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Posts posted by gristoi

  1. Firstly, and dont take offence to this. Do you understand that by passing a variable through the URL you are changing it from a POST to a GET variable.. So the follwoing should work:

    $companyName = $_POST['company_name'];
    header("Location: EST_quotation_insert.php?company_name=$companyName"); 
    // then on the EST_quotation_insert.php page
    $companyName = $_GET['company_name'];

    also ensure you done have any spaces in your url string. you had a space between the = symbol. And dont forget to ensure your POST variable is correctly sanatised

  2. your submit button is outside of the form tag. move it inside:

    <div style="padding-top: 5px"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif" style="font-size: 10px"></div>

    should be:

    <div style="padding-top: 5px"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif" style="font-size: 10px"></div>

  3. Ok, where are you 'uploading' your cms to? and does your web hosting have mysql support / databases . If so then you need to:

    1. export your local database into an sql file.

    2. change your connection details in your php connection script to match youronline databases mysql users details

    3. import your sql file into the online database

  4. you are escaping your string when you try to add the t variable.:

    echo "<a href='javascript:poptastic(".$t.");'><img src='$i1' height='100' width='100'/></a>  ";

    should be:

    echo "<a href='javascript:poptastic(\".$t.\");'><img src='$i1' height='100' width='100'/></a>  ";

  5. perfect example. All I asked this guy was if he knew what the stray variable in his script was for. I got this lovely reply for my troubles:

    Why are you asking me? I'm newbie in ajax jquery.  Please post the correct code.
  6. I've noticed this aswell. Up until a few weeks ago it used to be "I've tried to do this and it does not work. here is  my work so far, can someone help...............". Then all of a sudden it's I want I want I want.

  7. Show a bit more respect to the people trying to help you. this forum is to help people who have at least tried to fix their own problem, and hopefully learned something from trying different fixes. NOT to just expect others to drop everything and give them complete code scripts.


    I hope that you get the help you require, but it wont be from myself

  8. I have used an open source project called PHPEXCEL for over a year. It is a very comprehensive spreadsheet manipulation class. Besides the fact it can read excel sheets as objects, it also allows you to read write and convert file formats, ie excel to csv.


    I have found it incredibly useful, not just for inputting but for building and creating tasty looking spreadsheets on the fly from php.


    Is worth a try, again you can find it at sourceforge

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