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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. you havent added any width as far as i can see at the moment to the code. Use firebug to inspect the elements and experiment with the widths Right now i have to assume you did something but the code on the page doesn't show it.
  2. yeah that spacing is something that can really ruin your site. But you are not experiencing any visual or functionality things are you? It just appends it according to the inspector right?
  3. well if you did exactly what i told <td valign="top" style="width: 115px;"> <label for="Message">Enter letters below:</label> </td> and leave the rest of the code the same it would have looked good/better. But instead of a table you might want to use a <ul> instead. have a look here: http://wufoo.com/gallery/templates/forms/emergency-contact-and-medical-info/ Those guys made there business of it.
  4. Hmm this is weird, i am viewing it in chrome to, and when i inspect the element i don't see that stuff. Do you get any symptoms? like stuff not working or anything? Here it looks the same as in firefox. But i would really edit your file so that the <doctype start at line 1 right now it doesn't if you press the old school view source. To the above i have no idea what it is, i don't see any visual difference
  5. Using tables to layout forms (or anything really), is a concept from the stone ages. Tables are for displaying data. Anyways, Your table at the bottom doesn't have a width. if you wan't to stick with these tabular designs, add width to the row. For instance add a width of 115px to the first td: <td valign="top" style="width: 115px;"> <label for="Message">Enter letters below:</label> </td> But I would not use tables for this
  6. well i am looking at your site now in both chrome and firefox, but i don't see what you mean. When I inspect the source i can't see anything that is appending. Could you maybe say for which file/code in specific this is? and what you see. It all looks fine to me from here really. If you mean with include the php include() i can't ofcourse review that since its serverside, You probbaly mean the <link> tags in your head let me know edit, but if you look at your source by using view source its start at around line 7 instead of line 1, this will trigger quirksmode in IE if i am correct so maybe try to start at line 1
  7. got a link to your site, this seems to be a very weird thing
  8. Cool! thanks abracadaver, Would that work faster than using the dirname((__FILE__)); in the index.php to include stuff? Or doesn't it matter and is that compairing apples with oranges?
  9. set a get value that links to a page in your folder pages, that contains nothing maybe? did you receive the newer script by mail..?
  10. hmm, I don't know what i mean really because i have know idea what the difference between local value and master value is. I thought it would be use full to know because phpinfo tell this is the filepath. Better put this topic on solved not to confuse myself and others
  11. Thanks mate, I think i do understand that last bit, but wasn't clear in telling it. they use dirname 2 times to get above the root of the config where all the other files are. The article is about a save file structure. I never seen that directory separator, but it's great, this topic is solved Cheers and thanks for the quick reply, P.s. topic solved
  12. is this maybe something? http://www.webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/rss/custom_feeds/ I have never done this but it might be of help
  13. Hi all, I my hunt for better coding i thought i look at some opensource CMS systems and one thing I saw in the index.php of the joomla cms was this. define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) ); define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php' ); Are they using DS to make it work on any platform instead of using a / or a \ ? Also they define JPATH_BASE, now they use dirname(__FILE__) for this. I read that __FILE__ tells from where the script is running. But in that same guide they gave as example dirname(dirname((__FILE__)) instead of only 1 time dirname() That was this website btw: http://www.phpguru.org/php-application-structure can anyone tell why i would use dirname 2 times and not 1 or 3 or 4? -edit: OK that last question don't needs an answer, i just put loads of dirname() around it and it seems it's moving up in the file system. Leaves my first still open
  14. Hi all, Something that pretty much always seems to bother me when i write something for someone else is that the include path's for some reason are screwed up. Now i thought let's look in phpinfo to see what the path is: So i get the following: Local value: .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/godzilla4361/php Master value: .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php Now which one is used for what? I just can't find a way to create a way to easily transport scripts from server to server, because i always have to manually adjust the path for inclusion otherwise i get those warning: failed to open stream etc. Anyone with tips and or advice and maybe even knows what to use those local and master values for?
