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Posts posted by gristoi

  1. . firstly trhere is no semi colon on the end of your mail function. try seeing if the email was actually sent. The success message only shows that the ajax request executed, not that the email has sent. try something like this:

            var name = $("input#name").val();
            if(name == ""){
            var email = $("input#email").val();
            if(email == ""){
            var subject = $("input#subject").val();
            if(subject == ""){
            var textarea = $("textarea#textarea").val();
            if(textarea == ""){
            var dataString = name + email + subject + textarea;
                type: "POST",
                data: dataString,
                url: "./include/process_contact.php",
                success: function(data){
                    alert("there was an issue with the ajax request")


        $to = "noskiw@hotmail.co.uk";
        $email = $_GET['email'];
        $subject = $_GET['subject'];
        $message = $_GET['textarea'];
        $headers = "";
       $send =  mail($to, $email, $subject, $message, $headers);
        if ($send){
      echo 'email sent';
    echo ' no email sent';

  2. you asked for help. I m not here to write your system for you. Even a simple please would not go amiss. I have tried to point you in the right direction. I am not going to go through al of your tables for you. This forum is used to help people willing to learn . your not making anything easier or harder for me, I know how to write table joins. I am trying to help you understand, not do it for you

  3. so your looking for something along the lines of:

    SELECT userid, email, sex, SUM(char_num) AS 'TotalCharNum, COUNT(s.id) AS 'StorageCount', SUM(credits) AS 'votePoints' FROM login l JOIN char c USING (account_id)
    JOIN storage s USING(account_id) JOIN cp_votes v USING (account_id) WHERE l.account_id = 20000001

  4. thorpe apologies should have been clearer in my response. if you are being advised to use fantastico I am going to hazard a guess that you are trying to upload a wordpress Site? is this right.


    What i meant to say is that most hosting companies look for the index file so when you go to www.mysite.com/ it will look for ( usually) www.mysite.com/index.php ( or html). but yes thorpe is right this is completely configurable.


    So you need to give  a bit more information to get some help?

  5. so what are you trying to show, your index page has no logic at all in it to check whether a user is logged in or not.

    Firstly in your connect.php you might want to rethink how you are setting the session variables.

    // currently you are trying to log the username and password into the session. You dont really want to pass the users password from page to page.


    then on the index page:

    // display logged in stuff here

  6. jQuery(function ($) {
    $('#basic-modal .basic').each(function (e) {
    	return false;

    you need to iterate each sibling

  7. You need to ensure that the server allows the execution of wget. A lot of servers by default have the ability to run this command disabled . Ensure it's configured correctly. It looks like it's not the file that's having a permission issue, it looks like the servers denying the wget command itself

  8. It will be because the field I you are writing to in your database is being written to in iso-8859-1 format. If you are using any kind of special characters in your fields then you need to ensure you use utf-8

  9. paste the


    directly into your browsers address bar.

    If you graphs are working correctly then you will see a blank page with a graph on it. what happens when you do this?

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