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Everything posted by spiderwell

  1. that is of course html, CSS would be better, a 3rd option is a clear image as the spacer with a width of your choice i would not recommend using as a method of layout at all.
  2. Why have you sent this to me in a PM? I havent even commented on this thread. Doing stuff like that is more likely to piss me off than make me want to help you. If you must randomly PM me at least have the curtesy to introduce yourself explain why you are PMing me with a bunch of code.
  3. if mail works elsewhere, then mail should work anywhere check what you are passing it, compare it to what is passed to one that DOES work.
  4. image optimization and/or preloader would make the rollovers better.
  5. check with host on mail set ups , you might need to add more parameters like ini_set("sendmail_from", $from);
  6. it can be done, but its not a simple fix, you need to probably rewrite a lot of how the system goes from page to page. and implement URL rewriting, but its quite possible that this method could break the current system as its very different. http://www.seoconsultants.com/articles/1000/url-rewriting this might help. I think for a quick fix it might be an idea to say have a page called contact.php and have it pull in content for 'cmd=141&sub_menu_item_id=141&template=1&menu_item_id=50'
  7. your querystring isnt structured correctly is dutch default? change to this product_info.php?products_id=36&language=de
  8. by shorten what is he after exactly? you could name all the files to be 1 letter long? seems stupid and pointless is the length down to querystrings? use POST methods? is it to get SEO friendly urls? so page.php?section=1 becomes /sectionname/index.php have you got an example to share of a long url to a prefered shortened version, that would be a good start point.
  9. you will have to look at the raw data in the database and look for characters which are where the question mark are in the final html, and replace those.
  10. puttin the html entity instead of the actual character will prevent the question marks appearing. click on the link to see many examples like cidilla, acute, grave, the one with 2 dots over an O etc
  11. one of your parameters is wrong to connect to the database, check the host/user/name combo you have
  12. use &Ccidill; http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html3/latin1.html
  13. no point reinventing the wheel i used header for almost every login i ever made!
  14. is it not as simple as putting the limit to 5 in the SQL
  15. use the isset() on league in the else statement, because currently if you Dont have team , it automatically assumes league exists in the request object. personally i would switch to post or get too
  16. or php's strip_tags()
  17. you would need to make each favorite have a unique name or they will overwrite, and I dont think you can pass an array as a querystring. so it would have to be favorite1=value&favorite2=value you can post arrays definately so maybe a post instead of a get? then at the posted script loop through the array do delete the items
  18. you have removed the code for connecting to the database before you execute your query
  19. I tried a different approach, but its not tested, might work: changed radio to single value to match against a hard coded array key in answers <form method="post" action="process/insert.php"> <div class="question">QUESTION : <input type="text" name="question" class="txtfield" /></div> <div class="choices">CHOICES : <br /><br /> <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers" value="A" checked="checked" />A. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['A']" class="txtfieldans" /></div> <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers" value="B" />B. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['B']" class="txtfieldans" /></div> <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers" value="C" />C. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['C']" class="txtfieldans" /></div> <div class="flds"><input type="radio" name="radanswers" value="D" />D. <input type="text" name="txtanswers['D']" class="txtfieldans" /></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"><input type="submit" name="ins_question" value="Insert Question" class="btn" /></div> </form> here is my php script: foreach($_POST['txtanswers'] as $key =>$value){ if($key == $_POST['radanswers']) { $InsChoices = "INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('".rand()."','$questionID','".$value."','".$_POST['radanswers']."')"; } else { $InsChoices = "INSERT INTO choices (`cID`,`qID`,`Itemchoices`,`isCorrect`) VALUES ('".rand()."','$questionID','".$value."','')"; } echo "<pre>"; echo $InsChoices; echo "</pre>"; } You dont really need to put in A or B for the `iscorrect` column, it could be true or false.
  20. $sql="SELECT UsersID,U_YearID FROM users WHERE UsersID='$UsersID' and U_Password='$U_Password'"; echo $sql; $result=mysql_query($sql);
  21. checkboxes allow multiple selections, which you wouldnt want for a maths question, so use radio buttons
  22. echo out your sql statement it will help you solve that
  23. sorry i read radio button in your original text and didn't spot they were checkboxes in the code!
  24. none of the radio buttons have values, give them the values of a,b,c,d
  25. its probably sometihng to do with having checked=checked in all the radio buttons, just have one or none checked
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