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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. well than pickachu just gave you what you want
  2. I bet preg_match can do the trick. give me a minute ill think about a regex for that edit: this is what i have, but as always Pickachu's solution is better <?php $pattern = "~^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]*@([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+\.)+(edu)$~"; $subject = 'lalala@lalala.edu'; //your POST var in there if(preg_match($pattern, $subject)){ echo 'correct emailadres'; }else{ echo 'incorrect emailadres'; } ?>
  3. an ID is just like a passport, you only have one and it's bound to 1 specific person. So never use an ID twice. use a class if it is to define a general style.
  4. Well without any javascript this can't be achieved i think. You can have a look at jquery, that allows a cool effect: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#mouseover They have very cool effects out there that are worth to look in to.
  5. nice one! pretty sure this won't work for older ie's but it's a good try! Dont forget to place your code in code tags
  6. well you are allready using css, but inline style, which makes your tabular design redundant. for example: <td align="right" valign="top">Size</td> Your have quite a bunch of those TD's and they all have the exact same properties (valign and align). better use an external stylesheet that says; table#mytable td.right{ /* so you give your table an id to make sure only the td's inside that will be affected */ valign: top; align: right; } table#mytable td.left{ /* so you give your table an id to make sure only the td's inside that will be affected */ valign: top; align: left; } As you can see i made 2 situations one for left align and one for right align. ones you give the td the right class it behaves as you like. While separating style from the mark-up. Although it might be useful to have a look in something else than tabular design. check out these guys: https://examples.wufoo.com/forms/buy-a-tshirt/ They don't use a table at all. I find that correct since it's not rough data.
  7. well you have quite some properties that are not neeed or get overwritten. try this #centerdic{ width:696px; min-heigth:300px; margin: 0 auto; }
  8. sorry don't read what I posted above. I thought you meant something different. Just a few things, you're using <aside> which is a html5 tag and not yet wc3 recommended. So dont use it, use a Div instead. Besides that i can really recommend you wrap the stuff in the archive view in a div. makes it easier to position. besides that place your menu in the markup above the content, and use float left, on both the menu div and the new div that wraps all that archive content. If you have questions let me know.
  9. That's because the person that made your template forgot to apply the right amount of pixels See my code below and change it in your stylesheet. Good luck! #main-content { /* see style.css line 116 */ float: right; margin: 20px 10px 0; position: relative; width: 460px; /* CHANGE THIS from 470px to 460 px */ z-index: 20; } -edit: you might want to adjust the position of the background images, btw
  10. haha have a good "night" I use the border radius myself and transparent gif's. Maybe a nice site to look is webdesignerswall.com. Loads of tips on the css3 and html5
  11. Well your mark-up doesn't allow you to make the content solid. If i am correct the parent element dictates the opacity of the inner elements and those inner elements can't get solid anymore. There are quite some topics (on this board) about this exact question. The only way you can do this is either change your html markup, by creating an extra background div behind the text and apply only opacity to that. Or: The easiest way is create a transparent image a very tiny one. and use that as a background image with repeat. (that's what i usually do) #my-element{ background: transparent url(../images/mytransparent.png) repeat; } Nice creative idea btw to show content that way using the top menu . -edit: As you can see that guide, which I just watched at, uses a separate <div> called dimmed. That one comes behind the content. But i would use the little image really, much easier -edit2: i changed the code i gave i forgot a semicolon and repeat
  12. have a look here: http://www.webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/css-the-all-expandable-box/ I can't explain it any better than that -since you marked it solved I assume the link helped?
  13. yes, this is possible. You should have a look into the property z-index Anything with a state other than static (absolute, relative, fixed position) can have such a z-index. it could look like this: the onclick is javascrit, all you need to do is change the property of the z-index div#first{ position:relative; z-index: 10; } div#second{ position:absolute; z-index: 5; } Btw carefull with naming your div's or elements btw, they may not start with a number. rather give them a logical name
  14. here is my setup (i wish), just for coding ofcourse
  15. Ok i shouldn't have looked under keyboard, but under language, which totally makes only sense if you designed this crap yourself) It seems i had my keyboard on US international which allows special characters. in order to change it in to US standard. I had to go To configuration language and than settings. Well i hope my brains find a way to implement that illogical stuff into my brains. Hopefully someone else finds this useful. Cheers!
  16. Hi all, this might be a really stupid question, but i just had to switch computer because the other got screwed. The thing is, that when typing, the following characters ~`' " i need to press the spacebar to let them show up. I am not used to that and it's really a pain in the butt when scripting. Does anyone know where to find the setting for this. This computer is running windows XP ( :'( ) i know... it sucks and i will end up in hell for it. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know i try to look in configuration and than keyboard but that didn't help alot. Thanks!
  17. Ah yes with percentages you can do that yes, you ned to set a parent width and height than. hehe i misunderstood you i think, i thought you wanted some sort of conditional css. gladj you worked it out
  18. overboard and childish it may be, but that doesn't make my prior post incorrect or less accurate. a reset.css is a common term and for fack sake i explained what is was: besides that it was extremely easy to find. All i wanted to do is help you out since tables are by far the most cross browser facked objects because of all the different paddings/margins line height issues etc. BUt sure mark my first post as bad, non concise and incomplete. and i quote: lol just read that again
  19. probbaly the only one you need is min-height: since most websites grow only vertical. so you can for instance do: div#wrapper{ width:960px; min-height:550px; /*make a special stylesheet for IE 6 where are min-width's and min-heights are set to height margin: 0 auto; /*center the div */ border: 1px dotted #ccc; /*just to show where it is */ } good luck!
  20. what you can do is is make a special hover-like class. when the onclick (javascript) is true set the class to the one you made. and that's it. .blue-hover{ background:blue; } and than onclick set class to .blue-hover Oh and since you wanted tips, I can recommend to have a look at meyers reset.css and use netbeans as an editor, it will give hints and tips while you code. and after you are done use the w3c validator.
  21. nope sorry i can't see how to do this valid without javascript, as allready mentioned. min-width and max-width are valid ways. IF you have a fluid designthat would be the way to go. otherwise use javascript here is a discussion ending up in the exact same. http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum83/134.htm
  22. i agree with nightslayer, the blue cloud is a no no. rest is nice, would go for a white background btw
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