have tried every variation of the embed src= that there is including putting the audio in the same folder as the program but I can't get it to work.
Hey John: Haven't had a chance to reply but will when I do. How did you get so far ahead of me in posts? I remember when we were about even....
Change me from enthusiast to Dummy. I went to Tools/Add-ons instead of View/Add-on-Bar and could not see anything there to do. I turned it off when I turned the Yahoo toolbar off, not realizing what it was. It is ok now. It is good you people have patience. But I found that out when I was getting daily help with my website. Great bunch of smart people here.
Yes, on the bottom right hand side. I have used them many times. Guess I probably will have to reinstall unless you know something different.
Update: I just checked Tools/Add-ons and the disable button is enabled which I guess means both Lightshot and Firebug are enabled but no Icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen as there was before.
The html5 embed tags are what I have been trying to use...with different options. Can't get any of them to work on the server. My pc files and server files have identical names. I have tried mp3, midi and wav files and I am positive they exist on the server. As a side note my video files play ok.
I have tried everything I could find to embed an audio file (wav, midi, mp3) on a web page and get it to work on the server. I am sure the file is on the server. I can get it to work on the PC (double click html program).
My screenshot and Firebug icons disappeared from Firefox 4.0. Any ideas?
I'm running Firefox 4.0 and I scroll right and see it. Solid grey. But afraid I don't know why.
Thanks Thorpe. I tried to think of a way to HTML it but it turned out to be mind blowing. It is a monstrous profit and loss statement. But come to think of it I could have used my WYSIWYG editor with a table. Too late now. Gonna leave it as is.
That sucks! And I was afraid that was the answer since I've never run across it before. So I took the .doc, had to increase the font size, scanned it, cropped it and displayed it as a jpg. It will do but the quality of the scan isn't that great. Any other ideas on how to do it? Thanks.
I may have a brain lock but how do I display a .doc file?
I humbly beg your pardon! There is a ton of stuff in this forum that has nothing to do with the topic including a lot by admins, mods and gurus. If I had a gleaming I was breaking protocol you can be sure I would have never posted such. But you can be sure I will never address you again.