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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. also don't forget, that ones you output the data from your database to the screen use something like htmlspecialchars or htmlentities
  2. Well what i initially wanted is have a mailing script that emails a personal message to all users and every time a email is sent it says for instance: * email succesfully sent to .... * email succesfully sent to .... * email succesfully sent to .... I saw such an email component and I thought that would be great if i could make that. I thought i might use that flush() stuff for it or ajax. This exec() function is completely not understandable for me yet since i don't know how to write in commandline. besides that i am running wamp on windows and google shows loads and loads of people having troubles with exec on windows. that exec is just to advanced for me at the moment certainly because it will run something in the background without me knowing what is happening, i should look at that in a few months when i know a little more about php. i am still a noobie I will puut that set_time_limit to 0 and see what happends.
  3. Hi Neil, thanks for your swift reply. I am not yet that experienced, but i am trying to understand what you just wrote. By using that exec() function i call the mailer script in the command-line outside the browser. inside the mailerscript i make a call to a database to set a flag. May i assume i record the time or something that is has been sent. I am not really sure what to do with that flag. If you happen to have some spare time would you mind explaining this technique a bit more, or maybe point me to the right direction. I am pretty inexperienced with these advanced things. Thanks for your reply -edit, doesn't this allow some extra security holes?
  4. Hi all, I am trying to make a emailscript with PEAR to send quite some people a personalized messaged. But i thought this could very well cause the script to time out. Now i read http://php.net/manual/en/function.set-time-limit.php, but i thought does maybe someone knows a way to prevent a time out instead of setting the time-limit to a larger amount. Some terms i saw floating around were: ob_start, flush, sleep and a few others but i really never worked with these. If someone could point me in the right direction of thinking or maybe knows a tutorial or guide i really would love to hear it. Thank you!
  5. All i can think of is AJAX, I just learned it tonight maybe have a look at jquery ajax and a tutorial i found: http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/ajax-jquery Could be what our looking for. So in a nutshell, ajax allows you to do stuff withoutleaving the page
  6. well if you use tables or Ul's doesn't matter really, but i prefer ul's or divs if it's for design purposes. besides that, you should make those form's on the fly with php
  7. Also ad a foreach loop to iterate through the query results
  8. seems $extract is empty and certainbly not an array. you can double check it by doing echo $extract; //it should Print Array()
  9. can you do <?php print_r ($extract); //and paste what you get? //place at bottom of code below the query ?>
  10. Isn't this a good one? <?php function get_correct_utf8_mysql_string($s) { if(empty($s)) return $s; $s = preg_match_all("#[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]#x", $s, $m ); return implode("",$m[0]); } ?> Credits to http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-encode.php#99982
  11. oh wow! first time i see array map that's an awesome function, thanks pikachu for the above
  12. It's says linux, because this cronjob stuff is meant for linux servers. I am pretty sure your server is running on it to. depending on your admin panel you need to make a file with the stuff in it shown in the article. (that is not a .php filebut it does link to a php which needs to be processed) Doesn't your host provide a working example on some help forum, some host have there won little tweeks. Ill try to find a more descriptive tutorial, but really google seems to be pretty good at this. Maybe a good thing to say what the name is of the admin panel. -EDIT: this is a very descriptive explanation of what cron is: http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html -EDIT2: http://www.thesitewizard.com/general/set-cron-job.shtml <----------- i can't explain it better than this.
  13. Start with php in combination with html and css. for anything non vital, but for that extra visual/responsive bite, use javascript. Thing is people can disable javascript so you can never rely on it. Use it as an extra!
  14. is this link usefull? http://www.devdaily.com/linux/unix-linux-crontab-every-minute-hour-day-syntax
  15. I think i should clarify myself more, because i totality agree with you that we cant rely on client side validation(ill probbaly add it just for extra look and feel). But since i never did something with ajax as a medium (to sent and retrieve stuff) i was wondering if i need to add more (additional) filtering sanitation as i would normally do. In other words, normally i have a form.php with an action to process.php that last one does all the filtering and sanitation. Now when ajax is put between them is there something extra to watch for?
  16. $query_gallery = "SELECT Id, image, name FROM trophies WHERE Id >= 1 ORDER BY Id ASC LIMIT 0,19"; i added the LIMIT 0,19 try it out! and i hope that is what you are looking for
  17. Hi i have no working solution but i copy pasted a part of the errormessage in google And there are quite some threads around the net about this. in the end i ended up on this page: http://php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-encode.php Maybe have a look at that. some comments gave example of code. Also some fora told it could be due to some poor copy pasting of code. the UTF-8 shouldnt 'that be utf-8 in your meta tag? I hope this helps, because i have no real experience with this.
  18. Hi all, I just started to learn how to use ajax by using the jquery library. But i was wondering if there are any drawbacks or special (extra) things to pay attention to securitywise. Since one can not rely on client side filtering or validation i thought when the processing script does this like normally would be the case there would be no other security extra's. Is anyone experienced with this? I really have no idea and i just followed a simple tutorial to use jquery with ajax.
  19. I am pretty sure you need sessions for this
  20. the image you provided shows you are missing a closing ) in the values part. not sure if that is the thing but it is missing
  21. Make sure you read something about preventing email header injection before you launch the form which is linked to. http://www.google.nl/#hl=nl&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=856&q=email+header+injection&aq=0&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=email+header+inje&fp=b83a113d50df10b
  22. could this thread be of help? http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90414
  23. TY crayon, i wasn't even aware jquery offered this. Was planning on learning this today
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