  15. cssfreakie

    IE issues

    Hi bford, Messed up is a pretty general discription, so maybe be more precise what happends and how you want it. Also which version of IE has this problem 5,6,7,8,9? I looked at your css and something is pretty clear. You applying the same properties yo quite some elements like margin:0; , padding:0;. But instead of combining those you define them per element. Which is okay, but that makes your css pretty redundant. What you could consider doing is starting of with a reset.css. Meyers reset.css is what i use (although i customized it a bit to my needs). This may sound not nice but I would, make a new stylesheet, start of with a reset.css, and style from there. I think redoing it might take 2 hours. Everytime you think, "hey wait a minute i am applying the same style as for another element.." use a class or combine them" But if you know exactly what symptom you have for which version of IE let me know happy to take a look at it. Although it's better to write clean from the start.
  16. I am happy to help but i haven't got a clue what you want. Just cut the crap and tell precisely what you want, how you want it to look or anything moreprecise than the above. If this is a pure CMS question post it in the right forum. And name your cms
  17. put it in the wrapper div above it, set width to 1020px instead of 100%;
  18. mark it solved saves use time reading it all again
  19. Well it could be anything but since you didn't say what exactly is being messed up we need to have visionary skills to know what is happening. I don't have those i am afraid I don't know what you mean with long, but if your css files get to big, you might want to think about either getting the redundancy out of your sheets, or re thinking your design. Might have a look at this: http://kilianvalkhof.com/2008/css-xhtml/maximum-number-of-supported-classes-per-element/ But if you have 2000 classes your are doing something very very wrong.
  20. Thanks Crayon! I googled my butt off but did't end up at the security manual at php freaks. Ill sure have a look at it since security is my top priority I changed the code a bit though and i think this works pretty good. Anyone want to Break/critique it? $file = basename('testpage.php'); // this seems to strip of pretty much anything so this would be the Get variable $path = 'pages/'; // a path to a folder that should be the only that it should have access to (besides .htaccs stuff) if (file_exists(realpath($path.$file))){ echo 'file exists'.realpath($path.$file); include (realpath($path.$file)); }else{ echo 'file doesn\'t exist'; } Edit, that second soultion in the manual seems to be my favorite since it's more dynamic. But i really wonder if the above isn't good too, without the power of regex.
  21. Hi all, last few days i searched my butt of on articles about this topic but most don't seem to provide a solution, more a general idea of what it is. So i thought i mix up some functions and asks you guys to see if this could be a working example to prevent directory traversal and the prevention of including remote files. So the files should be on my server. What i try to do is to retrieve a $_GET['variable'] which stands for a filename and afterwards include this file name if the file exists. Any tips and tricks are welcome. if (file_exists(basename(realpath($_GET['filenamehere'])))){ echo 'file exists'; }else{ echo 'file doesn\'t exist'; } thanks in advance!
  22. Also a reset.css could be a nice thing to have. to eliminate most browser differences. Just google: what is a reset.css and the first link is the good one (meyers reset).
  23. ah maybe you should have mentioned that. The thing is pretty much everything of that style sheet is not needed, except for the top part, and the stuff mentioned about id #example4. For instance you have #example5 in there too, but you don't need it. That's the problem when people just use someone's stylesheet better make on yourself happy to help with that too. Like I mentioned in the mail 960.gs is really great its a grid system which is very easy to understand, loadsof examples there too. go check it out and i am happy to help with that. also make an index3.php use php (instead of .html) as extension otherwise your php (if you use it) wont work. Well i don't know alot about komodo edit, but i do know IE 7 is pretty outdated. What i do, is design for firefox. if it works there it's very easy to apply special style to it for ie 7 6 5 (since IE is really mind goggling and it takes time to know all bugs.) So download firefox and use that. I also use netbeans as an editor its free also. If you want i can guide you through the process of the 960 grid system. it's really easy to do. let me know.
  24. hehe great title, 75 views a already welcome!
  25. we're are just playing hard to get Welcome to the board guys!
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